Executive Committee: Avery Dennison Corporation

Positions heldSince
Deon Stander

Deon Stander

56 year

Chief Executive Officer 2023-08-31
President 2022-02-28
John Eble

John Eble

Investor Relations Contact -
Divina Santiago

Divina Santiago

55 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2023-08-13
Ignacio Walker

Ignacio Walker

48 year

General Counsel 2020-08-31
Deena Baker-Nel

Deena Baker-Nel

54 year

Human Resources Officer 2020-08-31
Nicholas Colisto

Nicholas Colisto

58 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2018-02-28
Danny Allouche

Danny Allouche

50 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2024-11-14
Vikas Arora

Vikas Arora

Corporate Secretary -

Composition of the Board of Directors: Avery Dennison Corporation

Mitchell Butier

Mitchell Butier

53 year

Finance Committee Chair 2019-04-24
William Wagner

William Wagner

58 year

Finance Committee 2018-04-02
Compensation Committee 2023-10-01
Governance Committee 2022-10-26
Nominating Committee 2022-09-18
Compensation Committee Chair
Audit Committee 2022-10-26
Ward Dickson

Ward Dickson

62 year

Audit Committee 2018-06-06
Finance Committee Chair 2018-06-06
Finance Committee 2024-05-31
Audit Committee Chair 2024-05-31
Patrick Siewert

Patrick Siewert

69 year

Audit Committee 2013-03-04
Finance Committee 2005-03-31
Governance Committee Chair
Finance Committee Chair 2015-04-20
Andres Lopez

Andres Lopez

62 year

Audit Committee 2017-01-31
Compensation Committee 2017-01-31
Bradley Alford

Bradley Alford

68 year

Compensation Committee 2017-02-05
Governance Committee 2010-04-21
Maria Fernanda Mejia Campuzano

