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Gold target drilling completed at Gabanintha
RC and aircore drill programs test multiple new gold mineralised fault structures
- Gold mineralisation targeted through RC drilling program (1,871m) completed at New Hope Prospect
- Drilling targeted the interpreted structural feature which returned 10 metres @ 27.5 g/t Au in drillhole 19RRC006 from 53m, including 1m (55-56m)@ 182.0 g/t Au, and 1m @ 6.4 g/t Au from 65m (announced March 2021)1
- RC drilling also targeted a recent aircore result 1.7km south of New Hope in hole 21GAC013 - 9 metres
- 1.43 g/t Au from 24m, including 4 metres @ 2.48 g/t Au and 0.064% Cu from 29m (announced October 2021)2
- Samples have been despatched to a Perth laboratory, assays expected early in 2022.
- Final results from the regional aircore drill hole program completed in August 2021 have also been received.
- 3 new gold targets generated on the project, with best new intervals recorded:
- 21GAC113 - 4 metres @ 0.54 g/t Au from 88 metres (composite sample),
- 21GAC042 - 1 metre @ 0.22% Cu and 0.38 g/t Au from 12 metres, and
- 21GAC058 - 4 metres @ 0.34 g/t Au from 64 metres
- Aircore hole 21GAC113 is located along an interpreted east-west striking fault corridor approximately 500m west of the New Hope Prospect and supports potential for significant gold mineralisation in cross cutting fault zones.
- Bryah Resources Limited holds a suite of mineral rights over the Project including nickel, copper and gold. Australian Vanadium Limited (AVL) holds the mineral rights to vanadium, titanium, iron ore and cobalt and is a 4.9% shareholder of Bryah
Bryah Resources Limited (ASX: BYH, "the Company" or "BYH") is pleased to announce the completion of a reverse circulation (RC) drilling program and release of final results from aircore drilling within the Gabanintha Project ("Project"), which is located approximately 40km south-southeast of Meekatharra.
The drilling program comprised 1,871 metres over 20 holes, ten of which drill tested the New Hope gold prospect identified earlier in the year, targeting the outstanding high-grade gold result of 10 metres @ 27.5
Bryah Resources Limited | Phone: +61 8 9321 0001 | ASX: BYH |
Level 1, 85 Havelock Street | Email: | ABN: 59 616 795 245 |
West Perth, WA 6005 | ||
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g/t Au from 53 metres, including 4m @ 64.3 g/t Au from 54m, which included 1m (55-56m) @ 182.0 g/t Au in 19RRC006. The hole was drilled in 2019 to define the fault zone between two major blocks and was assayed for gold in March 2021 (using existing archive pulp)1.
Three of the holes were drilled 1.7km south of New Hope, beneath recently completed aircore drill hole 21GAC013, where a gold interval of 9 metres @ 1.43 g/t Au was recorded from 24 metres depth.2
Figure 1 Geology and Drill Hole Locations
- See BYH ASX Announcement dated 30 March 2021 for full details
- See BYH ASX Announcement dated 19 October 2021 for full details
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Concurrently, the Company received the last of the laboratory assay results from the aircore drilling program completed in August 2021. Aircore hole 21GAC113 was successful in intersecting gold mineralisation in a composite sample of 4 metres @ 0.54 g/t Au from 88 metres depth. This interval was logged as mafic clays with minor quartz veining, which is interpreted to be a possible extension of the gold bearing fault zone running east-west from the New Hope Prospect located approximately 500 metres to the east. Seven holes have been drilled during the RC program to follow up on the aircore intercept.
This new round of drilling is orientated normal to the cross-cutting fault zone, interpreted to be controlling the mineralisation. A further seven RC holes were drilled in the vicinity of 21GAC013, 1.7km SE of New Hope Prospect, to confirm the mineralised horizon located in that hole, on a different fault to that hosting New Hope.
