Microsoft Word - Szablon raportów bieżących 2015.docx

Full company name: ATM Grupa S.A. Short company name: ATMGRUPA
Sector as classified by the WSE: Media (med) Postal code: 55‐040 Kobierzyce
Street: Dwa Światy 1, Bielany Wrocławskie
Phone: +48 71 77 64 700
Fax: +48 71 77 64 701 e‐mail: www:
NIP number: 897‐10‐08‐712
REGON number: 930492316
Current Report No: 6/2015
Date of preparation: May 29, 2015

Legal basis: Article 56, Section 1.2 of the Public Offering Act: Current and financial information

Subject: Executive Board new term appointments

Content of the report:
The Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A. announces that on May 29, 2015, the AGM re‐appointed Andrzej
Muszyński as President of the Executive Board for a new term of office.
In addition, on the same day the Supervisory Board, at the request of the President of the Executive Board, appointed:
- Maciej Grzywaczewski as Vice‐President of the Executive Board
- Grażyna Gołębiowska as Executive Board Member
- Paweł Tobiasz as Executive Board Member
- Przemysław Kmiotek as Executive Board Member
Andrzej Muszyński has a university degree. He graduated in Film Studies from the Jagiellonian University, Kraków.
Andrzej Muszyński's professional experience:
- from 1992 to 2001, Director of the Advertising Office at Telewizja Polsat S.A.
- from 2001 to 2006, President of the Executive Board of Magna Global Polska Sp. z o.o. (a media negotiation unit for the Interpublic Group of Companies) and of Magna Entertainment Sp. z o.o.
- since 2007, CEO and owner of branded content company Aldentro Sp. z o.o.
- from 2009 to 2011, Vice‐President of the Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A.
- since 2011, President of the Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A.

Full company name: ATM Grupa S.A. Short company name: ATMGRUPA
Sector as classified by the WSE: Media (med) Postal code: 55‐040 Kobierzyce
Street: Dwa Światy 1, Bielany Wrocławskie
Phone: +48 71 77 64 700
Fax: +48 71 77 64 701 e‐mail: www:
NIP number: 897‐10‐08‐712
REGON number: 930492316
Andrzej Muszyński owns a company called IQ Andrzej Muszyński and is a partner in Aldentro Sp. z o.o. None of the companies are in competition with ATM Grupa S.A. He is not a partner in any competitor civil partnership, partnership or company, nor an officer in any competitor entity. Andrzej Muszyński is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.
Maciej Grzywaczewski studied at the University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Law, and at the Academy of Catholic
Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Warsaw.
Maciej Grzywaczewski's professional experience:
- from 1980 to 81, Director of the National Commission of the Independent and Self‐Governing Trade Union
Solidarity (NSZZ Solidarność)
- from 1981 to 84, artistic jewelry manufacturer
- since 1986, independent producer
- from 1988 to 2004, Director at Profilm Agencja Filmowa sp. z o.o., Gdańsk
- from 2004 to 2006, TVP1 Director, Telewizja Polska S.A., Warsaw
- since 2007, Member and then Vice‐President of the Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A.
Maciej Grzywaczewski owns a company called OFFICE SERVICE Maciej Grzywaczewski. The company is not in competition with ATM Grupa S.A. He is not a partner in any competitor civil partnership, partnership or company, nor an officer in any competitor entity. Maciej Grzywaczewski is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.
Grażyna Gołębiowska holds an MA in Organization and Management from the Faculty of Management and Information Technology at Wrocław's Academy of Economics. She also graduated from the Inter‐Faculty Teaching College and took a postgraduate course in Accounting and Financial Control at Wrocław's Academy of Economics. Grażyna Golębiowska is a chartered accountant (Certificate No. 17623/2007).
Grażyna Gołębiowska's professional experience:
- from 1982 and 1993, Clerk and HR & Payroll Officer, Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki, Wrocław
- from 1993 to 1999, Accountant and Deputy Chief Accountant, CEL INVESCO S.A., Wrocław
- from 1999 to 2003, Chief Accountant, ATM sp. z o.o.

Full company name: ATM Grupa S.A. Short company name: ATMGRUPA
Sector as classified by the WSE: Media (med) Postal code: 55‐040 Kobierzyce
Street: Dwa Światy 1, Bielany Wrocławskie
Phone: +48 71 77 64 700
Fax: +48 71 77 64 701 e‐mail: www:
NIP number: 897‐10‐08‐712
REGON number: 930492316
- from 2000 to 2005, Accountant, ATM Investment sp. z o.o., Bielany Wrocławskie
- from 2000 to 2008, Accountant, ATM System sp. z o.o., Bielany Wrocławskie
- from 2001 to 2009, Executive Board Member, ATM Investment sp. z o.o., Bielany Wrocławskie
- since 2003, Member of the Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A.
Grażyna Gołębiowska owns a company called GRAFIN Grażyna Gołębiowska. The company is not in competition with ATM Grupa S.A. She is not a partner in any competitor civil partnership, partnership or company, nor an officer in any competitor entity. Grażyna Gołębiowska is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.
Paweł Tobiasz holds an engineering degree in IT Systems from the Faculty of Electronics, University of
Paweł Tobiasz's professional experience:
- from 1991 to 1992, IT specialist, Comped Sp. z o.o., Wrocław
- from 1992 to 2000, IT specialist, Bank Zachodni S.A., Wrocław
- from 2001 to 2009, Executive Board Member, ATM Investment sp. z o.o. Bielany Wrocławskie
- from 2001 to 2003, Vice‐President of the Executive Board of ATM Sp. z o.o.
- since 2003, Member of the Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A.
Paweł Tobiasz owns a company called IENEF Paweł Tobiasz. The company is not in competition with ATM Grupa S.A. He is not a partner in any competitor civil partnership, partnership or company, nor an officer in any competitor entity. Paweł Tobiasz is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.
Przemysław Kmiotek has a bachelor degree in HR Management from the Management and Marketing College in Wrocław. In addition, he is studying journalism at the University of Lower Silesia for a major in brand management and digital PR.
Przemysław Kmiotek's professional experience:
- from 2001 to 2003, production manager assistant for "BAR", "Crime Wave" and "Clueless", ATM Grupa S.A.

Full company name: ATM Grupa S.A. Short company name: ATMGRUPA
Sector as classified by the WSE: Media (med) Postal code: 55‐040 Kobierzyce
Street: Dwa Światy 1, Bielany Wrocławskie
Phone: +48 71 77 64 700
Fax: +48 71 77 64 701 e‐mail: www:
NIP number: 897‐10‐08‐712
REGON number: 930492316
- from 2004 to 2007, production manager for "BAR" and "Make Me Beautiful", ATM Grupa S.A.
- from 2007 to 2010, producer of "Big Brother", "Fabryka Gwiazd" and "License to Parent", ATM Grupa S.A.
- since 2009, Member of the Executive Board of Baltmedia Sp. z. o. o., executive producer of "Father
Matthew", "The Taste of Revenge" and "Saint Augustine"
- since 2012, Managing Director of ATM Rozrywka channel
- since 2014, Member of the Executive Board of ATM Grupa S.A.
Przemysław Kmiotek owns a company called PANAMA TV Przemysław Kmiotek. The company is not in competition with ATM Grupa S.A. He is not a partner in any competitor civil partnership, partnership or company, nor an officer in any competitor entity. Przemysław Kmiotek is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.

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