ETFs positioned on China Conch Venture Holdings Limited

Name Weight AuM 1st Jan change Investor Rating
0.88% 0 M€ 0.00% -
0.45% 2 M€ -2.90% -
0.18% 4 M€ -11.56%
0.17% 0 M€ 0.00% -
0.07% 35 M€ -5.85% -
0.06% 7 M€ +0.11% -
0.04% 92 M€ +16.32% -
0.02% 12 M€ +9.77%
0.02% 4 M€ -4.41% -
0.01% 33 M€ +9.29% -
0.01% 33,076 M€ +14.79% -
0.00% 8 M€ +6.15% -
0.00% 503 M€ +22.15% -
0.00% 43 M€ +20.57% -
0.00% 50 M€ +15.11% -
0.00% 391 M€ +16.84% -
0.00% 24 M€ +9.92% -
0.00% 122 M€ +12.35% -
0.00% 16 M€ +12.97%
0.00% 66 M€ +7.13% -
0.00% 9 M€ +5.32% -
Logo China Conch Venture Holdings Limited
China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd is a company mainly engaged in the waste disposal business. The Company operates five segments. Waste-to-energy Projects segment includes waste incineration solutions, manufacturing and sales of residual heat power generation, vertical mill and related after-sales services. Port Logistics Services segment mainly engages in cargo handling, trans-shipment and warehousing services. New Building Materials segment mainly engages in alternative wall building materials, such as the cellulose fiber cement sheets, autoclaved boards and wood wool cement boards. New Energy segment mainly engages in lithium iron phosphate cathode and anode materials, and recycling business. Investments segment comprises investments in Anhui Conch Holdings Co., Ltd.
More about the company
Trading Rating
Investor Rating
ESG Refinitiv
surperformance-ratings-light-chart CHINA-CONCH-VENTURE-HOLDIMore Ratings
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Spread / Average Target

Annual profits - Rate of surprise

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  4. ETFs China Conch Venture Holdings Limited