Market Closed -
Other stock markets
5-day change | 1st Jan Change | ||
9.470 EUR | -0.58% |
-1.66% | -9.64% |
Feb. 05 | Barco Introduced Smartfocus, Its Latest AI-Powered Feature That Improves Hybrid Meeting Experiences | CI |
Feb. 02 | Omda AS (OB:OMDA) acquired Dermicus AB. | CI |
Listed companies
Private companies
Relation chart of related listed companies: Barco NV
Active Relations
Past Relations
Related listed companies: Barco NV
Active Relations
Past Relations
Relationship chart for related private companies: Barco NV
Active Relations
Past Relations
Related private companies: Barco NV
Financial Conglomerates
Financial Conglomerates
Insurance Brokers/Services
Industrial Machinery
Other Consumer Services
Investment Managers
Active Relations
Past Relations
Connection statistics
Listed companies
Private companies
Activities of related companies
Financial Conglomerates | 6 |
Engineering & Construction | 3 |
Investment Managers | 3 |
Real Estate Investment Trusts | 2 |
Medical Specialties | 2 |
Industrial Specialties | 2 |
Regional Banks | 2 |
Real Estate Development | 1 |
Electric Utilities | 1 |
Semiconductors | 1 |
Countries of related companies
Belgium | 26 |
United Kingdom | 2 |
China | 2 |
Hong Kong | 1 |
United States | 1 |
Mauritius | 1 |
Turkey | 1 |
Switzerland | 1 |
Netherlands | 1 |
Luxembourg | 1 |
- Stock Market
- Equities
- BAR Stock
- Company Barco NV
- Connections