Share class: BGI Genomics Co., Ltd.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1415,821,575217,706,626 ( 52.36 %) 0 52.36 %

Major shareholders: BGI Genomics Co., Ltd.

Jian Wang
37.32 %
153,344,167 37.32 % 882 M ¥
Jun Wang
8.389 %
34,470,455 8.389 % 198 M ¥
Wanjia Asset Management Co., Ltd.
3.139 %
12,899,558 3.139 % 74 M ¥
Hwabao WP Fund Management Co., Ltd.
1.949 %
8,009,573 1.949 % 46 M ¥
Nanji E Commerce Co. Ltd. ESOP 2
0.9734 %
4,000,141 0.9734 % 23 M ¥
China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd.
0.8439 %
3,467,820 0.8439 % 20 M ¥
E Fund Management Co., Ltd.
0.7875 %
3,235,966 0.7875 % 19 M ¥
2,820,936 0.6865 % 16 M ¥
Guotai Asset Management Co., Ltd.
0.5163 %
2,121,567 0.5163 % 12 M ¥
GF Fund Management Co., Ltd.
0.4472 %
1,837,636 0.4472 % 11 M ¥
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Jian Wang
63.66 %
1,903,350 63.66 % 11 M ¥

Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Individuals 46.39%
China 9.64%
Hong Kong 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo BGI Genomics Co., Ltd.
BGI Genomics Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of genomic and proteomic sequencing services primarily to academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers. The company also provides genomic solutions for biomarker research and development, screening for some of the trisomies present at birth (trisomy 21, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13) and solutions for neo-antigen identification for immuno-oncology research.
More about the company