Executive Committee: Axon Enterprise, Inc.

Positions heldSince
Patrick Smith

Patrick Smith

54 year

Chief Executive Officer 1993-09-06
Founder 1993-09-06
Jeffrey Kunins

Jeffrey Kunins

50 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
Brittany Bagley

Brittany Bagley

41 year

Chief Operating Officer 2023-06-27
Director of Finance/CFO 2022-09-25
James Zito

James Zito

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2016-12-31
Elizabeth Hart

Elizabeth Hart

Human Resources Officer 2019-03-31
Isaiah Fields

Isaiah Fields

General Counsel 2018-06-30
Corporate Secretary -
Hans Moritz

Hans Moritz

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2019-02-05
Joshua Isner

Joshua Isner

39 year

President 2023-06-27

Composition of the Board of Directors: Axon Enterprise, Inc.

Michael Garnreiter

Michael Garnreiter

72 year

Compensation Committee 2007-02-18
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee
Audit Committee Chair 2017-09-07
Executive Committee 2007-02-18
Finance Committee 2017-09-07
Adriane Brown

Adriane Brown

66 year

Governance Committee 2017-09-18
Nominating Committee 2017-09-18
Compensation Committee Chair
HR Committee Chair
Compensation Committee 2020-05-29
Governance Committee Chair 2020-05-29
Nominating Committee Chair 2020-05-29
Audit Committee 2021-02-21
Graham Smith

Graham Smith

65 year

Audit Committee Chair 2023-03-15
Compensation Committee 2023-03-15
Audit Committee 2024-06-25
Finance Committee 2024-06-25
Julie Cullivan

Julie Cullivan

59 year

Audit Committee 2023-01-31
Governance Committee 2017-07-24
Nominating Committee 2017-07-24
Erika Badan

Erika Badan

49 year

Compensation Committee Chair
Hadi Partovi

Hadi Partovi

52 year

Compensation Committee Chair 2010-06-20
Caitlin Kalinowski

Caitlin Kalinowski

44 year

Audit Committee 2019-08-22
Jeri Williams

Jeri Williams

59 year

Audit Committee 2023-03-15
Patrick Smith

Patrick Smith

54 year

Director/Board Member 1993-09-06
Matthew McBrady

Matthew McBrady

54 year

Director/Board Member 2015-12-31

Former Officers and Directors: Axon Enterprise, Inc.

