ESG datasheet 2020
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
ESG datasheet - March 2021
1 Introduction
2 Reports and reporting frameworks
3 Net Zero
4 Greenhouse gas emissions and energy
5 Safety
6 Environment
7 Social
8 Governance
9 Key definitions
1 Introduction
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
This ESG datasheet aims to provide a consolidated overview of bp's non-financial performance. Metrics included in this datasheet cover our activities during the period 1 January to 31 December for the years indicated. Performance data included in this datasheet is discussed further in the sustainability report 2021. The datasheet should be read in conjunction with the sustainability report and is not a substitute for it. The report is available at
How we report ESG data
As we transition from an International Oil Company to an Integrated Energy Company, we are reinventing our old business model. Our upstream/downstream business model was in place up to 31 December 2020 and that is how we previously reported our ESG data. We transitioned to our new business model on 1 January 2021, and this is reflected in how we have reported selected ESG data for 2021. We report group-level data and now provide a breakdown for production and refining. We think this breakdown is most relevant to aid understanding of our performance, in particular GHG emissions. Due to these changes in our ESG reporting, it is not possible to restate prior year data on a new segmental basis. For historical data reported against the old upstream/downstream business model, please see the ESG datasheets for prior reporting years, available at
Metrics subject to assurance for 2021
The selected sustainability information below were subject to limited assurance by Deloitte LLP in accordance with the International Standard for Assurance Engagements ("ISAE") 3000 (Revised). Please see the sustainability report 2021 for Deloitte's independent assurance statement, at An associated 'Basis of reporting' document is available on
Safety indicators: 1. Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF) 2. Total Day away from work case frequency (DAFWCF) 3. Total fatalities 4. Number of oil spills 5. Process safety events (tier 1 and tier 2) Environment indicators: 6. Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions (operational boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 7. Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions from UK locations (operational boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 8. Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions from global locations (excluding UK and offshore) (operational boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 9. Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions (operational boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 10. Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions from UK and offshore locations (operational boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 11. Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions from global locations (excluding UK and offshore) (operational boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 12. Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions (equity boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 13. Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions (equity boundary) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 14. Cumulative total sustainable emissions reductions (SERs) (MtCO₂e) (aim 1) 15. Scope 1 (direct) carbon dioxide emissions (operational boundary) (MtCO₂) (aim 1) 16. Scope 1 (direct) methane emissions (operational boundary) (Mte) (aim 1) 17. Emissions from the carbon in our upstream oil and gas production (MtCO₂e) (aim 2) 18. Average emissions intensity of our marketed energy products (gCO₂e/MJ) (aim 3) 19. Methane intensity (%) (aim 4) 20. Energy consumption for UK and offshore locations (operational boundary) (GWh, base units of kWh) 21. Energy consumption for global locations (excluding UK and offshore) (operational boundary) (GWh, base units of kWh)
2 Reports, reporting frameworks
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Reports and reporting frameworks
Copies of all of bp's key reports, and an archive, can also be found in our reporting centre:
Annual report and form 20-F 2021
Diversity, equity & inclusion report 2020
Energy outlook 2021
Gender and ethnicity pay gap report 2021
Net zero ambition report
Our participation in trade associations: climate - 2021 progress update
Payments to governments 2020
Protected areas 2021
Modern slavery and human trafficking statement 2020
Statistical review of world energy 2021
Sustainability report 2021
Tax report 2020
Reporting frameworks
GRI standards index
SASB index
UN global compact communication on progress
TCFD energy group metrics index
Policies and positions
bp's code of conduct
bp environmental policy
bp's expectations of its suppliers
bp labour rights and modern slavery principles
Business and human rights policy
Our biodiversity position
3 Net zero
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Greenhouse gas emissions
Metric Footnote Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Net Zero aims
Aim 1 - Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) greenhouse gas emissions a MtCO2e 56.6 54.2 54.4 45.5 35.6
Aim 2 - Emissions from the carbon in our upstream oil and gas production (our Scope 3 aim) b c MtCO2 - - 360.9 327.6 303.6
Aim 3 - Average emissions intensity of our marketed energy products d e gCO2e/MJ - - 79 (79.0) 79 (78.6) 79 (79.1)
Refined energy products emissions intensity e gCO2e/MJ - - 93 (92.7) 92 (92.4) 92 (92.4)
Gas products emissions intensity e gCO2e/MJ - - 71 (71.4) 71 (71.4) 72 (71.5)
Bioproducts emissions intensity e gCO2e/MJ - - 29 (28.8) 28 (28.2) 27 (26.8)
Power products emissions intensity e gCO2e/MJ - - 44 (43.6) 43 (42.9) 38 (37.8)
Aggregate lifecycle emissions associated with marketing sales of energy products f MtCO2e - - 993.0 858.3 876.5
Aggregate energy associated with marketing sales of energy products g PJ - - 12,570 10,924 11,086
