Minutes of the Meeting No. 3,359 of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A., held on March 17, 2022 - Corporate Taxpayer's Registry No. 60.746.948/0001-12 - Company

Registration No. 35.300.027.795. On March 17, 2022, at 3:00 p.m., at the Company headquarters, at Núcleo Cidade de Deus, Prédio Vermelho, 6oandar, Vila Yara, Osasco, SP, the members of the Board of Directors gathered together, by videoconference, in order to participate in the 9th Meeting of the Body held in this year.

As confirmed the existence of legal installation quorum, Mr. Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi assumed the chairmanship of the activities and invited Mr. Antonio José da Barbara as Secretary.



Then, he welcomed Mrs. Denise Pauli Pavarina, independent Board member elected at the Annual Shareholders´ Meeting held on 3.10.2022, registering her attendance, as a guest, due her name is under approval by the Central Bank of Brazil.



Thereafter, it also were registered: 1) the presence of the other members of this Body, Mr. Carlos Alberto Rodrigues Guilherme, Mrs. Denise Aguiar Alvarez and Messrs. Milton Matsumoto, Alexandre da Silva Glüher, Maurício Machado de Minas, Samuel Monteiro dos Santos Junior, Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni, Paulo Roberto Simões da Cunha and Rubens Aguiar Alvarez; 2) the fulfillment of the legal procedures for call, on March 12, 2022, electronically, by means of the Governance Portal; and 3) the participation of the Company´s CEO, Mr. Octavio de Lazari Junior, that continued the meeting with the executive report on the following matters:



Following on the works, the Board Members:



  1. according to the provisions in the head of Article 8 of the Bylaws, they elected among themselves the Chairman and Vice Chairman of this Body by selecting, by unanimous decision, the following persons: Chairman: Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi; Vice Chairman: Carlos Alberto Rodrigues Guilherme
  2. complied with the recommendation of the Committee of Nomination and Succession, proposed by the CEO, proceeding, in conformity with the

Minutes of the Meeting No. 3,359 of the Board of Directors of

Banco Bradesco S.A., held on

March 17, 2022 -


Taxpayer's Registry No. 60.746.948/0001-12 -


Registration No. 35.300.027.795.


provisions of Article 12 of the Bylaws, they appointed the members that will compose the Company's Board of Executive Officers, being reelected, by unanimity of votes, Messrs:

Executive Officers


Octavio de Lazari Junior, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 12.992.558-5/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 044.745.768/37;

Vice Presidents

Marcelo de Araújo Noronha, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 56.163.018-5/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 360.668.504/15; André Rodrigues Cano, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 8.487.985-3/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 005.908.058/27; Cassiano Ricardo Scarpelli, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 16.290.774-6/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 082.633.238/27; Eurico Ramos Fabri, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 20.336.308-5/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 248.468.208/58; Rogério Pedro Câmara, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 16.247.624-3/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 063.415.178/90; Moacir Nachbar Junior, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 13.703.383-7/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 062.947.708/66;

Managing Officers

Walkiria Schirrmeister Marchetti, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 11.595.787-X/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 048.844.738/09; Guilherme Muller Leal, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 07.178.555-4/SESEG-RJ, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 965.442.017/15; João Carlos Gomes da Silva, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 13.097.633-7/SSP-SP, CPF

Minutes of the Meeting No. 3,359 of the Board of Directors of

Banco Bradesco S.A., held on

March 17, 2022 -


Taxpayer's Registry No. 60.746.948/0001-12 -


Registration No. 35.300.027.795.


(Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 044.972.398/45; Bruno D'Avila Melo Boetger, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 07153101- 6/SECC-RJ, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 867.743.957/91; Glaucimar Peticov, Brazilian, single, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 10.311.424- 5/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 059.348.278/63; José Ramos Rocha Neto, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 52.969.025-1/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 624.211.314/72; Antonio José da Barbara, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 18.114.666-6/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 083.858.728/33; Edson Marcelo Moreto, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 19.121.312-3/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 091.302.478/37; José Sergio Bordin, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 18.358.157/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 095.407.008/92; Leandro de Miranda Araujo, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 58.472.065-8/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 021.821.317/44; Roberto de Jesus Paris, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 21.817.359- 3/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 106.943.838/30;

