CH. Karnchang Public Company Limited at its 2022 annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on April 29, 2022, the meeting approved the allocation of profit by making dividend payment for the 2021 operational results at the rate of THB 0.25 per share in the amount of THB 414,474,218. (Such dividend would be paid from the company's retained earnings) paid out of unallocated accumulated profit as follows: profit subject to corporate income tax at the rate of 23% in the amount of THB 0.21 per share and profit subject to corporate income tax at the rate of 20% in the amount of THB 0.04 per share in respect of which, individual shareholder will be entitled to dividend tax credit pursuant to Section 47 bis of the Revenue Code.

In this Regard, the record date for the right to receive dividend payment for the 2021 operational results was on March 15, 2022, and the dividend payment for the 2021 operational results is scheduled to be paid on May 23, 2022.