Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Celltrion, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Celltrion, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Celltrion, Inc.

Celltrion Healthcare Co., Ltd.

Pharmaceuticals: Major

Polus, Inc.

Pharmaceuticals: Other

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Pharmaceuticals: Major5
Pharmaceuticals: Other1
Wholesale Distributors1
Other Consumer Services1
Internet Software/Services1
Aerospace & Defense1
Electrical Products1
Investment Banks/Brokers1

Countries of related companies

South Korea9
United States3
United Kingdom1
Logo Celltrion, Inc.
Celltrion Inc is a Korea-based company mainly engaged in the production and sale of bio pharmaceuticals. The Company operates its business through two segments. The Bio Pharmaceutical segment produces and sells protein therapeutics such as anticancer drugs. In addition, this Segment develops monoclonal antibodies(mABs) that are used to treat chronic autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and severe diseases such as breast and colon cancer. The Chemical Pharmaceutical segment is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of chemical drugs. In addition, the Segment sells bio drugs, and provides services such as data analysis. The Company's main products include liver and bowel medicines and other generics. The main products sold by the Company include autoimmune disease treatment agents, anti-malignant tumor drugs and other products. The Company sells its products in domestic and overseas markets such as Europe and the United States.
More about the company