
This Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") should be read in conjunction with the condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Blue Sky Uranium Corp. ("Blue Sky" or "the Company") for the nine months ended September 30, 2021 and 2020 and related notes thereto which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). All figures are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted. This MD&A has been prepared as of November 18, 2021.

Company Overview

The Company was incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) on November 30, 2005 as Mulligan Capital Corp. On May 18, 2006, the Company received final receipts for a prospectus and became a reporting issuer in British Columbia and Alberta. On June 27, 2006 the Company completed its initial public offering (the "Offering") and on June 28, 2006 the Company listed its common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSX- V") as a capital pool company. On February 7, 2007, the Company completed its qualifying transaction (the "QT") and was upgraded to Tier II status on the TSX-V. The Company also changed its name to Blue Sky Uranium Corp. to reflect its business as a junior uranium exploration company. The address of the Company's registered office is Suite 312 - 837 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 3N6.

The Company is a junior mineral exploration company engaged in the business of acquiring, exploring and evaluating natural resource properties and either joint venturing or developing these properties further or disposing of them when the evaluation is completed. The Company's material mineral properties of interest are all located in Argentina. Blue Sky is one of the Argentina's leading uranium exploration companies with more than 4,000 km2 of tenements. Argentina has an advanced nuclear industry, centred in the Rio Negro Province. As of the date of this report, the Company has not earned any production revenue, nor defined any mineral reserves on any of its properties.

David Terry, PhD., P.Geo. is a member of the Board and is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the exploration information and technical disclosure contained in this MD&A. The Company has Quality Assurance/Quality Control protocols in place for all sampling programs as part of all auguring, geochemical sampling, sample preparation, sample shipping and sample analysis and compilation procedures.


Argentina is the largest generator of electricity from nuclear energy in South America, with its advanced nuclear industry centred in Rio Negro Province. The country is working to further expand its nuclear energy sector with additional power plants, but lacks a ready internal supply of uranium. Blue Sky's goal is to acquire, explore and advance towards production a portfolio of projects with an emphasis on near-surface uranium deposits that have the potential for near-termlow-cost production to service the Argentine domestic nuclear industry.


In 2008, the Company gained control of a land package of more than 500,000 hectares (5,000 km2) of prospective uranium properties in Rio Negro and Chubut provinces of Argentina (see news release filed on SEDAR April 17, 2008).

Currently, the Company has exclusive rights to approximately 400,000 hectares (4,000 km2) of tenures in the two provinces. The exploration focus is on surficial (calcrete-type), as well as sandstone-type (roll front) uranium +/- vanadium targets. A description of the Company's material project follows.

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Amarillo Grande Project, Rio Negro Province

Location and Ownership: The Amarillo Grande Project is located in central Rio Negro province, in the Patagonia region of southern Argentina. Blue Sky has the exclusive rights to over 261,000 hectares of mineral tenures that form the project. The main parts of the project are all road accessible from major centres, such as Valcheta or Neuquen, via the gravel Provincial Road 66. The area is flat-lying,semi-arid and accessible year-round, with nearby rail, power and port access.

Geologic Potential: The district-scale Amarillo Grande Project hosts mineralization with characteristics of both Surficial and Sandstone-type uranium deposits, in some cases including significant vanadium. Most of the mineralized occurrences found within project area to date have the characteristics of Surficial Uranium Deposits in which uranium occurs in sediments or soils of relatively young age (Tertiary to Recent), often in association with secondary carbonate minerals that form lenses or blankets of calcrete. Surficial deposits typically form in semi-arid to arid uranium rich districts adjacent to uranium source rocks (granites or ash flow sequences) or primary uranium deposits. The main uranium mineral in these deposits is typically carnotite, a yellowish hydrated potassium uranium vanadium oxide, K2(UO2)2(VO4)2.3H2O.

The Ivana deposit displays characteristics of both surficial-type and sandstone-typeuranium-vanadium deposits. In plan view, the Ivana uranium-vanadium mineralization has a broad C-shaped pattern with some isolated outlying areas of peripheral mineralization. The uranium mineralization at Ivana is comprised of secondary uranium minerals which include carnotite, a coffinite-like mineral that has been called ß-coffinite(beta-coffinite), as well as lesser tyuyamunite, leibigite, and an unidentified uranium-bearing mineral species.

