Executive Committee: Blackstone Inc.

Positions heldSince
Stephen Schwarzman

Stephen Schwarzman

78 year

Chief Executive Officer 1984-12-31
Founder 1984-12-31
David Payne

David Payne

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor -
Lionel Yves Assant

Lionel Yves Assant

52 year

Chief Investment Officer 2024-01-10
Kenneth Caplan

Kenneth Caplan

51 year

Chief Investment Officer 2024-01-10
Michael Chae

Michael Chae

56 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2015-08-06
John Finley

John Finley

68 year

General Counsel 2009-12-31
Corporate Secretary -
Vikrant Sawhney

Vikrant Sawhney

55 year

Chief Administrative Officer 2019-12-31
Natasha Gopaul

Natasha Gopaul

Compliance Officer 2015-12-31
General Counsel 2015-12-31
Marisa Beeney

Marisa Beeney

55 year

General Counsel 2007-02-28
Jonathan Gray

Jonathan Gray

55 year

Chief Operating Officer 2018-02-12
President 2018-02-12
Paige Ross

Paige Ross

Human Resources Officer 2016-03-31
Wayne Berman

Wayne Berman

69 year

General Counsel -
John Stecher

John Stecher

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2020-02-23

Composition of the Board of Directors: Blackstone Inc.

Stephen Schwarzman

Stephen Schwarzman

78 year

Compensation Committee 2011-03-06
Nominating Committee 2011-10-13
Executive Committee Chair 2010-06-15
Executive Committee 2007-03-19
William Parrett

William Parrett

78 year

Audit Committee Chair 2016-12-31
Governance Committee 2016-12-31
Nominating Committee 2016-12-31
Jim Breyer

Jim Breyer

63 year

Audit Committee 2021-03-23
Compensation Committee 2021-03-23
Nominating Committee Chair 2021-03-23
Rochelle Lazarus

Rochelle Lazarus

77 year

Executive Committee
Audit Committee 2014-01-08
Jonathan Gray

Jonathan Gray

55 year

Executive Committee 2012-02-23
Joseph Baratta

Joseph Baratta

54 year

Executive Committee 2020-03-01
Ruth Porat

Ruth Porat

66 year

Audit Committee 2020-06-24
Dorota Roch

Dorota Roch

Director/Board Member
Reginald Brown

Reginald Brown

57 year

Director/Board Member 2020-09-14
Independent Dir/Board Member 2020-09-14

Former Officers and Directors: Blackstone Inc.

