Bio-Techne Corporation announced its lineup of presentations and activities for the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo, taking place November 19-23 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Asuragen, a Bio-Techne brand, will be exhibiting and showcasing its latest research products for breast cancer monitoring and carrier screening in booth #811. At the AMP 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo, Asuragen will host, sponsor, or participate in a number of activities and presentations.

ESR1 & Beyond: Leveraging Exosomes for Highly-Sensitive Variant Detection on qPCR This workshop will showcase the design and performance of the QuantideX® qPCR ESR1 exoMutation Kit combined with the ExoLution Plus cfDNA + exoRNA Isolation Kit to achieve analytical sensitivity of =0.1% across 11 ESR1 mutations, utilizing the power of cfDNA and exosomal RNA to deliver best-in-class performance using commonly-available qPCR instruments. Speaker: Brian Haynes, PhD, Bio-Techne Diagnostics Division Date and time: November 20, 3:00-3:50 PM PST. Location: Room 212/213 Long-Range PCR Meets Long-Read Sequencing: An Assay for 11 Hard-to-Decipher, High-Frequency Carrier Screening Associated Genes This workshop will focus on the design and performance of the AmplideX® Nanopore Carrier Plus Kit, combining AmplideX PCR chemistry with the Oxford Nanopore® platform to identify the most challenging genetic alterations like CNVs, large inversions, and pseudogenes using a consolidated workflow.

Speaker: Paul A. Wadsworth, MD, PhD, Resident Physician, Pathology, Stanford University Date and time: November 20, 12:00-12:50 PM PST. Location: Room 114/115 Fireside Chat: LDT Compliance in an Uncertain Environment With so much uncertainty around the FDA's laboratory-developed test (LDT) rule, it is challenging for laboratory leaders to make firm plans for how to achieve compliance. This session will consider three different tactical approaches for stage I of the rule: a) labs actively preparing for compliance; b) labs preparing, but cautiously using resources; and c) labs that are taking a 'wait and see' approach.

Discussion Leader: Jordan Laser, MD, Asuragen Date and time: November 20, 5:15-6:15 PM PST. Location: Room 211 Verification of an RT-qPCR Assay System for Liquid Biopsy Surveillance of Treatment-Resistant ESR1 Mutations Presenting author: Blaine Caughron, Asuragen Poster info: G095, Genetics; November 23, 9:15 am -10:15 am. Verification of an Amplification-Based Nanopore Sequencing Assay and Software to Genotype Complex, Clinically-Relevant Variants in 11 Hard-to-Decipher Genes with High Carrier Frequencies Presenting author: Connor A. Parker, Asuragen Poster info: G094, Genetics; November 22, 9:15 am -10:15 am.

Freeze-Dried, Worry Thawed: Armored RNA New Lyophilized Controls Offer Potential to Advance Molecular Testing in Resource Limited Settings Presenting author: Deepa Eveleigh, Asuragen Poster info: ID046, Infectious Disease; November 22, 9:15 am -10:15 am. Beta Evaluation of a Panel of 11 Challenging Genes Using ONT/AmplideX Chemistry Presenting author: Anne-Sophie Lebre, Professor of Human Genetics & Clinical Molecular Geneticist, Reims Medical School & University Hospital Poster info: G013, Genetics; November 23, 9:15am -10:15am. Stop by the Asuragen booth (#811) to learn more about the company's products for clinical laboratories.

The company will also be providing free, professional-quality headshots to all AMP attendees who visit booth on Thursday or Friday.