The Amarillo Grande project is believed to have district-scale potential for discovery of similar styles of mineralization to the Ivana deposit.

Exploration History Summary: In 2007, under the supervision of consultant Dr. Jorge Berizzo, Blue Sky selected Rio Negro as a high-potential location for discovery of new uranium deposits. In the same year, a 14,689 line-km airborne radiometric survey led to discovery of surficial zones of uranium mineralization at the Anit and Santa Barbara groups of properties. A second large-scale airborne radiometric survey in 2010 led to the acquisition of the Ivana group of properties. Detailed exploration work through 2012 on the three property areas led to the delineation of a new uranium district along a 140-kilometre geologic trend. Significant zones of uranium mineralization have been identified along the trend, with the potential for expansion to depth and along strike. While the three properties were previously distinguished from each other in Company disclosure, their proximity, related geologic trend, and the likelihood of additional property acquisitions and zones of mineralization along the trend, has led the Company to group the entire package into a single project, the Amarillo Grande Project.

In 2016, improved market sentiment for uranium encouraged the Company to relaunch exploration at the project. The first program was designed to delineate mineralization across the district in greater detail and to identify extensions and new targets, both near surface and at depth. By the end of the year, a 15 line- pole-dipole electrical tomography (ET) survey was launched. Conductive anomalies interpreted as paleo-channels were identified on every line surveyed. On January 26th 2017, the Company announced the commencement of a Phase 1, reverse circulation ("RC") drilling program at the Amarillo Grande project.

Drilling at Anit included 1,170 metres in 83 holes. The program successfully confirmed the spatial correlation of the previously recognized mineralized zones. Due to a new market interest in vanadium as a component of storage batteries for renewable energy and strength in traditional market as a steel hardening alloy, and the resulting significant price increase during the year, the exploration team made a detailed review of the vanadium results at Anit. A 3 x 1 kilometre area was delineated with thicknesses between 0 and 16 metres, using a 1,000 ppm V2O5 x 1 metre isocurve as a lower limit. This is a wider and thicker area than that of the uranium mineralized zone, and it is open to expansion (see News Release dated November 8, 2017).

At Santa Barbara, fifteen holes were drilled ranging from 4 to 25 metres length, for a total of 312 metres. This was the first drill program at this target area and was considered a scouting program. Values of uranium and vanadium were low in all holes; this target area represents the lowest priority for follow-up work.

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At Ivana, the Phase I program included 158 holes totaling 2,250 metres. The results successfully outlined a strongly mineralized corridor of uranium-vanadium mineralization, including a higher-grade core zone, within approximately twenty metres of surface. A Phase II program was launched in September 2017, focused on the Ivana target, which included 11.5 kilometres of ET surveying in 4 lines using a 15 metre array. The follow-up Phase II drill program included 4,327 metres in 269 holes. The known mineralization at Ivana was expanded laterally, and thicker higher- grade mineralized intervals were intercepted in the core of the mineralized corridor.

Results from drilling are available in news releases and summarized in previous MDA's, and can be found filed under the Company's profile on SEDAR.

The final drill results for the Phase II program at Ivana were released on January 15, 2018, and the Company announced that it had engaged independent qualified persons to complete the first mineral resource estimate for the project and associated NI 43-101 Technical Report. On January 22, 2018, the Company reported the results of the first preliminary metallurgical test work on samples from Ivana. The metallurgical studies were completed on a single composite created from four samples with predominantly carnotite (a uranium-vanadium oxide) mineralization, the most common style of mineralization found at Amarillo Grande. The alkaline leach test results yielded recoveries of 95% for the uranium in 2 hours.

On March 5, 2018, the first mineral resource estimate for the Amarillo Grande Project was announced, focused specifically on the Ivana deposit. A supporting Technical Report was filed on SEDAR on April 18, 2018, prepared by Jon P. Thorson, PhD., CPG, Bruce M. Davis, FAusIMM, of BD Resource Consulting, Inc., and Susan Lomas, P.Geo., Lions Gate Geological Consulting Inc. ("the Authors") who are independent Qualified Persons as set forth by National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101").

