Share class: Associated British Foods plc

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1728,135,547306,719,386 ( 42.12 %) 0 42.12 %

Major shareholders: Associated British Foods plc

Wittington Investments Ltd.
57.82 %
421,243,985 57.82 % 9 955 M p
Artisan Partners LP
3.463 %
25,226,960 3.463 % 596 M p
Royal Bank of Canada (Channel Islands) Ltd.
2.154 %
15,691,000 2.154 % 371 M p
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
1.474 %
10,740,144 1.474 % 254 M p
Mondrian Investment Partners Ltd.
1.345 %
9,799,746 1.345 % 232 M p
BlackRock Fund Advisors
1.17 %
8,521,000 1.17 % 201 M p
Northern Trust Global Investments Ltd.
1.13 %
8,230,956 1.13 % 195 M p
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
0.8349 %
6,082,507 0.8349 % 144 M p
Norges Bank Investment Management
0.7404 %
5,394,000 0.7404 % 127 M p
Butterfield Bank (Guernsey) Ltd.
0.6807 %
4,959,000 0.6807 % 117 M p
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Karner Blue Capital LLC
0.000731 %
5,325 0.000731 % 125 846 p
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.000306 %
2,232 0.000306 % 52 749 p
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.000042 %
306 0.000042 % 7 232 p

Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

United Kingdom 69.82%
United States 11.64%
Canada 1.23%
Norway 0.79%
Germany 0.54%
France 0.53%
Switzerland 0.41%
Italy 0.26%
Singapore 0.22%
Japan 0.21%
Kuwait 0.18%
Luxembourg 0.18%
Spain 0.16%
Sweden 0.15%
Ireland 0.14%
Belgium 0.12%
Hong Kong 0.1%
Saudi Arabia 0.09%
Netherlands 0.05%
Austria 0.05%
Bermuda 0.03%
Australia 0.03%
Czech Republic 0.02%
South Korea 0.02%
Denmark 0.02%
South Africa 0.01%
Liechtenstein 0.01%
Finland 0.01%
Kazakhstan 0.01%
Individuals -.--%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Associated British Foods plc
Associated British Foods plc is one of the largest European food processing groups. Net sales (not including sold divisions) break down by family of products as follows: - grocery and bakery products (21.2%): tea (Twinings brand), oils (Mazola and Capullo), spices (Spice Islands and Durkee), jam, bread, biscuits, sauces, etc.; - sugar (12.6%): Silver Spoon, Billington's brands, etc.; - ingredients (10.7%): yeasts, flavorings, emulsifiers, sterols, esters, etc.; - processed food products (8.3%): mainly cereal and animal feed. The remaining sales (47.2%) are from clothing distribution (451 outlets located mainly in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, and Portugal under the Primark and Penneys names). Net sales (not including sold divisions) are distributed geographically as follows: the United Kingdom (36.5%), Europe and Africa (39.1%), Americas (12.3%) and Asia/Pacific (11.8%).
More about the company