Microsoft Word - Szablon raportów bieżących 2015.docx

Full company name: ATM Grupa S.A. Short company name: ATMGRUPA
Sector as classified by the WSE: Media (med) Postal code: 55‐040 Kobierzyce
Street: Dwa Światy 1, Bielany Wrocławskie
Phone: +48 71 77 64 700
Fax: +48 71 77 64 701 e‐mail: www:
NIP number: 897‐10‐08‐712
REGON number: 930492316
Current Report No: 7/2015
Date of preparation: May 29, 2015

Legal basis: Article 56, Section 1.2 of the Public Offering Act: Current and financial information

Subject: AGM resolves to pay dividend

Content of the report:
The Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A. announces that the AGM held on May 29, 2015, resolved to pay a dividend.
The dividend will total 13,488,000 PLN, 0.16 PLN per share. The dividend will be paid on all A and B series shares.
The record date will be June 10, 2015.
The dividend will be paid on June 25, 2015.

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