The Authors of the Technical report recommended that Blue Sky Uranium should proceed with a preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") to better direct future project development, and should conduct additional drilling to define the limits of the Ivana deposit and identify satellite uranium-vanadium deposits nearby.

Coincident with the PEA work, Blue Sky continued exploring proximal to the Ivana deposit in order to identify new mineralized areas and expand resources. On August 1, 2018, the Company announced the completion of 425.5 metres of shallow auger drilling in 110 holes to test for extensions to the Ivana deposit. This work provided targets for a subsequent 1,063 metre step-out RC drill program around the Ivana deposit. Results from the RC program were announced on October 9, 2018, and confirmed that the Ivana deposit extends more than 1,000 metres to the south of the initial mineral resource area.

On November 14, 2018, the Company announced the sample results for the first 39 pits from a 115-pit sampling program testing new areas to the west and southwest of the Ivana mineral resource area. High grades of uranium and vanadium from channel samples collected along pit walls indicated the potential for the lateral extension of resources.

2019 PEA Program

A second more detailed round of mineralogical, metallurgical and process design testwork on material from Ivana was completed at the Saskatchewan Research Council ("SRC") under the guidance of independent consultant Chuck Edwards. Results were announced on February 7th, 2019 and were incorporated into the PEA study.

The results of the first Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Amarillo Grande Project were announced on February 27, 2019. The PEA provides an initial view of the potential viability of the resources for a surficial mining operation of the Ivana deposit, with 13 years of uranium and vanadium production. Recovery of uranium and vanadium is through a simple two-stage process of concentration/beneficiation followed by alkaline leaching using low environmental impact technology and reagents.

PEA Highlights (All figures in US dollars)

  • After-taxNPV8%: $135.2 million
  • After-taxIRR: 29.3%
  • After-taxPayback period: 2.4 years
  • Pre-productionCapital Cost: $128.05 million, includes $28.28 million contingency
  • Life of mine ("LOM") Sustaining Capital Cost: $35.46 million, includes $7.21 million contingency
  • Average LOM Total Cash Cost net of credits: $16.24/lb U3O8
  • Average LOM All-In Sustaining Costs ("AISC") net of credits: $18.27/lb U3O8

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PEA Key Assumptions & Inputs

  • Uranium price: $50/lb U3O8
  • Vanadium Price $15/lb V2O5
  • Years of Construction: 2
  • Years of Production: 13
  • Strip Ratio: 1.1:1 (waste/ore)
  • Dilution: 3%
  • Peak Mining rate (waste + mill feed): 13,500 tonnes per day ("tpd")
  • Processing throughput: 6,400 tpd
  • Process Plant Recoveries, Uranium: 84.6%
  • Process Plant Recoveries, Vanadium: 52.5%
  • Average Annual Production (LOM): 1.35 Mlbs/y U3O8
  • LOM uranium production: 17.5 Mlbs U3O8

The PEA is preliminary in nature and is based solely on Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral Reserves. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability and there is no certainty that the PEA will be realized.

An updated Mineral Resource Estimate, effective September 28th, 2018, was used for the PEA. The updated resource estimate includes data from an additional 61 reverse circulation ("RC") drill holes (1,043 metres) completed in September of 2018, as well as a more extensive density study that indicated a density of 2.1 gr/cm3 should be applied. Those changes resulted in a 17% increase in total tonnes, as well as a 19% increase in contained U308 and a 13% increase in contained V205, at similar grades.

The estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, sociopolitical, marketing, or other relevant issues. The quantity and grade of reported Inferred resources are uncertain in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to classify these inferred resources as Indicated or Measured, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in upgrading them to an Indicated or Measured category.

Estimate of Inferred Mineral Resource reported at 100 ppm Uranium Cut-off


Tonnes (t)

Average Grade

Contained Metal

U (ppm)

U3O8 (%)

V (ppm)

V2O5 (%)

U3O8 (lb)

V2O5 (lb)


























1. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.

2. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.