Aim 4 - Methane intensity h i % 0.2 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.07
Aim 5 - Amount invested in low carbon activities j $ million - >500 >500 750 2,191
Operational control data comprises 100% of emissions from activities operated by bp, going beyond the IPIECA guidelines by including emissions from certain other activities such as contracted drilling activities. a
The baseline year for our aims 1, 2 and 3 is 2019. Following publication of the ESG Datasheet 2020, we identified minor data reporting corrections for the 2019 production volumes used in the calculation of the reported 2019 figure for aim 2. We are showing the resulting adjusted figure for 2019 (360.9 MteCO2e compared to the 360.6 MteCO2e disclosed in the ESG Datasheet 2020). As a result of mathematical rounding, this correction does not impact the 2019 aim 2 emissions published in the bp Annual Report and Form 20-F 2020 or the bp Sustainability Report 2020. b
Estimated CO2 emissions from the assumed combustion of upstream production of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) based on bp's net share of production, excluding bp's share of production in Rosneft. On 27 February 2022, following the military action in Ukraine, the bp board announced that bp intends to exit its 19.75% shareholding in Rosneft Oil Company (Rosneft). It is assumed that all produced volumes undergo full stoichiometric combustion to CO2. These emissions are broadly equivalent to the GHG Protocol, Scope 3, category 11, with the specific scope of upstream production volumes. c
The weighted average GHG emissions per unit of energy delivered (in gCO2e/MJ), estimated in respect of marketing sales of energy products. GHG emissions are estimated on a lifecycle basis covering production, distribution and use of the relevant products (assuming full stoichiometric combustion of the product to CO2). d
We now report carbon intensity for aim 3 to the nearest whole number in gCO2e/MJ. Following publication of the 2020 bp Annual Report and Form 20-F, sustainability report and ESG datasheet, we identified minor data reporting corrections and implemented methodological improvements which have impacted the previously reported aim 3 figures. Recognizing that amendments and methodological enhancements may continue to occur in the future, we believe that the rounding of aim 3 figures in this way provides a more reliable and consistent representation of our performance. Since this is the first year of reporting on this basis, our ESG data sheet on also includes carbon intensity on the prior basis of rounding to 1 decimal place (see figures in parentheses). e
Aggregate lifecycle GHG emissions associated with bp's marketing sales of energy products, as determined in the calculation of the average emissions intensity of our marketed energy products. f
Aggregate energy associated with marketing sales of energy products, as determined in the calculation of the average emissions intensity of our marketed energy products, with electricity represented as fossil equivalence of sold energy. 1 PJ (Petajoule) = 1 billion (10^9) MJ. g
Methane intensity refers to the amount of methane emissions from bp's operated upstream oil and gas assets as a percentage of the total gas that goes to market from those operations. Our methodology is aligned with the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative's (OGCI). h
Methane intensity is currently calculated using our existing methodology and, while it reflects progress in reducing methane emissions, will not directly correlate with progress towards delivering the 2025 target under aim 4. i
In 2021, capital expenditure against our aim 5 activities has increased from $750 million in 2020 to nearly $2.2 billion, the majority of which related to investments in offshore wind, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and solar. j
4 GHG & energy
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy
Metric Footnote Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
GHG - Operational control k l
Scope 1 (direct) greenhouse gas emissions m MtCO2e 50.5 48.8 49.2 41.7 33.2
production MtCO2e - - - - 15.5
refining MtCO2e - - - - 16.9
Scope 1 (direct) carbon dioxide emissions MtCO2e 47.8 46.4 46.8 39.8 32.0
production MtCO2e - - - - 14.4
refining MtCO2e - - - - 16.9
Scope 1 (direct) methane emissions Mt 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.05
production Mt - - - - 0.04
refining Mt - - - - 0.00
Sustainable GHG emissions reductions (Scope 1 and 2) n MtCO2e 0.5 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.6
Scope 2 (indirect) emissions MtCO2e 6.1 5.4 5.2 3.8 2.4
production MtCO2e - - - - 0.0
refining MtCO2e - - - - 2.2
Greenhouse gas intensity (Scope 1 and 2)
production o tCO2e per thousand boe of production - - - - 15.9
refineries p tCO2e per utilized equivalent distillation capacity - - - - 1,060
petrochemicals q tCO2e per thousand tonnes of production - - - - 688
Methane intensity r % 0.2 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.07
Flaring s kt 1,987 1,634 1,395 831 967
GHG - Equity basis k t
Scope 1 (direct) greenhouse gas emissions m MtCO2e 49.4 46.5 46.0 41.3 36.5
production MtCO2e - - - - 17.7
refining MtCO2e - - - - 17.5
Scope 1 (direct) carbon dioxide emissions MtCO2e 45.8 43.3 43.0 39.1 34.8
production MtCO2e - - - - 16.0
refining MtCO2e - - - - 17.5
Scope 1 (direct) methane emissions Mt 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.09 0.07
production Mt - - - - 0.07
refining Mt - - - - 0.00
Sustainable GHG emissions reductions (Scope 1 and 2) n MtCO2e 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.6 1.7
Scope 2 (indirect) emissions MtCO2e 6.8 5.7 5.7 4.2 2.6
production MtCO2e - - - - 0.2
refining MtCO2e - - - - 2.0
Greenhouse gas intensity (Scope 1 and 2)
production u tCO2e per thousand boe of production - - - - 22.4
refineries v tCO2e per utilized equivalent distillation capacity - - - - 1,067
petrochemicals tCO2e per thousand tonnes of production - - - - 688
Energy - Operational control k l
Energy consumption w GWh - - - - 128,805
production GWh - - - - 46,033
refining GWh - - - - 79,177
Energy intensity