Deputy Officers

Edilson Wiggers, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 9084441238/SSP-RS, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 641.036.099/15; Oswaldo Tadeu Fernandes, Brazilian, in stable union, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 18.327.286-9/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 088.897.978/94; Edilson Dias dos Reis, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 08878617-3/IFP-RJ, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 809.141.447/15; Klayton Tomaz dos Santos, Brazilian, divorced, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 19.632.468-3/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 148.965.118/75;

Department Officers

Ademir Aparecido Correa Junior, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 3.982.252-0/SSP-PR, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 633.628.309/78; André Bernardino da Cruz Filho, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 35.331.675-1/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual

Minutes of the Meeting No. 3,359 of the Board of Directors of

Banco Bradesco S.A., held on

March 17, 2022 -


Taxpayer's Registry No. 60.746.948/0001-12 -


Registration No. 35.300.027.795.


Taxpayer's Registry) 192.221.224/53; André Ferreira Gomes, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 17.726.946-7/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 059.012.418/86; Antonio Carlos Melhado, Brazilian, divorced, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 9.111.122-5/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 851.955.538/15; Antonio Daissuke Tokuriki, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 8.595.065-8/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 112.458.198/79; Carlos Wagner Firetti, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 17.479.741-2/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 116.362.538/81; Clayton Camacho, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 13.810.052-4/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 049.313.418/29; Fernando Antônio Tenório, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 2.000.108/SSP-PE, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 226.475.114/20; Fernando Freiberger, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 64.483.892-9/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 732.669.659/49; Fernando Honorato Barbosa, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 29.369.638-X/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 213.131.738/78; José Augusto Ramalho Miranda, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 28.681.801-2/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 268.676.278/03; José Gomes Fernandes, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 28.057.233-5/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 135.834.253/91; Julio Cardoso Paixão, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 28.654.360-6/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 212.782.698/19; Layette Lamartine Azevedo Junior, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 50.490.613-6/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 337.092.034/49; Leandro José Diniz, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 22.376.807- 8/SSP-RJ, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 062.643.218/93; Manoel Guedes de Araujo Neto, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 58.891.623-7/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 387.789.395/34; Marcos Aparecido Galende, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 16.632.310-X/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 089.419.738/05; Marlos Francisco de Souza Araujo, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 25.746.972-2/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 274.447.478/90; Paulo Eduardo Waack, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 16.290.817-

Minutes of the Meeting No. 3,359 of the Board of Directors of

Banco Bradesco S.A., held on

March 17, 2022 -


Taxpayer's Registry No. 60.746.948/0001-12 -


Registration No. 35.300.027.795.


9/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 149.114.048/84; Roberto Medeiros Paula, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 770.794-ES/SESP-ES, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 985.598.697/00;


Adelmo Romero Perez Junior, Brazilian, in stable union, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 14.403.597-2/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 125.338.838/59; Alessandro Zampieri, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 22.640.410-9/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 133.066.828/61; Alexandre Cesar Pinheiro Quercia, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 21.865.126-0/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 126.285.468/76; Alexandre Panico, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 13.335.776-4/SSP- SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 106.815.368/70; André David Marques, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 19.374.704-2/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 934.928.129/53; André Luis Duarte de Oliveira, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 20.149.063-8/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 117.234.298/99; Carlos Alberto Alástico, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 7.513.124-9/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 002.744.798/77; Carlos Henrique Villela Pedras, Brazilian, in stable union, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 08602302- 5/IFP-RJ, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 011.710.097/80; Carlos Leibowicz, Argentine, divorced, banking employee, RNE (Identity Card for Foreigners) V298711-I-CGPI/DIREX/DPF, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 225.472.338/35; Carolina Salomão Fera, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 33.848.146-1/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 306.935.498/07; Cintia Scovine Barcelos de Souza, Brazilian, married, electrical engineer, RG (Identity Card) 008.912.039- 8/Detran-RJ, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 028.069.117/37; Clayton Neves Xavier, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 22.251.048-1/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 103.750.518/21; Cristina Coelho de Abreu Pinna, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 18.206.492-X/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual Taxpayer's Registry) 165.131.368/73; Francisco Armando Aranda, Brazilian, married, banking employee, RG (Identity Card) 63.982.677/5/SSP-SP, CPF (Individual

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Banco Bradesco SA published this content on 24 May 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 24 May 2022 15:08:05 UTC.