China Binary New Fintech Group announced that Ms. Xiao Ying did not offer herself for re-election due to her desire to devote more time to other business which require more of her attention, she retired as an executive Director and ceased to be an authorised representative of the Company pursuant to Rule 5.24 of the GEM Listing Rules and the compliance officer of the Company at the conclusion of the 2020 AGM; Mr. Li Jianguang did not offer himself for re-election due to his desire to devote more time to other business which require more of his attention, he retired as a non-executive Director at the conclusion of the 2020 AGM; and Mr. Lan Xi resigned as a non-executive Director due to his desire to devote more time to other business which require more of his attention with effect from 11 June 2020. The company also announced that with effect from the conclusion of the 2020 AGM:- Ms. Cheng Lucy, the company secretary of the Company, has been appointed as an Authorised Representative; and Mr. Sun Jiangtao ("Mr. Sun"), an executive Director, the chairman and chief executive officer of the Company, has been appointed as the Compliance Officer.