production x GJ per thousand boe of production - - - - 169.8
refineries y Energy intensity performance index (indexed to 2010) 104.4 103.9 104.5 106.5 102.8
petrochemicals z GJ per tonnes of production - - - - 11.5
Energy consumption - Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) aa
UK and offshore bb GWh/base units kWh - - - 7,005 4,386
Global (excluding UK and offshore) cc GWh/base units kWh - - - 172,999 124,419
bp total figures and "production" data for GHG emissions and energy include bpx (onshore US operations). k
Operational control data comprises 100% of emissions from activities operated by bp, going beyond the IPIECA guidelines by including emissions from certain other activities such as contracted drilling activities. l
We provide data on GHG emissions material to our businesses on a carbon dioxide-equivalent basis. This includes CO2 and methane for Scope 1 emissions. m
Sustainable emissions reductions (SERs) result from actions or interventions that have led to ongoing reductions in Scope 1 (direct) and/or Scope 2 (indirect) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (carbon dioxide and methane) such that GHG emissions would have been higher in the reporting year if the intervention had not taken place. SERs must meet three criteria: a specific intervention that has reduced GHG emissions, the reduction must be quantifiable and the reduction is expected to be ongoing. Reductions are reportable for a 12-month period from the start of the intervention/action. n
Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions in tCO2e from bp operated production assets per thousand boe of gross upstream oil and gas production. o
Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions in tCO2e from bp operated refineries per utilized equivalent distillation capacity. p
Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions in tCO2e from bp operated petrochemical facilities per thousand tonnes of petrochemicals produced. q
Methane intensity refers to the amount of methane emissions from bp's operated upstream oil and gas assets as a percentage of the total gas that goes to market from those operations. Our methodology is aligned with the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative's (OGCI). Methane intensity was previously reported to one decimal place but is now reported to two, in order to better demonstrate year-on-year changes. r
We report the total hydrocarbons flared from our upstream operations. s
bp equity share data comprises 100% of emissions from subsidiaries and the percentage of emissions equivalent to our share of joint arrangements and associates, other than bp's share of Rosneft. On 27 February 2022, following the military action in Ukraine, the bp board announced that bp intends to exit its 19.75% shareholding in Rosneft Oil Company (Rosneft). t
bp equity Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions in tCO2e from production assets per thousand boe of upstream oil and gas production. This replaces the previous bp equity upstream greenhouse gas intensity which included only Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions in the numerator. u
bp equity Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions in tCO2e from refineries per utilized equivalent distillation capacity. This replaces the previous bp equity refining greenhouse gas intensity which included only Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions in the numerator. v
Total energy consumption in line with Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR). This replaces the total energy consumed metric which used total primary energy consumption. w
Total energy consumption in GJ from bp operated production assets per thousand boe of upstream oil and gas production. This replaces the upstream (production/consumption loss) metric. x
Based on Solomon Associates Energy Intensity Index methodology. y
Total energy consumption in GJ from bp operated petrochemicals facilities per thousand tonnes of petrochemical production. This replaces the previous petrochemicals (energy intensity) metric which included total primary energy consumption in the numerator. z
Energy content of flared or vented gas is excluded from energy consumption reported as although they reflect loss of energy resources, they do not reflect energy use required for production or manufacturing of products. aa
UK and offshore energy consumption 4,386,000,000kWh in 2021. bb
Global (excluding UK and offshore) energy consumption 124,419,000,000kWh in 2021. cc
5 Safety
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Metric Footnote Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Personal safety dd ee
Fatalities - workforce ff # 1 1 2 1 1
employee # 1 0 1 1 0
contractor # 0 1 1 0 1
Day away from work cases (DAFWC) - workforce gg # 97 79 77 58 56
employee # 41 33 29 19 18
contractor # 56 46 48 39 38
Day away from work cases (DAFWC) - workforce - production gg # - - - - 6
employee # - - - - 0
contractor # - - - - 6
Day away from work cases (DAFWC) - workforce - refining gg # - - - - 14
employee # - - - - 6
contractor # - - - - 8
Day away from work case frequency (DAFWCF) - workforce hh DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked 0.055 0.048 0.047 0.044 0.051
employee DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked 0.056 0.046 0.042 0.031 0.035
contractor DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked 0.054 0.049 0.050 0.054 0.064
Day away from work case frequency (DAFWCF) - workforce - production hh DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.046
employee DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.000
contractor DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.072
Day away from work case frequency (DAFWCF) - workforce - refining hh DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.089
employee DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.090
contractor DAFWC per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.088
Recordable injuries (RI) - workforce ii # 384 328 273 174 181
employee # 147 108 88 57 60
contractor # 237 220 185 117 121
Recordable injuries (RI) - workforce - production ii # - - - - 41
