

(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)


(Stock Code: 1958)


March 10, 2021

Dear Non-registered Holder(s)(Note 1),

BAIC Motor Corporation Limited (the "Company")

- Notification of publication of Supplemental Circular and Notice of 2021 First Extraordinary General Meeting (the "Current Corporate Communication")

The Current Corporate Communication of the Company (in English and Chinese) is available on the Company's website atwww.baicmotor.comand the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited ("HKEx") atwww.hkexnews.hk.

If you wish to receive the printed version(s) of the Current Corporate Communication and all future Corporate Communications(Note 2) of the Company, please complete the Request Form on the reverse side and return it to the Company c/o the Company's Hong Kong share registrar (the "Share Registrar"), Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, using the pre-paid postage mailing label at the bottom of the Request Form (a stamp is not required if posted in Hong Kong). You may also send an e-mail with a scanned copy of the completed Request Form tobaicmotor.ecom@computershare.com.hk. The Request Form may also be downloaded from the Company's website at www.baicmotor.com or the website of HKEx atwww.hkexnews.hk.

Should you have any queries relating to the above, please call the service hotline of the Share Registrar at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays).

Yours faithfully,

By order of the Board

BAIC Motor Corporation Limited

Wang Jianhui

Secretary to the Board and Company Secretary

Note 1: This Letter is addressed to Non-registered Holder(s) of the shares in the Company ("Non-registered Holder" means such person or company whose shares are held in the Central Clearing and Settlement System and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited that he/she/it wishes to receive the Corporate Communications). If you have sold or transferred your shares in the Company, please disregard this Letter and the Request Form on the reverse side.

Note 2: Corporate Communications include but are not limited to (a) an annual report; (b) an interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form.

* For identification purpose only


̏ԯӛԓٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡€˜͉ʮ̡™ Ñ2021ϋୋɓϣᑗٰࣛ؇ɽึ໾̂ஷՌʿஷѓ€˜͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃ™ʘ೮༱ஷٝ

͉ʮ̡͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃ€ʕeߵ˖وʊ׵͉ʮ̡ၣ१www.baicmotor.com ʿ࠰ಥʹ׸ʿഐၑהϞࠢʮ̡€˜࠰ಥʹ׸ה ™ၣ १www.hkexnews.hk೮༱f

ࡊ ტɨ૧ϗ՟͉ʮ̡͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʿהϞ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃ€ڝൗ 2 ٙΙՏ͉dሗ෬Ѽ͉Ռߠࠦٙ͡ሗڌdԴ͜͡ሗڌɨ˙ٙʊ ཫ˹ඉ൬ඉ੔ᅺᜀ€νί࠰ಥҳ੔dˡ඲൨ɪඉୃd຾͉ʮ̡࠰ಥᗇՎ೮াஈ€˜ᗇՎ೮াஈ™d࠰ಥʕ̯ᗇՎ೮াϞࠢ ʮ̡dήѧމ࠰ಥᝄ˺ެΧɽ༸؇ 183 ໮Υձʕː 17M ᅽdʹΫ͉ʮ̡f ტɨ͵̙ਗ਼ʊ෬Ѽٙ͡ሗڌٙધ౜ਓ͉ཥඉЇbaicmotor.ecom@computershare.com.hkf͡ሗڌ͵̙׵͉ʮ̡ၣ१www.baicmotor.comא࠰ಥʹ׸הၣ१www.hkexnews.hkɨ༱f

ν ტɨ࿁ɪࠑԫධϞ΂Оဲਪdሗ׵፬ʮࣛගʫ€݋ಂɓЇ݋ಂʞ€࠰ಥʮ଺৿ಂৰ̮ɪʹ9͍ࣛЇɨʹ6͍ࣛߧཥᗇՎ೮াஈᆠᇞ

(852) 2862 8688ݟ༔f

ו໨ԫึն ̏ԯӛԓٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡ ໨ԫึ।ࣣʿʮ̡।ࣣ ˮܔሾ ᔫ઼

2021 ϋ3 ˜10˚

ڝൗ1j Ϥމߧ͉ʮٰ̡΅ڢ೮াܵϞɛ€˜ڢ೮াܵϞɛ™ܸהܵϞ͉ٙʮٰ̡΅π׳׵ʕ̯ഐၑʿʹϗӻ୕ٙɛɻאʮ̡dீཀ࠰ಥʕ̯ഐၑϞࠢʮ̡ ʔࣛΣ͉ʮ̡೯̈ஷٝdڌͪ૧ϗ՟ʮ̡ஷৃfࡊ ტɨʊ̈ਯאᔷᜫהܵϞ͉ٙʮٰ̡΅dۆˡ඲ଣึ͉Ռ΁ʿߠࠦٙ͡ሗڌf

ڝൗ2j ʮ̡ஷৃܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵j(a)ϋܓజѓi(b)ʕಂజѓi(c)ึᙄஷѓi(d)ɪ̹˖΁i(e)ஷՌiʿ(f)˾ڌ։΂ڌࣸf

* සԶᗆй



Request Form ͡ሗڌ

To:BAIC Motor Corporation Limited (the "Company") (Stock Code: 1958)


c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East Wan Chai, Hong Kong

̏ԯӛԓٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡€˜͉ʮ̡™ €ٰ΅˾໮j1958 ຾࠰ಥʕ̯ᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡ ࠰ಥᝄ˺ެΧɽ༸؇183໮ Υձʕː17M

I/We would like to receive the Current Corporate Communication and all future Corporate Communications* of the Company in the manner as indicated below: ͉ɛ Ŋ шഃҎૐ˸ɨΐ˙όϗ՟ ൮ʮ̡͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʿהϞ ൮ʮ̡˚ܝʘʮ̡ஷৃ *j

(Please mark "X" in ONLY ONE of the following boxes)€ሗίɨΐՉʕɓࡈ٤ࣸʫྌɪ˜X™໮

to receive the printed English version ONLY; OR


to receive the printed Chinese version ONLY; OR


to receive both the printed English and Chinese versions.


