AVI Global Trust plc announced last year, Nigel Rich will retire at this year's AGM. Following Nigel's retirement Calum Thomson will take over the role of Senior Independent Director.E Neil Galloway was appointed as a non-executive Director of the Company with effect from 1 September 2021. Neil is currently Executive Vice President of IWG PLC and is based in London, immediately prior to which he was an Executive Director and CFO of Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited based in Hong Kong. He brings 25 years' experience living and working internationally. Neil has spent most of his career working in Asia but also has experience in the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. Following a successful banking career, he has held senior finance and management roles, almost entirely with or for family-controlled companies, overseeing finance, treasury, risk management, legal, IT, projects and business development, with experience in significant transformation programmes in large and complex businesses. His industry experience spans banking, hospitality, retail (mass market, luxury and franchise operations), real estate and services industries.