China Resources Beer (Holdings) Company Limited entered into the Property Management and Commercial Operation Services Framework Agreement with China Resources Mixc Lifestyle Services Limited (CR Mixc), pursuant to which CR Mixc Group will provide property management services and other commercial operation services to the Group commencing from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027, both days inclusive. CR Mixc Group will provide the property management services for commercial properties to the Group, such as preliminary property preparation services, post-delivery management services, and indoor integrated property services. Indoor integrated property services mainly pertain to the property management services such as janitorial services, front-desk concierge services, conference management services, and file management services; and CR Mixc Group will provide the commercial operation services for commercial properties to the Group, such as commercial property positioning, design and management, tenant solicitation and management services, as well as operation management services, such as opening preparation services, tenant guidance, consumer management, marketing and publicity, informative product services, etc.