employee # - - - - 9
contractor # - - - - 32
Recordable injuries (RI) - workforce - refining ii # - - - - 56
employee # - - - - 24
contractor # - - - - 32
Recordable injury frequency (RIF) - workforce jj recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked 0.218 0.198 0.166 0.132 0.164
employee recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked 0.202 0.152 0.128 0.094 0.117
contractor recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked 0.229 0.233 0.193 0.163 0.204
Recordable injury frequency (RIF) - workforce - production jj recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.316
employee recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.194
contractor recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.384
Recordable injury frequency (RIF) - workforce - refining jj recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.355
employee recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.359
contractor recordable injuries per 200,000 hours worked - - - - 0.352
Hours worked - workforce million hours 352 331 329 264 221
employee million hours 145 143 138 121 102
contractor million hours 207 189 191 144 119
Process safety dd ee
Tier 1 process safety events kk # 18 16 26 17 16
production # - - - - 2
refining # - - - - 6
Tier 2 process safety events ll # 61 56 72 53 46
production # - - - - 9
refining # - - - - 23
Vehicle safety dd
Severe vehicle accident rate mm accidents per million km driven 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.03
Total vehicle accident rate nn accidents per million km driven 1.08 0.87 0.91 0.71 0.80
Severe vehicle accidents # 17 18 24 5 10
Total vehicle accidents # 547 431 430 261 227
Kilometres driven million km 505 457 444 329 269
bp total figures for safety data includes bpx (onshore US operations). Where the combined totals are broken down, "production" data for safety exclude bpx. dd
This represents reported incidents occurring within bp's operational HSSE reporting boundary. That boundary includes bp's own operated facilities and certain other locations or situations. ee
The total number of fatalities by employee and contractor for bp group. ff
DAFWC - Day away from work cases: the number of incidents that resulted in an injury where a person is unable to work for a day (shift) or more. gg
DAFWCF - Day away from work case frequency: the number of DAFWC incidents per 200,000 hours worked. hh
RI - Recordable injury: the number of work-related incidents that result in injuries or that caused fatality, loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, transfer to another job, or require treatment other than simple first aid. ii
RIF - Recordable injury frequency: the number of reported work-related incidents that result in a fatality or injury per 200,000 hours worked. jj
Losses of primary containment from a process of greatest consequence - such as causing harm to a member of workforce, costly damage to equipment or exceeding defined quantities. kk
Losses of primary containment of lesser consequence than tier 1. ll
Rate of severe vehicle accidents (per one million km) involving light and heavy motor vehicles being operated by a member of the bp workforce while undertaking business travel, resulting in fatality, injury, or vehicle rollover. mm
Total vehicle accident rate (TVAR) is the sum of all on-road and off-road motor vehicle accidents per one million kilometres driven. The measure is concerned with any accident, whether it caused harm to any person or only resulted in vehicle damage. nn
6 Environment
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Metric Footnote Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Spills oo
Loss of primary containment pp # 205 186 237 189 191
Oil spills - number (> one barrel) qq # 139 124 152 121 121
contained rr # 81 63 90 70 73
reaching land ss # 44 49 53 36 45
reaching water ss # 14 8 5 10 2
Number of spills production # - - - - 21
contained rr # - - - - 16
reaching land ss # - - - - 3
reaching water ss # - - - - 2
Number of spills refining # - - - - 34
contained rr # - - - - 13
reaching land ss # - - - - 20
reaching water ss # - - - - 0
Oil spills - volume thousand litres 886 538 710 784 655
unrecovered tt thousand litres 265 131 300 494 308
recovered thousand litres - - - 289 347
production - spilled thousand litres - - - - 59
production - unrecovered tt thousand litres - - - - 7
refining - spilled thousand litres - - - - 224
refining - unrecovered tt thousand litres - - - - 89
Water uu
Total freshwater withdrawal million m3 274.9 268.8 281.0 275.6 239.4
production million m3 - - - - 4.1
refining million m3 - - - - 231.9
Total freshwater withdrawal - potable water million m3 43.2 38.8 39.5 40.0 24.8
production million m3 - - - - 0.3
refining million m3 - - - - 21.2
Total water withdrawal - freshwater (rivers, lakes, aquifers) million m3 225.5 223.8 233.7 227.3 207.1
production million m3 - - - - 3.7
refining million m3 - - - - 203.2
Total water withdrawal - reclaimed and recycled water million m3 0.6 2.2 2.3 3.1 2.4
production million m3 - - - - 0.0
refining million m3 - - - - 2.4
Total water withdrawal - industrial water and steam million m3 6.2 6.1 7.7 8.3 7.5
production million m3 - - - - 0.0
refining million m3 - - - - 7.5
Total freshwater withdrawal in areas with water stress or scarcity % - - 7 7 1
Freshwater withdrawal intensity t withdrawn/t production 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.1
production t withdrawn/t production - - - - 0.0
refining t withdrawn/t throughput - - - - 2.8
Freshwater consumption million m3 88.3 85.9 90.8 75.4 53.6
percentage of withdrawal % 32 32 32 27 22
in areas with water stress or scarcity % - - 16 19 4
Freshwater consumption intensity t consumed/t production 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2
Discharges to water - production
mass of produced water managed per unit of mass production t/t 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.4
produced water generated million tonnes 102 101 112 85 49
produced water generated discharged million tonnes 22 18 19 22 21
produced water generated injected million tonnes 80 83 93 63 28
