An unknown buyer acquired an unknown minority stake in Berjaya Food Berhad (KLSE:BJFOOD) from Berjaya Land Berhad (KLSE:BJLAND) on May 10, 2021. Berjaya Land Berhad sold in total 4.22% stake in Berjaya Food Berhad for combined consideration of MYR 27.61 million. Shares were sold at a price of MYR 1.84 per share in cash. In a related transaction, an unknown buyer acquired an unknown minority stake in Berjaya Food Berhad from Berjaya Land Berhad on May 11, 2021. Post completion of both transactions, Berjaya Land Berhad have 11.55 million Shares representing about 3.25% equity interest in Berjaya Food Berhad. The Audit Committee of Berjaya Land Berhad is of the opinion that the Disposals are fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms and are in the best interest of the Berjaya Land Group. The Disposals have no effect on the issued share capital or substantial shareholders' shareholdings of Berjaya Land. The Disposals also have no material effect on the net assets, earnings and gearing of the Berjaya Land Group.

An unknown buyer completed the acquisition of an unknown minority stake in Berjaya Food Berhad (KLSE:BJFOOD) from Berjaya Land Berhad (KLSE:BJLAND) on May 10, 2021.