Capgemini and Ascendance announced the extension of their strategic partnership. Within this new phase of collaboration, Capgemini will help the start-up to pivot from technology demonstrations to industrialization, to accelerate sustainable aviation at scale, powered by hybrid electric propulsion technology. With its dual positioning as a manufacturer of both aircraft and hybrid electric propulsion solutions, Ascendance has focused on pioneering solutions on the road to net-zero aviation, since it was founded in 2018.

Ascendance has chosen hybrid electric propulsion as a realistic approach to sustainable aviation, as it is applicable to multiple regional uses (including passenger transport, medical, logistics and surveillance applications) from now on. Since 2021, Capgemini?s engineering experts have been accompanying Ascendance in its innovative product development roadmap towards certification, across a range of disciplines such as system engineering, flight physics and control, and power systems and battery development. First flight set for 2025: Ascendance has developed two innovative solutions for the aviation industry?s energy transition: STERNA, a patented modular hybrid propulsion system that allows multiple energy sources to be used at the same time1; ATEA, a next-generation Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft powered by Sterna, a quiet and low-carbon alternative to helicopters.

Ascendance aims to perform its ATEA prototype first flight this year. To accelerate the scale-up and industrialization phase of both STERNA and ATEA, the extended partnership will see Capgemini bring its end-to-end capabilities in engineering, technology, data and business transformation in the fields of electric battery, industrial ramp-up, connected services, and digital continuity. This partnership emphasizes Capgemini?s commitment to support the scale-up of high-potential start-ups and is fully aligned with the Group?s ambition in sustainability.