produced water generated evaporated million tonnes - - - <1 <1
produced water percentage discharged % - - 17 25 43
produced water percentage injected % - - 83 74 57
produced water percentage evaporated % - - - <1 <1
oil discharged in muds and cuttings tonnes 4 122 35 0 0
synthetic based fluids discharged in drilling muds and cuttings tonnes 1,232 2,389 1,277 27 1668
drilling chemicals tonnes 72,230 26,881 31,367 43,523 42,825
production chemicals excluding drilling tonnes 20,762 18,798 19,764 10,917 17,534
oil discharged - in produced water and effluent tonnes 278 451 376 432 1042
hydrocarbon concentration in discharged water mg/l 12.4 25.4 20.0 19.9 49.7
Discharges to water - refining total water discharged million m3 - - - - 59
refining - discharged to third party operated wastewater treatment plant million m3 - - - - 13.6
refining - discharged to bp operated wastewater treatment plant million m3 - - - - 45.6
refining - chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/l - - - - 38.2
Discharges to water - COD discharged refining tonnes - - - - 1,741
Air emissions uu
Total emissions to air kt 353 305 296 229 140
production kt - - - - 100
refining kt - - - - 24
Air emissions - nitrogen oxides kt 122 115 110 79 43
production kt - - - - 27
refining kt - - - - 9
Air emissions - sulphur oxides kt 35 32 23 19 10
production kt - - - - 1
refining kt - - - - 9
Air emissions - non-methane hydrocarbons kt 87 64 67 56 42
production kt - - - - 30
refining kt - - - - 4
Air emissions - methane group kt 109 95 96 75 45
production kt - - - - 43
refining kt - - - - 1
Waste uu
Hazardous waste generated (excluding deepwell) vv kt - - - 133.7 156.5
Hazardous waste recovered-recycled offsite (excluding deepwell) vv kt - - - 53.1 59.1
production kt - - - - 20.3
refining kt - - - - 33.8
Hazardous waste disposed (excluding deepwell) vv kt 171.0 182.8 142.6 80.6 97.4
production kt - - - - 19.6
refining kt - - - - 65.5
Non-hazardous waste generated kt - - 491.1 406.3 370.1
Non-hazardous waste recovered-recycled offsite kt 136.0 112.7 262.8 203.2 194.5
production kt - - - - 14.6
refining kt - - - - 157.3
Non-hazardous waste disposed offsite kt 286.5 241.5 228.3 203.1 175.6
production kt - - - - 63.2
refining kt - - - - 83.5
Environmental expenditure ww $ million 971 1,546 2,319 412 2195
Environmental and safety fines $ million 3.6 1.9 0.8 7.4 0.4
Percentage of major operating sites externally verified to be in conformance with ISO 14001 % - - 100 100 100
Number of major operating sites in or adjacent (within 1km) to protected areas xx yy # - - - - 10
Area of major operating sites overlapping with protected areas yy hectares - - - - 3,365
Number of major operating sites in or adjacent (within 1km) to key biodiversity areas xx yy # - - - - 3
Area of major operating sites overlapping with key biodiversity areas yy hectares - - - - 551
bp totals for spill data include bpx (onshore US operations). Where the combined totals are broken down, "production" data for spills exclude bpx. oo
Loss of primary containment records any unplanned or uncontrolled release of material (excluding small or non-hazardous releases such as water) from a tank, vessel, pipe, rail car or equipment used for containment. pp
Any loss of primary containment of one barrel or more of liquid hydrocarbon (1 barrel = 159 litres = 42 gallons). qq
The number of spills from primary containment. This number contains a small number of unclassified spills. rr
The number of spills which breach containment (primary or secondary) and reach the environment, either to land or to water. ss
The volume of oil remaining in land or water after recovery operations. tt
bp totals and "production" data for water, air and waste include bpx (onshore US operations). uu
Hazardous waste does not include waste which is disposed of under licence to deepwell. vv
Operating and capital expenditure on the prevention, control, treatment or elimination of air and water emissions and solid waste is often not incurred as a separately identifiable transaction. Instead, it forms part of a larger transaction that includes, for example, normal operations and maintenance expenditure. The figure for environmental expenditure is therefore estimated, based on the definitions and guidelines of the American Petroleum Institute. ww
A major operation may exist within or near more than one type of protected area or key biodiversity area. xx
Metric replaces, 'Number of major operating sites in or close (within 20km) to international protected areas' to be consistent with disclosures included in WEF-IBC stakeholder capitalism metrics. yy
7 Social
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Metric Footnote Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Economic value generated by bp $ million - 303,900 283,300 188,000 167,100
payments to suppliers $ million - 255,900 233,600 165,300 122,200
benefits to employees zz $ million 10,240 10,490 9,836 9,909 8,857
taxes to governments aaa $ million 5,797 7,527 6,913 3,337 5,378
contribution to communities bbb ccc $ million 90 114 84 77 51
US and Canada ccc $ million - 22.6 27.8 13.4 11.3
Sub-Saharan Africa $ million - 35.9 13.3 14.1 9.1
Middle East and North Africa $ million - 23.8 16.2 18.9 12.3
Europe $ million - 11.9 12.3 16.1 8.1
Asia Pacific $ million - 12.1 9.8 7.7 6.9
South and Central America $ million - 7.9 4.4 5.0 2.9
Global ddd $ million - - - 2.0 0.0
Contribution to communities - bp Foundation $ million - 6.4 9.1 6.4 3.1
Contribution to communities - bp matching $ million - 6.1 8.3 6.1 4.0
Contribution to communities - natural disaster relief $ million - 0.4 0.4 2.3 0.4
Total dividends distributed to bp shareholders eee $ million 7,867 8,080 8,329 6,340 4,304
Percentage of major operating sites in indigenous land % - - 17 13 13
Community complaints fff
damage to property/crops % - 23 27 7 3
job opportunities % - 23 24 41 11
nuisance (odour, noise and dust) % - 21 19 42 59
community investment % - 12 10 2 3
other % - 11 6 6 11
security arrangements % - 7 10 1 0
flaring % - 2 4 1 12
discharges to water % - 1 0 0 0
impact on traditional indigenous, recreational or cultural activities % - - - - 0