Aircore Drilling
Drilling was completed on five traverses, crossing the extent of the Lady Alma Layered Igneous Complex (LALIC) within Mining Lease 51/878. The holes were planned to extend out into the rocks both east and west of the intrusion, to define its boundaries.
113 holes were completed with a total of 5,539 metres drilled (5,000m planned). Vertical holes were nominally spaced at intervals of 100 metres along each traverse line and drilled to blade refusal. Figure 1 shows the location of the completed aircore traverses on a geology interpretation by Ivanic, 2019.
The Company has assayed the holes for a full multi-element suite, including whole rock geochemistry, rare earth elements and trace elements from the bottom of hole samples. This dataset will be applied in studies aimed to determine chemical zonation of the LALIC, to identify horizons that may be prospective for economic metal concentrations, both for Bryah and Australian Vanadium Limited2.
Potential economic concentrations of nickel, copper, chromium and/or platinum group elements ("PGE") may be present in the more basal parts of the LALIC. Results from drilling will assist in determining the base and the top of the intrusion, both potential locations for mineralisation.
A summary of the drill holes (21GAC032 - 21GAC113) and latest significant results are set out in Appendix 1.
Follow-Up Work
Bryah Resources Limited will also select further archived drilling pulps from the Project to submit for Au, Pt and Pd analysis. Sample selection criteria remains:
3 Bryah Resources Limited holds the rights to all minerals except Vanadium, Uranium, Cobalt, Chromium, Titanium, Lithium, Tantalum, Manganese & Iron Ore (Excluded Minerals). Australian Vanadium Limited retains 100% rights in the Excluded Minerals and a 0.75% Royalty on any production by Bryah.
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- proximity to known faults;
- elevated copper, barium, arsenic and/or sulphur;
- within or close to the high-grade vanadium domain, and/or
- testing continuity along strike or along fault planes around the significant intercepts recently identified.
Figure 2 Tenement Location Plan
For further information, please contact:
Ashley Jones, CEO +61 8 9321 0001
This announcement has been produced in accordance with the Company's published continuous disclosure
policy and has been approved by the Board
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About Bryah Resources Limited
Bryah Resources Limited is an energy minerals focused explorer exploring for lithium, nickel, copper, gold and manganese. Bryah has two projects located in central Western Australia, being the 1,048km2 Bryah Basin Project and the 80km2 Gabanintha Project, and one project 400km east of Perth, the Lake Johnston Lithium-Nickel Project.
The Bryah Basin is host to the high-gradecopper-gold mines at DeGrussa, discovered by Sandfire Resources Limited in 2009, and at Horseshoe Lights, which was mined until 1994. The Bryah Basin has several historical and current manganese mines including the Company's Horseshoe South mine. The Company has a joint venture agreement with OM (Manganese) Limited in respect to manganese rights only on approximately 600 km2 of its Bryah Basin tenement holdings.
At Gabanintha, Bryah holds the rights to all minerals except Vanadium, Uranium, Cobalt, Chromium, Titanium, Lithium, Tantalum, Manganese & Iron Ore (Excluded Minerals). Australian Vanadium Limited retains 100% rights in the Excluded Minerals on the Gabanintha Project. The Company recently announced the acquisition of the Lake Johnson Lithium-Nickel project3.
Competent Persons Statement - Exploration Results
The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr Tony Standish, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Standish is a consultant to Bryah Resources Limited ("the Company"). Tony Standish has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Tony Standish consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
Where the Company refers to Exploration Results in this announcement (referencing previous releases made to the ASX), the Company is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the relevant market announcements.
Forward Looking Statements
This report may contain certain "forward-looking statements" which may not have been based solely on historical facts, but rather may be based on the Company's current expectations about future events and results. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. However, forward looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed, projected or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions to any "forward looking statement" to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this report, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.
3 See BYH ASX Announcement dated 5 November 2021 for full details.
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Bryah Resources Ltd. published this content on 07 December 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 December 2021 22:31:07 UTC.