3. The Mineral Resources in this estimate were not constrained within a conceptual pit shell owing to the shallow nature of the deposit (<25 m).

4. The 100 ppm uranium reporting cutoff grade is based on operative costs of $12/t, a price of $50/lb U3O8, and a process recovery of 90%. A density of 2.1gr/cm3 was applied.

5. The resource was estimated within distinct zones of elevated uranium concentration occurring within the host sediments. Vanadium is associated with uranium and is estimated within the same zones. There is no indication that Vanadium occurs outside of the elevated uranium zones in the Ivana deposit area in sufficient concentrations to justify developing estimation domains focused on Vanadium.

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The Mineral Resource Estimate was prepared under the direction of Bruce Davis Ph.D., F.AusIMM, of BD Resource Consulting Inc. and Susan Lomas, P.Geo., of Lions Gate Geological Consulting Inc. Both Dr. Davis and Ms. Lomas are independent Qualified Persons (QP's) as defined in NI 43-101. The PEA and associated information was prepared under the direction of consultant Ken Kuchling, P.Eng., a mining engineer specializing in economic reviews and an independent Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101. Additional contributing Qualified Persons for the PEA are:

Jon Thorson, Ph.D., CPG. (geological interpretation); Chuck Edwards, P.Eng. FCIM (metallurgy & processing) and; Ken Embree, P.Eng., of Knight Piésold Ltd (waste & water management).

Supporting information for the PEA and Mineral Resource Estimate is included in a NI 43-101 Technical Report filed on SEDAR and published on the Company's website.

Infill drilling at the Ivana deposit is expected to upgrade the mineral resource from the Inferred category. There is also potential to expand resources at Ivana, particularly to the west, where pit sampling returned significant intervals with high grades of uranium and vanadium (see Blue Sky news release dated November 15, 2018).

Recommendations for future work on the Ivana deposit included additional infill and step-out drilling to upgrade and expand mineral resources, as well as advanced engineering studies including a complete and comprehensive environmental base line study, additional metallurgical and process design test work, mine design optimization, detailed permitting assessment, among other items.

2019 Exploration

Following the release of the PEA, the 2019 exploration program focused on identifying additional mineralization proximal to the Ivana deposit. Three target areas were pursued: Ivana West, Ivana Central and Ivana North. The program included auger drilling at all three targets, and induced polarization ("IP") geophysical surveying in the Central and North areas, in order to delineate RC drilling targets. Ongoing results were announced in News Releases dated April 29th, 2019, May 16th, 2019, September 19th, 2019 and December 4th, 2019.

The Ivana West target area was located immediately west and southwest of the Ivana deposit. High grades of uranium- vanadium were encountered in two grids of pit samples. Mineralization defined by the northern pit sampling grid is interpreted to be the western extension of the northwestern domain of the current Ivana mineral resource, separated by an area of outcropping basement.

The Ivana Central target is located 10 kilometres north of the Ivana deposit, within the 145 km prospective trend at the AGP. Results from the 2019 IP survey and auger sampling identified near-surface mineralization as well as geophysical, geological and alteration patterns comparable with those associated with the Company's Ivana uranium- vanadium deposit.

At the Ivana North target, 15-20 kilometres north of the Ivana deposit, the IP geophysical survey identified a 5- kilometre-long chargeability anomaly that may be indicative of potential pyrite-associateduranium-vanadium mineralization in the subsurface related to the superficial uranium-vanadium mineralization observed in the area. This represents a compelling target for drill testing.

2020 Exploration

On March 2, 2020, the Company launched a 4,500 metre RC drilling program but by mid-March had to suspended exploration field work due to the COVID-19 crisis. From the approximately 100 drill holes originally planned, only 8 holes were completed before suspension. The technical team continued with an office-based data compilation and target delineation program throughout the remainder of the year. The review and reinterpretation of over 14 years of geological data collected at the project reclassified two areas as compelling targets ("Ivana Este" and "Quatro") with high potential for uranium-vanadium mineralization similar to the Company's cornerstone Ivana deposit (see News Release dated November 2nd, 2020).

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Blue Sky Uranium Corp. published this content on 18 November 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 18 November 2021 20:02:05 UTC.