Bionomics Limited announced following the amendment to the US Bank Loan facility that occurred during May 2020 to defer principal repayment until November 2020 and extend final maturity until 1 January 2022, Bionomics' management became aware that the final loan payment, under the original loan facility, had not been accounted for appropriately resulting in an understatement of non-current bank borrowings. The omission is the failure to accrue for this liability and there is no impact on the current cash position or the fundraising strategy to advance the tablet formulation of BNC210 to Phase 2 clinical trials for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. This has resulted in an increase in non-current borrowings and a decrease in net assets reported in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2019 by $507,000, $1,199,000, and $1,489,000 respectively.