Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc. announced assay results for an additional seven drill holes from the Quiulacocha Tailings Project in Central Peru. Highlights - All intersections are in core lengths from surface and correspond to the predominant silver-zinc-lead zone in the northern section of the deposit: Hole SPT15 intersected 19 meters (?m?) of 73.09 grams per tonne (?g/t?) silver (?Ag?), 2.10% Zinc (?Zn?), 0.90% Lead (?Pb?), and 27.30 g/t gallium (?Ga?); Hole SPT16 intersected 19 m of 55.44 g/t Ag, 1.64% Zn, 0.70% Pb, and 26.21 g/t Ga; Hole SPT17 intersected 21 m of 54.71 g/t Ag, 1.50% Zn, 0.70% Pb, and 31.05 g/t Ga; Hole SPT18 intersected 22 m of 50.27 g/t Ag, 1.31% Zn, 0.65% Pb, and 28.99 g/t Ga;Hole SPT34 intersected 15 m of 58.77 g/t Ag, 1.79% Zn, 0.70% Pb, and 31.29 g/t Ga; Hole SPT37 intersected 18 m at 50.51 g/t Ag, 1.28% Zn, 0.89% Pb, and 49.26 g/t Ga; Hole SPT38 intersected 18 m at 50.38 g/t Ag, 1.48% Zn, 0.96% Pb, and 55.68 g/t Ga.