Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. announced that the company's proprietary Clonostachys rosea CR-7 (CR-7) biological fungicide has been submitted for regulatory review and approval in Canada. The submitted dossier includes CR-7 trial data already successfully completed, as well as studies into human safety, environmental impact, product efficacy and more, as required. For the past two years leading up to the submission, BVT worked with the Health Canada Pest
Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), Canada's agency for pesticide regulation, in pre-submission
consultations to preemptively and successfully address additional tests that the Company learned would
be expected, including efficacy trials, which should mean a more efficient review process. The submission is focused on crops that require pollination by commercially reared and managed bees,
such as strawberries, tomatoes, canola, blueberries, sunflowers, cherries and plums.