bp people
Number of employees # 74,000 73,000 70,100 63,600 65,900
percentage female % 34 35 38 39 39
percentage male % - - 62 61 61
percentage female - graduate hires ggg % 45 48 45 40 45
percentage male - graduate hires ggg % - - - 54 54
percentage female - experienced hires % - 40 39 37 39
percentage male - experienced hires % - - - 63 61
percentage female - leadership team % - 15 15 33 36
percentage male - leadership team % - - - 67 64
percentage female - group leaders % 21 24 25 29 32
percentage male - group leaders % - - - 71 68
percentage female - senior leaders % 24 25 26 27 29
percentage male - senior leaders % - - - 73 71
percentage female - board of directors % - 36 42 45 40
percentage male - board of directors % - - - 55 60
25 and under # - - - - 7,700
26-30 # - - - - 7,500
31-35 # - - - - 9,300
36-40 # - - - - 10,500
41-45 # - - - - 9,600
46-50 # - - - - 8,500
51-55 # - - - - 6,700
56-60 # - - - - 4,100
61 and over # - - - - 2,000
Number of employees - group leaders # 394 376 378 270 281
Number of employees
Europe # - - 33,000 31,900 31,500
US and Canada # - - 13,600 10,600 12,800
Asia Pacific # - - 14,700 13,000 13,400
South and Central America # - - 1,500 1,500 2,400
Middle East, North Africa # - - 5,200 4,900 4,400
Sub-Saharan Africa # - - 1,800 1,700 1,400
production & operations # - - - - 8,800
customers & products # - - - - 43,600
gas & low carbon energy # - - - - 4,000
other businesses & corporate # - - - - 9,500
Women in group leadership % 21 24 25 29 32
Women at management level % 30 31 31 32 33
People from racial minorities in UK and US group leadership % 11 11 14 18 17
People from beyond the UK and US in group leadership % 24 24 25 30 31
Number of employee exits hhh # - - - - 15,212
25 and under # - - - - 4,269
26-30 # - - - - 2,144
31-35 # - - - - 1,699
36-40 # - - - - 1,571
41-45 # - - - - 1,300
46-50 # - - - - 1,212
51-55 # - - - - 1,134
56-60 # - - - - 1,051
61 and over # - - - - 829
male # - - - - 8,025
female # - - - - 7,160
Asia Pacific # - - - - 4,660
Europe # - - - - 7,366
Middle East & North Africa # - - - - 674
Russia # - - - - 24
South & Central America # - - - - 223
Sub-Saharan Africa # - - - - 304
US & Canada # - - - - 1,961
Rate of employee exits hhh % 12 12 18 20 24
25 and under % - - - - 61
26-30 % - - - - 30
31-35 % - - - - 19
36-40 % - - - - 16
41-45 % - - - - 14
46-50 % - - - - 15
51-55 % - - - - 17
56-60 % - - - - 26
61 and over % - - - - 40
male % - - - - 21
female % - - - - 29
Asia Pacific % - - - - 36
Europe % - - - - 24
Middle East & North Africa % - - - - 14
Russia % - - - - 13
South & Central America % - - - - 18
Sub-Saharan Africa % - - - - 18
US & Canada % - - - - 18
Number of new employee hires iii # - - 14,281 9,079 12,742
25 and under # - - 5,795 4,128 5,363
26-30 # - - 2,282 1,507 2,245
31-35 # - - 1,814 1,162 1,759
36-40 # - - 1,431 747 1,187
41-45 # - - 1,056 622 812
46-50 # - - 807 435 604
51-55 # - - 565 246 406
56-60 # - - 310 150 230
61 and over # - - 183 80 120
male # - - 7,450 4,609 6,259
female # - - 6,775 4,438 6,458
Asia Pacific # - - 3,307 2,464 5,090
Europe # - - 8,493 5,549 6,579
Middle East & North Africa # - - 311 136 143
Russia # - - 16 7 12
South & Central America # - - 653 101 103
Sub-Saharan Africa # - - 178 110 83
US & Canada # - - 1,323 712 732
Rate of new employee hires jjj % - - 20 14 19
25 and under % - - 74 58 77
26 - 30 % - - 27 21 33
31 - 35 % - - 17 13 21
36 - 40 % - - 13 7 12
41 - 45 % - - 11 7 9
46 - 50 % - - 9 5 8
51 - 55 % - - 8 4 7
56 - 60 % - - 6 4 6
61 and over % - - 7 4 6
Male % - - 16 12 17
Female % - - 27 18 27
Asia Pacific % - - 23 19 38
Europe % - - 28 17 22
Middle East & North Africa % - - 6 3 3
Russia % - - 6 4 7
South & Central America % - - 12 7 9
Sub-Saharan Africa % - - 10 7 6
US & Canada % - - 10 7 8
Pulse survey
employee engagement % 66 66 65 64 64
pride in working for bp % - 76 75 75 73
Includes wages, salaries, share-based payments, benefits and pensions. zz
Comprises income taxes and production taxes paid. aaa
Includes bp Foundation spend. bbb
Following publication of the ESG Datasheet 2020 a data error was identified that has now been corrected. We are now showing the resulting adjusted figure for 2020. ccc
In 2020 this comprised contributions to the WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. ddd
This includes dividends paid in cash and scrip dividends. eee
Community complaint data excludes data from bpx (onshore US operations). bpx data is included in all other social metrics. fff
1% of graduate hires chose not to disclose gender. ggg
From 2021, the retail population is included in employee exits. hhh
Absolute number of new employee hires. iii
New employee hires as a percentage headcount at the end of the reporting period. jjj
8 Governance
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Metric Footnote Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Ethics and compliance
Concerns and enquiries raised through all reporting channels kkk # 1,612 1,710 1,849 1,608 1,414
operating safely, responsibly and reliably # 237 213 243 251 219
governments and communities # 49 70 75 60 0
our people # 839 862 865 684 601
our assets and financial integrity # 272 333 393 436 377
our business partners # 209 189 204 132 139
other matters # 6 43 69 45 78
Concerns and enquiries raised through OpenTalk kkk # 820 843 788 600 584
Concerns and enquiries raised - raised with management kkk # 792 867 1,061 1,008 830
Separations (dismissals, resignations and supplier terminations) for non-compliance and unethical behaviours lll # 202 178 138 79 35
Employees completing anti-bribery and corruption training # - - 11,000 7,700 12,700
Europe # - - - - 4,328
US and Canada # - - - - 2,630
Asia Pacific # - - - - 2,908
South and Central America # - - - - 730
Middle East, North Africa # - - - - 1,573
Sub-Saharan Africa # - - - - 407
Russia # - - - - 124
Countries bp has a presence in # - 78 79 72 66
Retail sites # - 18,700 18,900 20,300 20,500
Excluding duplicate concerns. kkk
Excludes dismissals of contractors/vendors and staff employed at our retail sites. Excludes heliport spot checks. lll
a Comprises 100% of emissions from activities that are operated by bp.
