Erik Selin increases his ownership in (update)
The real estate profile Erik Selin has, through his company ES Aktiehandel, on August 16 purchased 16,000 shares in the technology company where he is a major owner. The shares were purchased at a price of SEK 22.60 per share, a deal of SEK 361,600. The transaction was made outside the trading venue. This is stated in Finansinspektionen's transparency register.
Erik Selin is represented by Jonas Strömberg, who is a board member of Checkin. Jonas Strömberg himself has also purchased 11,000 shares in Checkin at a price of SEK 22.60 per share, a transaction of SEK 248,600. writes in a separate press release that the value of Selin and Strömberg's share purchase amounts to SEK 610,200. The shares have been purchased from's CEO Christian Karlsson to finance the option program through which Karlsson increased his ownership in the company from 15,000 shares on June 30 to 307,984 shares on August 16.
"The purchase of these shares is part of my financing of an option program where I have made a net investment of almost SEK 2.5 million in the company. Although as a shareholder I would have preferred not to sell, it feels very good that in this way we can at the same time tie important owners even closer to us. We have always strived to have strategic and long-term owners who can contribute with their experience and Selin is a perfect example of this," comments Christian Karlsson.
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