Share class: AXA

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A12,271,503,0001,656,124,847 ( 72.91 %) 89,200,000 ( 3.927 %) 72.91 %

Major shareholders: AXA

AXA France Assurance SAS
16.04 %
355,307,687 16.04 % 13 537 M €
AXA SA Employee Stock Ownership Plan
4.45 %
98,554,259 4.45 % 3 755 M €
1.986 %
43,991,835 1.986 % 1 676 M €
Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management)
0.5073 %
11,234,729 0.5073 % 428 M €
Crédit Mutuel Asset Management SA
0.3357 %
7,435,607 0.3357 % 283 M €
OFI Invest Asset Management SA
0.2891 %
6,402,517 0.2891 % 244 M €
FMR Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
0.2218 %
4,913,048 0.2218 % 187 M €
State Street Global Advisors Ltd.
0.1906 %
4,220,630 0.1906 % 161 M €
Nordea Investment Management AB
0.1769 %
3,917,102 0.1769 % 149 M €
Eleva Capital SAS
0.1626 %
3,601,704 0.1626 % 137 M €
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I. G. Investment Management Ltd.
0.0222 %
492,395 0.0222 % 19 M €
Vega Investment Managers SA
0.0127 %
281,795 0.0127 % 11 M €
Altrius Capital Management, Inc.
0.009584 %
212,268 0.009584 % 8 M €
Boston Common Asset Management LLC
0.007458 %
165,183 0.007458 % 6 M €
Ramirez Asset Management, Inc.
0.005896 %
130,577 0.005896 % 5 M €
Yousif Capital Management LLC
0.002221 %
49,195 0.002221 % 2 M €
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.002039 %
45,161 0.002039 % 2 M €
Ativo Capital Management LLC
0.001641 %
36,352 0.001641 % 1 M €
Carret Asset Management Group LLC
0.000906 %
20,075 0.000906 % 764 858 €
Sterling Capital Management LLC
0.000676 %
14,965 0.000676 % 570 167 €
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Breakdown by shareholder type

AXA SA1.99%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

France 24.56%
United Kingdom 0.58%
Germany 0.46%
Denmark 0.36%
Spain 0.33%
Sweden 0.31%
Italy 0.26%
Ireland 0.26%
Belgium 0.25%
Norway 0.14%
Switzerland 0.12%
Netherlands 0.1%
Luxembourg 0.09%
Finland 0.07%
United States 0.05%
Canada 0.04%
Austria 0.04%
Japan 0.01%
South Africa 0.01%
Hong Kong 0.01%
Liechtenstein 0.01%
Portugal 0.01%
Australia 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo AXA
AXA is the European leading insurance group. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - damage insurance (51.6%): mainly car insurance, home insurance, property damage, civil liability, and major risk insurance. The group also offers assistance services (medical assistance for travelers, breakdown service for vehicles, etc.); - life insurance (46.8%): sale of savings policies, retirement accounts, estate planning services, and health insurance to individuals and companies; - asset management (1.5%): EUR 843 billion of assets managed at the end of 2023; - other (0.1%): mainly banking activities in France, Belgium and Germany.
More about the company