b Methane emissions intensity refers to the amount of methane emissions from bp's operated upstream oil and gas assets as a percentage of the total gas that goes to market from those operations. Our methodology is aligned with the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative's (OGCI) methane intensity target. Methane emissions intensity was previously reported to one decimal place but is now reported to two, in order to better demonstrate year-on-year changes.
c We report the total hydrocarbons flared from our upstream operations.
d bp's equity share data comprises 100% of emissions from subsidiaries and the percentage of emissions equivalent to our share of joint arrangements and associates, other than bp's share of Rosneft.
e Estimated CO2 emissions from the combustion of upstream production of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) on a bp equity share basis based on bp's net share of production, excluding bp's share of Rosneft production and assuming that all produced volumes undergo full stoichiometric combustion to CO2. Emissions are broadly equivalent to the GHG Protocol, Scope 3, category 11, with the specific scope of upstream production volumes.
f Emission rate of equivalent carbon dioxide per unit of energy provided. Emissions intensity: estimated CO2e on a lifecycle basis from the use, production and distribution of marketed energy products per unit of energy (MJ) delivered.
g The intensity of our marketed energy products is calculated as outlined in the basis of reporting document, available at Marketed emissions is a weighted average of the lifecycle of each marketed energy product on an absolute basis. Energy products include all products such as fuels (liquid, gaseous and solid) and power sold to assumed third party end users. Bio-products include all equity sales associated with ethanol, Butamax and Biojet. Crude oil is not included as it requires refining prior to end use. Refined products intended for non-fuel use (including lubricants, bitumen and naphta) are excluded. Sales of energy products reported as trades are not included. Sales to other oil companies where product is subsequently marketed by them are excluded.
h Based on bp's total ethanol production and wind generating capacity.
9 Definitions
bp ESG datasheet 2017-2021
Key definitions
Areas of water stress and scarcity Defined as areas of medium to high, high and very high water stress based on World Resources Institute baseline water stress.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) The capacity of water to consume oxygen during the decomposition of organic matter and the oxidation of inorganic chemicals such as ammonia and nitrite. COD measurements are commonly made on samples of waste waters or natural waters contaminated by domestic or industrial wastes. In wastewater treatment, COD is used as an index to assess the effect discharged wastewater will have on the receiving environment.
Fatality A fatality is any death of an employee or contractor as a result of a work-related incident.
Hazardous waste Waste that is classified as hazardous (or the regulatory equivalent) by the local regulatory authority.
Key biodiversity area Key biodiversity areas (KBA) are sites contributing significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity, in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. The Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas (IUCN 2016) sets out globally agreed criteria for the identification of KBAs worldwide.
Protected area Protected area is defined as a clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values (IUCN definition). IUCN refer to 6 different categories of protected area (IUCN category I to VI) corresponding to different levels of protection. Protected areas for the purposes of our reporting metric also include formally designated Ramsar wetland sites and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and in Europe, Natura 2000 sites. Protected Areas boundaries are derived from the World Database on Protected Areas. For some protected areas in this database, the IUCN category is not reported, not assigned or not applicable. See
Loss of primary containment (LOPC) An unplanned or uncontrolled release of oil, gas or other hazardous materials from a tank, vessel, pipe, truck, rail car or other equipment used for storage, separation, processing or transfer.
Major operating sites A site or grouping of sites that produce or manage petroleum, chemical, or manufactured products where such products, their production processes, or their exploration processes have the potential to cause significant impact on the environment or the safety and health of employees, neighbours, or consumers.
Non-hazardous waste Waste that is not classified as hazardous (or the regulatory equivalent) by the local regulatory authority.
Oil spill Any liquid hydrocarbon release of more than, or equal to, one barrel (159 litres, equivalent to 42 US gallons).
