China Southern Airlines Company Limited announced the appointment of Mr. Zhang Jun Sheng as an independent non-executive Directors. The resolution regarding the election of Mr. Wei Zhen
Xing as a shareholder representative Supervisor of the 10th session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. On 29 July 2024, the Board considered and approved (i) the appointment of Mr. Ma Xu Lun as the Chairman of the 10th session of the Board; (ii) the appointment of Mr. Han Wen Sheng as the Vice Chairman of the 10th session of the Board and the President of the Company; (iii) the appointment of Mr. Zhang Jun Sheng as the chairman, and Ms. Pansy Catilina Chiu King Ho and Mr. Guo Wei as the members of the Audit and Risk Management Committee; (iv) the appointment of Mr. Guo Wei as the chairman, and Mr. Luo Lai Jun and Ms. Pansy Catilina Chiu King Ho as the members of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee; (v) the appointment of Ms. Pansy Catilina Chiu King Ho as the chairman, and Mr. Luo Lai Jun and Mr. Zhang Jun Sheng as the members of the Nomination Committee; (vi) the appointment of Mr. Han Wen Sheng as the chairman, and Mr. Guo Wei and Mr. Zhang Jun Sheng as the members of the Strategic and Investment Committee; and (vii) the appointment of Mr. Han Wen Sheng as the chairman, and Mr. Guo Wei and Mr. Zhang Jun Sheng as the members of the Aviation Safety Committee. On 29 July 2024, the Supervisory Committee considered and approved the appointment of Mr. Ren Ji Dong as the Chairman of the 10th session of the Supervisory Committee.