Positions held
Martin Mulroney
Martin Mulroney
Director/Board Member 2007-06-20 2024-02-28
Independent Dir/Board Member 2007-06-20 2024-02-28
Prakash Melwani
Prakash Melwani
Chief Investment Officer 2002-12-31 2024-01-10
John Hood
John Hood
Director/Board Member 2018-05-13 2023-08-24
Independent Dir/Board Member 2018-05-13 2023-08-24
David Franklin Posnick
David Franklin Posnick
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-03-31 2022-11-30
Jay Light
Jay Light
Director/Board Member 2008-09-17 2022-10-14
Independent Dir/Board Member 2008-09-17 2022-10-14
Jeffrey Iverson
Jeffrey Iverson
Compliance Officer 2012-12-31 -
General Counsel 2012-12-31 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-12-31 2022-03-31
Tony James
Tony James
Director/Board Member 2007-03-29 2022-01-25
Chief Operating Officer 2001-12-31 2018-02-12
President 2001-12-31 2018-02-12
Marc Bolland
Marc Bolland
Corporate Officer/Principal 2016-08-31 2021-12-31
James Hannigan
James Hannigan
Corporate Officer/Principal 2013-12-31 2021-07-31
Joshua Pang
Joshua Pang
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-06-30 2009-12-30
Arthur Liao
Arthur Liao
Corporate Officer/Principal 2015-12-31 2021-01-31
Matthew Skurbe
Matthew Skurbe
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-12-31 2020-06-30
Treasurer 2008-12-31 -
Michael Joseph Slattery
Michael Joseph Slattery
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2020-06-30
William Murphy
William Murphy
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2010-12-31 2020-02-23
David Calhoun
David Calhoun
Corporate Officer/Principal 2013-11-20 2019-12-31
Bennett Goodman
Bennett Goodman
Director/Board Member 2007-12-31 2019-12-30
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-12-31 -
Jason New
Jason New
Corporate Officer/Principal 2005-06-30 2019-11-30
James Hill
James Hill
Director/Board Member 2007-03-19 2018-12-30
Jeffrey Overly
Jeffrey Overly
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-12-31 2018-07-31
Peter Grauer
Peter Grauer
Director/Board Member 2016-01-25 2018-01-29
Independent Dir/Board Member 2016-01-25 2018-01-29
Jason Giordano
Jason Giordano
Corporate Officer/Principal 2006-05-31 2017-09-30
Glenn Alba
Glenn Alba
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 2017-06-30
Jay Leek
Jay Leek
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2012-04-30 2016-12-31
Christopher Heady
Christopher Heady
Corporate Officer/Principal 2016-04-04 -
Laura Waitz
Laura Waitz
Human Resources Officer 2007-06-30 2016-02-29
Clifton Rose
Clifton Rose
Public Communications Contact 2006-12-31 2015-12-31
Chinh Chu
Chinh Chu
Corporate Officer/Principal 1999-12-31 2015-11-30
William S. Oglesby
William S. Oglesby
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-03-31 2015-11-30
Timothy Coleman
Timothy Coleman
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-03-06 2015-10-01
Laurence Tosi
Laurence Tosi
Director of Finance/CFO 2008-06-08 2015-08-06
Doug Ostrover
Doug Ostrover
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-03-06 2015-05-21
Gregory Hewett
Gregory Hewett
Corporate Officer/Principal 2005-07-31 2015-01-31
William Mulrow
William Mulrow
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-03-31 2014-12-31
Giovanni Cutaia
Giovanni Cutaia
Corporate Officer/Principal 2013-12-31 -
Kenneth Whitney
Kenneth Whitney
Investor Relations Contact 1987-12-31 2013-03-31
Geoffrey G. Jervis
Geoffrey G. Jervis
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-12-31 2012-12-31
John Dionne
John Dionne
Corporate Officer/Principal 2003-12-31 2012-12-31
Ben Solarz
Ben Solarz
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-06-30 2012-06-30
Thomas O'Flynn
Thomas O'Flynn
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-12-31 2011-12-31
Jakob Celnik
Jakob Celnik
President - 2011-01-30
Ryan Bress
Ryan Bress
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-12-30 2010-12-30
Joshua Kobza
Joshua Kobza
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-30 2010-11-30
David Sokoler
David Sokoler
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-05-31 2010-05-31
Ben H. Carpenter
Ben H. Carpenter
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-05-31 2010-05-31
Vikram Doshetty
Vikram Doshetty
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-02-27 2010-02-27
Tian Bing Wang
Tian Bing Wang
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-12-31 -
Martin Fräss-Ehrfeld
Martin Fräss-Ehrfeld
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-12-31 2009-06-30
Faris Jafar
Faris Jafar
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-05-31 2009-05-31
Kathleen Skero
Kathleen Skero
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2009-04-06 -
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-03-31 -
Nathaniel Rothschild
Nathaniel Rothschild
Director/Board Member - 2008-07-15
Richard Hampton Jenrette
Richard Hampton Jenrette
Director/Board Member 2008-07-13 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2008-07-13 -
Jian Ping Zheng
Jian Ping Zheng
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-12-31 -
Anthony Steains
Anthony Steains
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-12-31 -
Rufina Adams
Rufina Adams
Chief Investment Officer 2006-12-31 2007-12-31
Yiu Fat Law
Yiu Fat Law
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-12-31 -
Cynthia Bombara
Cynthia Bombara
Human Resources Officer 2007-12-31 -
Andrew Reutter
Andrew Reutter
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2007-12-30
Han Hsiang Yang
Han Hsiang Yang
Corporate Officer/Principal 2006-12-31 -
Weston Tucker
Weston Tucker
Investor Relations Contact 2014-01-07 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-06-22 2014-01-07
Richard J. Shinder
Richard J. Shinder
Corporate Officer/Principal 2005-12-30 2005-12-30
John P. McNicholas
John P. McNicholas
Corporate Officer/Principal 1990-10-31 2004-06-30
Jill Greenthal
Jill Greenthal
Corporate Officer/Principal 2002-12-31 -
Richard C. Lappin
Richard C. Lappin
Corporate Officer/Principal 1997-12-31 2001-12-31
James A. Wylie
James A. Wylie
Corporate Officer/Principal 2000-01-30 2000-01-30
Tony Grillo Grillo
Tony Grillo Grillo
Corporate Officer/Principal 1990-12-31 1998-12-31
Robert Laurence Friedman
Robert Laurence Friedman
Chief Administrative Officer 2002-12-31 2011-03-07
Compliance Officer 1998-12-31 2012-12-25
General Counsel 2002-12-31 -
Jacques Garibaldi
Jacques Garibaldi
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-07-31 1996-07-31
Michael A. Puglisi
Michael A. Puglisi
Corporate Officer/Principal 1993-12-31 -
Tim Breedon
Tim Breedon
Director/Board Member - -
Independent Dir/Board Member - -
Dwight Scott
Dwight Scott
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Scott Shuda
Scott Shuda
General Counsel - 2011-05-03
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
José Miguel Knoell
José Miguel Knoell
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John J. Studzinski
John J. Studzinski
Investor Relations Contact - -
Randolph Altschuler
Randolph Altschuler
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Christopher Pesce
Christopher Pesce
Chief Operating Officer - -
Steve Tesoriere
Steve Tesoriere
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ali Namvar
Ali Namvar
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Eugene Rozovsky
Eugene Rozovsky
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kevin Hwang
Kevin Hwang
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tom Jackson
Tom Jackson
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-08-13 -
Randall S. Rothschild
Randall S. Rothschild
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ryan Gorman
Ryan Gorman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 90
Female 29

Of which Executive Committee

Male 11
Female 2

Of which Directors

Male 6
Female 3


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


StockField.ESG : Environnement
StockField.ESG : Social
StockField.ESG : Gouvernance
StockField.ESG : Polémique
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
StockField.ESG : Conforme à la finance Islamique
Logo Blackstone Inc.
Blackstone Inc. specializes in managing investment funds for private and institutional investors. The group's activity is organised around 3 areas: - investment fund management: including equities, bonds and structured products; - insurance: management of retirement solutions, life insurance, health insurance, capital insurance, etc.; and - real estate asset management. At the end of 2023, the group has USD 1,040.2 billion in assets under management.
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Kathryn Bueker
Kathryn Bueker

Chief Executive Officer

2004-01-31 2007-03-31