Sustainable emissions reductions (SERs) Sustainable emissions reductions (SERs) result from actions or interventions that have led to ongoing reductions in Scope 1 (direct) and/or Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions (carbon dioxide and methane) such that GHG emissions would have been higher in the reporting year if the intervention had not taken place. SERs must meet three criteria: bp made a specific intervention that has reduced GHG emissions, bp must be able to quantify the reduction and the reduction is expected to be ongoing. Reductions are reportable for a 12-month period from the start of the intervention/action.
Tier 1 process safety event Losses of primary containment of greatest consequence - causing harm to a member of the workforce, costly damage to equipment or exceeding defined quantities.
Tier 2 process safety event Losses of primary containment of lesser consequence than tier 1.
SheetName Cell Change_from Change_to Changed_by Changed_at Click_to_Goto_change
Datasheet AB265 7.33 Horvath, Zsolt 2/1/21 11:40 $AB$265
SR other data E23 d Morris, Leo 2/3/21 9:53 $E$23
SR other data E23 d Morris, Leo 2/3/21 9:53 $E$23
Datasheet AB301 41.69 37.2 Offen, Tim 2/3/21 9:56 $AB$301
Datasheet AB349 586 Offen, Tim 2/3/21 9:57 $AB$349
SR other data E22:E27 0.8669131238 Offen, Tim 2/3/21 10:29 $E$22
SR other data G17 100 Offen, Tim 2/3/21 10:29 $G$17
SR other data E22:E27 86.6913123845 Offen, Tim 2/3/21 10:29
Footnotes-defs C37 (10) Total vehicle accident rate (TVAR) is the sum of all on-road and off-road motor vehicle accidents per one million kilometres driven. The measure is concerned with any accident, whether it caused harm to any person or only resulted in vehicle damage. (10) Total vehicle accident rate (TVAR) is the sum of all on-road and off-road motor vehicle accidents involving Light and Heavy vehicles per one million kilometres driven. The measure is concerned with any accident, whether it caused harm to any person or only resulted in vehicle damage. Thompson, Graham 2/5/21 11:52 $C$37
Footnotes-defs C38 (11) Rate of severe vehicle accidents (per one million kms) involving a motor vehicle being operated by a member of the BP Workforce while undertaking Business Travel, resulting in fatality, injury, or vehicle rollover. (11) Rate of severe vehicle accidents (per one million kms) involving Light and Heavy motor vehicles being operated by a member of the bp Workforce while undertaking Business Travel, resulting in fatality, injury, or vehicle rollover. Thompson, Graham 2/5/21 11:52 $C$38
Datasheet AB16 1.45 Morris, Leo 2/9/21 9:58 $AB$16
Datasheet AB16 1.45 1.5 Morris, Leo 2/9/21 9:58 $AB$16
Datasheet AF2 Mapping Sophie Greenhalgh 2/9/21 10:39 $AF$2
Datasheet AF2 Notes Mapping Sophie Greenhalgh 2/9/21 10:39 $AE$2
Datasheet AF3 Sophie Greenhalgh 2/9/21 10:39 $AE$3
Datasheet AF4 E Sophie Greenhalgh 2/9/21 10:40 $AF$4
Datasheet AF5 Sophie Greenhalgh 2/9/21 10:40 $AF$5
Datasheet AF4 E Net Zero Sophie Greenhalgh 2/9/21 10:40 $AF$4
Datasheet AF5:AF11 Net Zero Sophie Greenhalgh 2/9/21 10:40
Datasheet AF49 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/9/21 17:16 $AF$49
Datasheet AF50 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/9/21 17:16 $AF$50
Datasheet AF51 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/9/21 17:16 $AF$51
Datasheet AF52 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/9/21 17:16 $AF$52
Datasheet AF53 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/9/21 17:16 $AF$53
Datasheet AF54 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/9/21 17:16 $AF$54
Datasheet AF55 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/9/21 17:16 $AF$55
Datasheet AF56 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 9:55
Datasheet AF298 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 11:38 $AF$298
Datasheet AF299:AF369 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 11:38
Datasheet AG123 Spills in environment? Spills in environment - in line with other companies Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 16:26 $AG$123
Datasheet AF10 Environmental Net Zero Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 16:34 $AF$10
Datasheet AG10 What is flaring Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 16:34 $AG$10
Datasheet AG213 Disclosure - governance? Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 16:37 $AG$213
Datasheet AG274 Social Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 16:41 $AG$274
Datasheet AF385 Governance Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 16:43 $AF$385
Datasheet AF386:AF388 Governance Elizabeth Elli 2/10/21 16:44
Datasheet AG2 Lizzy Notes Notes Sophie Greenhalgh 2/11/21 13:58 $AG$2
Datasheet AG39:AG40 Sophie Greenhalgh 2/11/21 14:14
Datasheet AH274 Social ERMADMIN 2/12/21 15:19 $AH$274
Datasheet AH275:AH280 Social ERMADMIN 2/12/21 15:21
Datasheet AG42:AG46 Sophie Greenhalgh 2/15/21 14:34
Datasheet AG216 Spoken with Climate Change and this could be Net Zero, depending on what this includes, Co2 and methane? Spoken with Climate Change and this could be Net Zero, depending on what this includes, Co2 and methane? More compelling as Net Zero? Sophie Greenhalgh 2/15/21 20:39 $AG$216
Datasheet AG217:AG219 Spoken with Climate Change and this could be Net Zero, depending on what this includes, Co2 and methane? More compelling as Net Zero? Sophie Greenhalgh 2/15/21 20:39


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BP plc published this content on 11 September 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 12 September 2022 07:19:11 UTC.