Business description: BRAIN Biotech AG

BRAIN Biotech AG, is formerly known as B.R.A.I.N. Biotechnology Research and Information Network AG, is a Germany -based Company. The Company is a supplier of bio-based products and solutions such as enzymes and proteins, microbial production strains, natural substances, and biotechnological solutions for industrial processes in the areas of nutrition, health, and the environment. BRAIN Biotech is also offers contract research and development in the fields of enzyme technology, microbial strain development and bioprocess development.

Number of employees: 318

Sales by Activity: BRAIN Biotech AG

Fiscal Period: September20202021202220232024


25.23M 28.3M 37.7M 42.64M 42.64M

Bioscience (excl. Bioincubator)

- - - 12.68M 11.1M

Bio Science

13.92M 11.08M 12.71M - -


- - - 944K 2.05M


-86K -159K -118K -39K -286K
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: BRAIN Biotech AG

Fiscal Period: September20202021202220232024

Other Abroad

12.96M 10.7M 13.58M 16.47M 16.58M


6.88M 8.86M 14.02M 15.31M 13.51M


- 4.98M 6.54M 10.38M 11.28M


8.9M 7.07M 7.93M 5.66M 6.65M

United Kingdom

4.53M 3.7M 3.64M 4.77M 3.68M


4.95M 3.08M 3.8M 2.74M 2.92M
See all geographic segments

Managers: BRAIN Biotech AG

Director TitleAgeSince
Director of Finance/CFO 55 2022-09-30
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 39 2022-12-31
Investor Relations Contact - -
Chief Administrative Officer 64 2000-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 60 -
See BRAIN BIOTECH AG governance

Members of the board: BRAIN Biotech AG

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 53 2017-03-08
Chairman 63 2023-03-07
Director/Board Member 60 2020-10-13
Director/Board Member 61 2023-03-07
Director/Board Member 55 2023-03-07
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: BRAIN Biotech AG

9,918,763 45.40 % 37 M €
1,223,460 5.600 % 5 M €
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH (Invt Mgmt)
4.988 %
1,089,743 4.988 % 4 M €
595,000 2.723 % 2 M €
Apo Asset Management GmbH
2.254 %
492,370 2.254 % 2 M €
List of BRAIN BIOTECH AG shareholders

Company details: BRAIN Biotech AG

BRAIN Biotech AG

Darmstädter Strasse 34-36

64673, Zwingenberg

+49 62 51 9331 0
address BRAIN Biotech AG(BNN)

Environmental Biotechnology

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi. ($)
Average +1.14%-2.22%-33.31%-64.11% 117.79M
Weighted average by Cap. +0.89%-1.24%-38.85%-63.23%
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