Positions held
Mark Kroll
Mark Kroll
Director/Board Member 2002-12-31 2024-05-08
Independent Dir/Board Member 2002-12-31 2024-05-08
Sydney Siegmeth
Sydney Siegmeth
Public Communications Contact 2016-12-31 2022-12-31
Luke Larson
Luke Larson
President 2015-04-05 2022-05-25
Richard Carmona
Richard Carmona
Director/Board Member 2007-02-28 2022-05-19
Independent Dir/Board Member 2007-02-28 2022-05-19
Jawad Ahsan
Jawad Ahsan
Director of Finance/CFO 2017-04-02 2022-05-03
Darren Steele
Darren Steele
Public Communications Contact 2015-12-31 2020-03-31
Sales & Marketing 2015-12-31 2020-03-31
Bret Taylor
Bret Taylor
Director/Board Member 2014-06-08 2019-06-13
Independent Dir/Board Member 2014-06-08 2019-06-13
Annie Pratt
Annie Pratt
Corporate Officer/Principal 2013-12-31 2018-12-31
Glenn Hickman
Glenn Hickman
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2013-12-31 2018-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-12-31 2013-12-31
Marie Masenga
Marie Masenga
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2016-05-31 2017-08-31
Director of Finance/CFO 2017-02-27 2017-03-22
Judy Martz
Judy Martz
Director/Board Member 2005-03-31 2017-05-24
Independent Dir/Board Member 2005-03-31 2017-05-24
Marcus Womack
Marcus Womack
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2017-05-23
Jessica Wu
Jessica Wu
Corporate Officer/Principal 2016-05-31 2017-04-30
Daniel Marc Behrendt
Daniel Marc Behrendt
Director of Finance/CFO 2004-04-30 2017-02-27
Public Communications Contact 2004-04-30 2017-02-27
Mark Hanchett
Mark Hanchett
Director/Board Member 2011-12-31 2016-12-31
Kathy Trontell
Kathy Trontell
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2017-03-20 -
Todd Basche
Todd Basche
Corporate Officer/Principal 2016-10-24 -
Jags Gill
Jags Gill
Sales & Marketing 2015-06-30 2016-08-31
Gretchen Mastellon
Gretchen Mastellon
Human Resources Officer 2016-06-30 -
John Spencer Caldwell
John Spencer Caldwell
Director/Board Member 2005-12-31 2016-05-25
Independent Dir/Board Member 2005-12-31 2016-05-25
Jeffrey Kukowski
Jeffrey Kukowski
Chief Operating Officer 2014-05-19 2015-01-04
Sales & Marketing 2010-05-31 2014-05-19
Rick Guilbault
Rick Guilbault
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-03-31 2014-11-30
Jason Dodd Droege
Jason Dodd Droege
President 2008-09-30 2014-02-28
Yogesh Saini
Yogesh Saini
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-10-13 -
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith
Chairman 2006-09-30 2012-01-31
Founder 1993-09-06 2012-01-31
President 1993-09-06 2006-09-30
Steven Thomas Mercier
Steven Thomas Mercier
Chief Operating Officer 2009-06-22 2010-12-30
Jasjit Dhillon
Jasjit Dhillon
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-08-17 2010-04-22
Bruce Culver
Bruce Culver
Director/Board Member 1993-12-31 2010-04-08
Stacie Sundberg
Stacie Sundberg
Sales & Marketing 1996-12-31 2009-11-30
Mark J. Phelps
Mark J. Phelps
Chief Operating Officer 2009-04-16 -
Irene Blomgren
Irene Blomgren
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-06-02 -
Steven A. Schulz
Steven A. Schulz
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2008-12-04 -
Kathleen Hanrahan
Kathleen Hanrahan
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 1996-02-29 1999-12-31
Chief Operating Officer 2003-12-31 2005-12-31
Director of Finance/CFO 1999-12-31 2003-12-31
President 1996-02-29 2008-09-30
Chief Operating Officer 2000-10-31 2008-08-31
President 2000-10-31 2008-08-31
Mark E. Fidelman
Mark E. Fidelman
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-06-29 -
Peter T. Holran
Peter T. Holran
Public Communications Contact 2007-11-30 -
Scott J. Mustian
Scott J. Mustian
Sales & Marketing 2007-05-31 -
Phillips W. Smith
Phillips W. Smith
Director/Board Member 2006-09-30 2006-09-30
Bernard B. Kerik
Bernard B. Kerik
Director/Board Member 2002-04-30 2005-03-31
John F. Szakach
John F. Szakach
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-06-23 2010-05-27
David K. DuBay
David K. DuBay
Corporate Officer/Principal 2003-09-30 -
Douglas E. Klint
Douglas E. Klint
General Counsel 2002-11-30 -
President 2009-12-31 2014-12-31
Corporate Secretary 2014-12-03 -
Magne H. Nerheim
Magne H. Nerheim
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2009-06-23 -
Raymond G. Rivera
Raymond G. Rivera
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1992-12-31 -
Arvind Bobra
Arvind Bobra
Investor Relations Contact - -
Katie Pyra
Katie Pyra
Investor Relations Contact - -
Public Communications Contact 2009-06-22 -
Steve Tuttle
Steve Tuttle
Public Communications Contact - -
Marcy Rigoni
Marcy Rigoni
Public Communications Contact 2009-07-05 -
Sam Estrin
Sam Estrin
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Stacey Todd
Stacey Todd
Public Communications Contact - -
Erin Curtis
Erin Curtis
Investor Relations Contact - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 14
Female 8

Of which Executive Committee

Male 6
Female 2

Of which Directors

Male 6
Female 4


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Axon Enterprise, Inc.
Axon Enterprise, Inc. specializes in the design, manufacture and marketing of body security devices. The group offers electric pulse guns (TASER brand) as well as sensors and integrated software for security forces, armies, penitentiaries, etc. Net sales break down by family of products as follows: - sensors and embedded software (60.8%): including body cameras, on-board cameras, wearable cameras, connected cameras, portable recording devices, etc., and embedded and cloud-based software that captures, stores, manages and analyzes video and sound; - electric pulse guns (39.2%). Net sales break down by source of income into product sales (61.9%) and services (38.16%). The United States accounts for 85.6% of net sales.
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons