Business description: Castrol India Limited

Castrol India Limited is an India-based lubricant company. The Company is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of automotive and industrial lubricants and related services. The Company's brands include Castrol CRB, Castrol GTX, Castrol Activ, Castrol POWER1, Castrol MAGNATEC and Castrol VECTON, Castrol EDGE, Castrol Go!, Castrol On and Castrol RX. The Company also operates in high performance lubricants and metalworking fluids used in a variety of industries, such as automotive manufacturing, mining, machinery and wind energy. Its services include Castrol Pitshop and Castrol Bike Point. Its commercial vehicle products include engine oils, transmission fluids, coolants, greases, diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) and hydraulic fluids. It produces a range of advanced electric vehicle (EV) transmission fluids, thermal fluids and EV greases. It has a manufacturing and distribution network with around three blending plants and a distribution network of 350 distributors and 100,000 retail outlets.

Number of employees: 630

Sales by Activity: Castrol India Limited

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


38.83B 30.04B 42.01B 47.74B 50.75B
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Geographical breakdown of sales: Castrol India Limited

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


38.63B 29.9B 41.64B 47.48B 50.51B

Outside India

140M 70.3M 277M 263M 240M
See all geographic segments

Managers: Castrol India Limited

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - 2024-10-31
Director of Finance/CFO 50 2020-12-31
Compliance Officer - 2021-09-05
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Sales & Marketing 50 -

Members of the board: Castrol India Limited

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 50 2020-12-31
Director/Board Member 68 2018-07-22
Chairman 73 2024-09-30
Director/Board Member - 2020-04-01
Director/Board Member 50 2022-03-31
Director/Board Member - 2024-09-30
Director/Board Member - 2024-10-31
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Castrol India Limited

504,452,416 51 % 1 033 M ₹
Life Insurance Corporation of India (Investment Portfolio)
11.29 %
111,689,381 11.29 % 229 M ₹
Nippon Life India Asset Management Ltd. (Invt Mgmt)
0.8583 %
8,490,082 0.8583 % 17 M ₹
Bank of India Investment Managers Pvt Ltd.
0.3914 %
3,871,000 0.3914 % 8 M ₹
Tata Asset Management Pvt Ltd.
0.2446 %
2,419,474 0.2446 % 5 M ₹
List of CASTROL INDIA LIMITED shareholders

Company details: Castrol India Limited

Castrol India Ltd.

Technopolis Knowledge Park Mahakali Caves Road

400093, Mumbai

+91 22 6698 4100
address Castrol India Limited(CASTROLIND)

Other Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-4.98%-6.34%-1.18%+67.04% 2.24B
+0.10%-0.60%+4.35%+38.79% 471B
+0.09%-3.90%-17.83%+4.10% 179B
-0.46%+0.69%+6.62%+4.07% 94.81B
+0.84%+7.97%-1.83%+16.76% 92.35B
+1.99%+6.43%-12.52%+44.81% 52.88B
+1.28%+3.96%-8.90%+99.03% 49.31B
+3.30%+1.68%-4.70%+52.84% 42.84B
-1.42%+1.94%+20.85%+76.08% 35.3B
-1.89%-7.39%-14.26%+38.69% 33.47B
Average -0.12%+0.44%-2.94%+44.22% 105.29B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.27%+0.22%-1.64%+32.85%
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