Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: CEMATRIX Corporation

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: CEMATRIX Corporation

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: CEMATRIX Corporation

Cematrix (Canada), Inc.

Engineering & Construction

Active Relations

Past Relations

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Engineering & Construction1
Pharmaceuticals: Other1
Internet Retail1
Medical/Nursing Services1
Investment Banks/Brokers1

Countries of related companies

Logo CEMATRIX Corporation
CEMATRIX Corporation is a Canada-based company, which manufactures and supplies technologically advanced cellular concrete products developed from proprietary formulations across North America. It is engaged in the supply and placement of cellular concrete. The Company’s cement-based material with thermal protection, which delivers a range of problems facing the infrastructure, industrial, energy and commercial markets. It supplies and installs lightweight cellular concrete with a cast density as low as 400 kg/m3. Its cellular concrete is commonly used as an insulation material for oil and gas facility slabs, roadways, shallow utilities and contaminated site remediation that requires ground heating. Its applications include retaining wall and bridge approach backfill, roadways and runways, and slope stabilization. Its wholly owned operating subsidiaries include CEMATRIX (Canada) Inc. (CCI), MixOnSite USA Inc. and Pacific International Grout Company.
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