Business description: BUA Cement Plc

BUA Cement Plc is a Nigeria-based company, which is a cement producer. The Company is engaged in manufacturing and sales of cement to the general public. These activities are conducted primarily in Nigeria. The Company is focused on the production and marketing of cement under the brand name BUA Cement. The Company produces the CEM II type of cement in accordance with the Nigerian Industrial Standards. Its facilities include BUA Cement Plant, Edo, and BUA Cement Plant, Sokoto. BUA Cement (Sokoto) is primarily engaged in the business of quarrying, extracting, processing, and dealing in limestone, as well as the manufacture and supply of cement. The cement plant is in Sokoto state, Nigeria. Its depots are in Lagos, Abuja, Ilorin, Ibadan and Sagamu. It operates the cement industry in Northwest, Southeast and South Nigeria with a production capacity of approximately 11 million metric tons per annum and plants in Sokoto and Edo State, Nigeria.

Number of employees: 1,257

Sales by Activity: BUA Cement Plc

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Sale of Cement

176B 209B 257B 361B 460B
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: BUA Cement Plc

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


170B 208B 255B 357B 456B

outside Nigeria

5.06B 1.43B 2.33B 4.38B 3.92B
See all geographic segments

Managers: BUA Cement Plc

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 56 2019-12-22
Director of Finance/CFO - 2018-12-31
Investor Relations Contact - 2020-02-29
General Counsel - 2022-10-31
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
See BUA CEMENT PLC governance

Members of the board: BUA Cement Plc

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 56 2019-12-22
Director/Board Member 70 2019-03-27
Chairman 64 2014-05-21
Director/Board Member 63 2014-05-21
Director/Board Member 44 2014-05-21
Director/Board Member 66 2019-12-22
Director/Board Member 65 2019-12-22
Director/Board Member - 2024-07-28
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: BUA Cement Plc

18,974,995,225 56.03 % 1 188 M ₦
Bua Industries Ltd.
39.75 %
13,462,681,069 39.75 % 843 M ₦
Vetiva Fund Managers Ltd.
0.0105 %
3,553,892 0.0105 % 222 580 ₦
Shehu Abubakar
0.002953 %
1,000,000 0.002953 % 62 630 ₦
845,450 0.002497 % 52 951 ₦
List of BUA CEMENT PLC shareholders

Company details: BUA Cement Plc

BUA Cement Plc

32 Churchgate Street BUA Towers PC

106104, Lagos

+234 1 461 0669
address BUA Cement Plc(BUACEMENT)

Cement & Concrete Manufacturing

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
0.00%0.00%-44.14%+31.45% 2.09B
+0.39%+3.44%+48.21%+94.52% 61.02B
+0.95%+0.71%+33.33%-51.43% 16.65B
+0.80%-4.33%-5.06%+7.50% 13.82B
+1.17%+1.09%+6.16%+21.06% 11.74B
+2.56%+4.67%+50.53%+132.57% 8.43B
+0.16%-2.02%+2.21%+79.55% 8.34B
-1.20%+4.92%+2.80%-23.55% 7.7B
+1.45%+4.86%-17.50%-63.31% 5.47B
+10.00%+20.33%-37.86%+72.53% 5.27B
Average +1.63%+3.12%+3.87%+30.09% 14.05B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.98%+2.81%+25.46%+49.55%
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