Contact telephone number:






Notes ڝൗj

  • 1. Unless otherwise defined herein, terms used in this Request Form shall bear the same meanings as those defined in the Letter to Non-registered Holder(s) dated March 10, 2021.

    ৰ͉˖̤Ϟޢ֛̮d͉͡ሗڌʕה͜൚คၾ˚ಂމ2021 ϋ 3 ˜ 10˚ߧڢ೮াܵϞɛʘՌ΁הޢ֛٫ՈϞ޴Ν଄່f

  • 2. This Request Form is to be completed by Non-registered Holder(s) of the shares in the Company ("Non-registered Holder" means such person or company whose shares are held in the Central Clearing and Settlement System and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited that he/ she/it wishes to receive the Corporate Communications). Please complete all your details clearly.

    ͉͡ሗڌᏐ͟ʮٰ̡΅ڢ೮াܵϞɛ€˜ڢ೮াܵϞɛ™ܸהܵϞٙʮٰ̡΅π׳׵ʕ̯ഐၑʿʹϗӻ୕ٙɛɻאʮ̡dீཀ࠰ಥʕ̯ഐၑϞࠢʮ̡ʔࣛΣʮ̡೯̈ஷٝd ڌͪ૧ϗ՟ʮ̡ஷৃ෬ᄳfሗ ტɨ૶ู෬ѼהϞ༟ࣘf

  • 3. Any form with more than one box marked "X", with no box marked "X", with no signature or otherwise incorrectly completed will be void.


  • 4. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions given on this Request Form.


Personal Information Collection Statement ϗණࡈɛ༟ࣘᑊ׼j

  • (i) "Personal Data" in this statement has the same meaning as "personal data" in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of Hong Kong ("PDPO").


  • (ii) Your supply of Personal Data to the Company is on a voluntary basis. If you fail to provide sufficient information, the Company may not be able to process your instructions and/or requests as stated in this form.

    ტɨ݊ІᗴΣʮ̡౤Զࡈɛ༟ࣘf߰ ტɨ͊ঐ౤Զԑ੄༟ࣘdʮ̡̙ঐೌجஈଣ ტɨί͉ڌࣸɪהࠑܸٙͪʿ Ŋ אࠅӋf

  • (iii) Your Personal Data may be disclosed or transferred by the Company to its subsidiaries, its share registrar, and/or other companies or bodies for any of the stated purposes, and retained for such period as may be necessary for verification and record purposes.

    ʮ̡̙ఱ΂ОהႭ׼ٙ͜௄dਗ਼ ტɨٙࡈɛ༟ࣘמᚣאᔷ୅ഗʮ̡ٙڝ᙮ʮ̡eᗇՎ೮াஈdʿ Ŋ אՉ˼ʮ̡אྠ᜗dԨਗ਼ίቇ຅ಂගڭव༈ഃࡈɛ༟ࣘЪࣨྼʿা ፽͜௄f

  • (iv) You have the right to request access to and/or correction of your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Any such request for access to and/or correction of your Personal Data should be made in writing to the Personal Data Privacy Officer of Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at 17M Floor,


    Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

    ტɨϞᛆ࣬ኽӷᒯૢԷ'ٙૢ˖ݟቡʿ Ŋ אࡌҷ ტɨٙࡈɛ༟ࣘf΂О༈ഃݟቡʿ Ŋ אࡌҷࡈɛ༟ࣘٙࠅӋѩ඲˸ࣣࠦ˙όΣ࠰ಥʕ̯ᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡€ήѧމ࠰ ಥᝄ˺ެΧɽ༸؇183໮Υձʕː17Mᅽٙࡈɛ༟ࣘӷᒯ˴΂౤̈f

* Corporate Communications include but are not limited to (a) an annual report; (b) an interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form.


ʮ̡ஷৃܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵j(a)ϋܓజѓi(b)ʕಂజѓi(c)ึᙄஷѓi(d)ɪ̹˖΁i(e) ஷՌiʿ (f) ˾ڌ։΂ڌࣸf



Mailing Label ඉ੔ᅺᜀ

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited


Freepost No. ᔊکΫඉ໮ᇁj37

Hong Kong ࠰ಥ


Please cut the mailing label and stick it on an envelope to return this form to us.

No postage is necessary if posted in Hong Kong.

຅ ტɨ੔ΫϤڌࣸࣛdሗਗ਼ඉ੔ᅺᜀ਒൨׵ڦ܆ɪf νί͉ಥҳ੔d ტɨೌც˕˹ඉ൬א൨ɪඉୃf

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BAIC Motor Corporation Ltd. published this content on 09 March 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 09 March 2021 12:50:05 UTC.