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Relationship chart for related private companies: Cepton, Inc.

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Related private companies: Cepton, Inc.

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Logo Cepton, Inc.
Cepton, Inc. is an innovator of light detection and ranging (lidar)-based solutions for automotive (ADAS/AV), smart cities, smart spaces, and smart industrial applications. It offers near-range lidars, long-range lidars and ultra-long-range lidars, automotive software and smart lidar systems that include its perception software. Its solutions include industrial and automotive grade lidars. For mass market automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) applications, it also sells components and license technologies to tier 1 suppliers to enable them to manufacture lidars in high volume and sell to original equipment manufacturers customers. Its customers can enable safety and autonomy applications across a range of end-markets, including its primary market. It offers a comprehensive lidar solutions platform comprised of both hardware and software. It also offers intelligent, smart lidar perception solutions by combining lidar sensors with its advanced Helius perception software.
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