Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

and The Stock Exchange of Hon g Kong Limited take no

responsibility for the

contents of

this announcement,

make no representation

as to its

accuracy or

completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howso ever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.

(Stock Code: 1313)


This is a voluntary announcement made by China Resources Cement
Holdings Limited (the
The Company noticed that Fujian Cement Inc. ("Fujian Cement"), a company listed on The
Stock Exchange and
an independent third party
of the Co mpany, published an
announcement on 28 May 2013 with contents involving the Company. The Company therefore makes the following clarification and confirmation in relation to the announcement made by Fujian Cement:
1. The Company is in discussion with Fujian
Cement in relation to the setting up of a
company for the marketing and sale of cement and the establishment of a joint venture for the construction of cement grinding lines. No agreement has been reached yet.
2. The Company is in discussion with Fujian
Energy Group Company Limited ("Fujian
Energy Group") in relation to the cooperation between the Company and Fujian Building
Materials Holdings Company Limited (a subsidiary of Fujian Energy Group and the
controlling shareholder of Fujian Cement).
No agreement has been reached yet. Both
Fujian Energy Group
and Fujian Building
Limited are
independent third parties of the Company.
The board of the directors of the Company hereby clarifies that the above two projects with
Fujian Cement and
Fujian Energy Group are under discussion and a s at the date of this
announcement, no agreement has been reached. In the event that the Company will enter into any
related agreement
with Fujian
and Fujian
Energy Group, the
will make
announcement in accordance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
The Stock

As the above matters may or may not proceed, the Company's shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company and to consult their own professional advisers if they are in doubt.

By order of the Board



Hong Kong, 28 May 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. ZHOU Longshan, Mr. PAN Yonghong, Mr. YU Zhongliang and Mr. LAU Chung Kwok Robert; the non- executive directors of the


are Mr. DU


Mr. WEI Bin, Mr. HUANG Daoguo and Mr.. CHEN Ying; and the

independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. IP Shu Kwan Step hen, Mr. SHEK Lai Him

Abraham, Mr. XU Yongmo, Madam ZENG Xuemin and Mr. LAM Chi Yuen Nelson.

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