Maria Fernanda Mejia Campuzano

61 year

Audit Committee 2024-02-21
Nominating Committee Chair 2021-05-23
Deon Stander

Deon Stander

56 year

Finance Committee 2023-08-31
Francesca Reverberi

Francesca Reverberi

53 year

Compensation Committee 2023-02-22

Former Officers and Directors: Avery Dennison Corporation

Positions held
Kenneth Hicks
Kenneth Hicks
Director/Board Member 2007-07-24 2024-11-06
Independent Dir/Board Member 2007-07-24 2024-11-06
Julia Stewart
Julia Stewart
Director/Board Member 2003-01-01 2024-04-24
Independent Dir/Board Member 2003-01-01 2024-04-24
Peter Barker
Peter Barker
Director/Board Member 2002-12-31 2021-04-21
Independent Dir/Board Member 2002-12-31 2021-04-21
David Pyott
David Pyott
Director/Board Member 1999-10-31 2020-04-22
Independent Dir/Board Member 1999-10-31 2020-04-22
Dean Scarborough
Dean Scarborough
Director/Board Member 1999-12-31 2010-04-22
Chief Executive Officer 2005-04-30 2016-04-30
Chairman 2010-04-22 2019-04-24
Chief Operating Officer 1999-12-31 2005-04-30
President 1999-12-31 2014-10-31
Rolf Libert Börjesson
Rolf Libert Börjesson
Director/Board Member 2004-12-31 2015-04-22
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-08-25 2015-04-22
Donald Nolan
Donald Nolan
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-03-02 2014-10-31
John T. Cardis
John T. Cardis
Director/Board Member 2004-09-30 2014-04-23
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-08-25 2014-04-23
Peter W. Mullin
Peter W. Mullin
Director/Board Member 1987-12-31 2013-04-24
Timothy Clyde
Timothy Clyde
Corporate Officer/Principal 1999-12-31 2013-03-30
John M. Sallay
John M. Sallay
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-04-05 -
Ahmed Rubaie
Ahmed Rubaie
Corporate Officer/Principal 2000-11-30 2008-06-30
Christian A. Simcic
Christian A. Simcic
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 2007-12-30
Anne Hill
Anne Hill
Human Resources Officer 2007-04-30 -
Public Communications Contact 2007-04-30 2012-12-31
Michael A. Skovran
Michael A. Skovran
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 1997-12-31 2007-02-01
Sandra Lin
Sandra Lin
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-12-31 2006-12-31
Robert B. Cornick
Robert B. Cornick
Corporate Officer/Principal 2006-10-08 -
Martin Rapp
Martin Rapp
Corporate Officer/Principal 2002-07-31 2006-06-30
Scott Ma
Scott Ma
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-12-31 2005-12-31
Philip M. Neal
Philip M. Neal
Chairman 1973-12-31 2005-12-01
Sean P. McKay
Sean P. McKay
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2005-06-30 2005-06-30
Simon D. Coulson
Simon D. Coulson
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-05-31 -
Thomas Furey
Thomas Furey
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-04-30 2004-04-30
Sylvie A. Bon
Sylvie A. Bon
Corporate Officer/Principal 1994-12-31 -
Margaret Dano
Margaret Dano
Corporate Officer/Principal 1995-12-31 2001-12-31
Robert H. Coleman
Robert H. Coleman
Corporate Officer/Principal 1992-12-31 2001-12-31
Paul R. Boulier
Paul R. Boulier
Corporate Officer/Principal 2001-12-31 -
Donald W. Finkle
Donald W. Finkle
Corporate Officer/Principal 1998-04-30 2001-08-31
Jim Frankola
Jim Frankola
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 2000-12-31
Stephanie Streeter
Stephanie Streeter
Corporate Officer/Principal 1995-12-31 1999-12-31
David Scheible
David Scheible
Corporate Officer/Principal 1992-12-31 1998-12-31
Karyn E. Rodriguez
Karyn E. Rodriguez
Treasurer 1998-12-31 -
David N. Edwards
David N. Edwards
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1998-12-31 -
Kristi L. Meints
Kristi L. Meints
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-02-29 1997-11-30
Robert Keegan
Robert Keegan
Corporate Officer/Principal 1994-12-31 1996-12-31
Gregory Chemnitz
Gregory Chemnitz
Corporate Officer/Principal 1991-12-31 -
Susan C. Miller
Susan C. Miller
General Counsel 1991-08-31 -
Corporate Secretary 2008-12-31 -
Marty Furman
Marty Furman
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1989-12-31 2011-08-25
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-08-25 -
Daniel R. O'Bryant
Daniel R. O'Bryant
Director of Finance/CFO 1989-12-31 2010-07-05
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-07-05 -
William R. Pollert
William R. Pollert
Chief Executive Officer 1985-12-31 1992-12-31
Chief Operating Officer 1985-12-31 1992-12-31
Richard M. Ferry
Richard M. Ferry
Director/Board Member 1985-11-30 -
John Grampa
John Grampa
Corporate Officer/Principal 1983-12-31 -
Diane Brooks Dixon
Diane Brooks Dixon
Public Communications Contact 1985-11-30 -
Sales & Marketing 1985-11-30 2009-10-25
Braden L. Glett
Braden L. Glett
Corporate Officer/Principal 1981-12-31 -
Geoffrey Martin
Geoffrey Martin
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Hank Marshall
Hank Marshall
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Gary A. Avalon
Gary A. Avalon
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Harry M. Hutson
Harry M. Hutson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Klotter
David Klotter
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Craig Weakley
Craig Weakley
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
William Hayes
William Hayes
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard McLoughlin
Richard McLoughlin
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Peggy Dipaola
Peggy Dipaola
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Andy Hajdukiewicz
Andy Hajdukiewicz
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Lalitha Vaidyanathan
Lalitha Vaidyanathan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Rick J. Verhines
Rick J. Verhines
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Suzanne Gilman
Suzanne Gilman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kevin W. Ahlfeld
Kevin W. Ahlfeld
Sales & Marketing - -
Robert F. Drury
Robert F. Drury
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tom Upshur
Tom Upshur
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Dale Payton-Engle
Dale Payton-Engle
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John Noonan
John Noonan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Peter J. Kuzma
Peter J. Kuzma
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael K. Robinson
Michael K. Robinson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Laurence J. Dwyer
Laurence J. Dwyer
Public Communications Contact - -
Bruce Karatz
Bruce Karatz
Director/Board Member - -
Kenneth A. Wolinsky
Kenneth A. Wolinsky
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
James Terry Schuler
James Terry Schuler
Human Resources Officer - -
Frank V. Cahouet
Frank V. Cahouet
Director/Board Member - -
Theodore S. Alpert
Theodore S. Alpert
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tom M. Isola
Tom M. Isola
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Alan J. Gotcher
Alan J. Gotcher
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Cynthia S. Guenther
Cynthia S. Guenther
Investor Relations Contact - -
Mike Osborne
Mike Osborne
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Pete Pearce
Pete Pearce
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Mark W. Metz
Mark W. Metz
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Dave S. Logan
Dave S. Logan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Olivier Georis
Olivier Georis
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kunio Yasui
Kunio Yasui
Sales & Marketing - -
Keith Dunnell
Keith Dunnell
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael Ehrgott
Michael Ehrgott
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Stephen A. Mynott
Stephen A. Mynott
Chief Operating Officer - -
Kieran F. Drain
Kieran F. Drain
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Terry M. Copeland
Terry M. Copeland
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 14
Female 5

Of which Executive Committee

Male 6
Female 2

Of which Directors

Male 7
Female 2


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Avery Dennison Corporation
Avery Dennison Corporation specializes in the development, manufacturing and marketing of pressure-sensitive materials and self-adhesive products. Net sales break down by family of products as follows: - adhesive materials and specialty products (71.9%): papers, plastic films, metal foils and fabrics coated with adhesives, reflective films, polymer adhesives, specialty tapes, highly engineered films, inlays, self-adhesive battery labels, postage stamps, etc.; - price marking and identification products (28.1%): printed labels, graphic tags, barcode tags, price tickets, carton labels, etc. intended for retailers, apparel manufacturers, and distributors. The group also provides copiers, ink-jet and laser printer labels and printer cards, binders, dividers, sheet protectors, markers, adhesives, etc. Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (30.8%), Asia (30.4%), Europe /Middle East/ Africa (27.6%), Latin America (7%) and other (4.2%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

William R. Pollert
William R. Pollert

Chief Executive Officer

1985-12-31 1992-12-31

Philip M. Neal
Philip M. Neal


1973-12-31 2005-12-01

Kent Kresa
Kent Kresa


2010-04-21 2010-07-31

Dean Scarborough
Dean Scarborough

Chief Executive Officer

2005-04-30 2016-04-30