Cellnex Telecom has announced it created the position Chief Operating Officer (COO), which will be assumed by Simone Battiferri, to whom the following areas will report: Commercial; Sales Excellence & Marketing; Innovation, Business Development & Technology; Operational Excellence; and IT Services. Battiferri, who comes from the consultancy firm Digital 360, has extensive experience in the telecommunications sector where he has held numerous positions of responsibility, mainly at Telecom Italia, both in Italy and internationally. Both functions will report directly to the CEO and will be part of the Company's Executive Committee, together with the top managers of the Legal department and Secretary of the Board (Virginia Navarro), CFO (to be appointed), People (Yolanda Menal), Public Affairs & Corporate Communication (Toni Brunet) and Regulatory & EU Affairs (to be appointed).
The Managing Directors of the main markets in which the company operates (Spain, Alfonso Álvarez; France, Thomas Bertrand; Poland, Santiago Argelich; the United Kingdom, Gianluca Landolina; and Italy, to be appointed) will also be part of the Group's Executive Committee, as well as those of the two clusters that bring together the rest of the European countries where Cellnex operates: Portugal, the Netherlands and Ireland on the one hand (Nuno Carvalhosa), and Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and Sweden on the other (Axel Majert). Cellnex CEO Marco Patuano underlined that "this new structure has been designed to enhance and strengthen Cellnex's growth for the future. Furthermore, Àlex Mestre, who up to now was Deputy CEO of the Company, has decided to take advantage of the opportunity to join the current Cellnex Telecom pre-retirement plan and will be leaving the Company at the end of this year.