Announcement (Eng) - Change of Dir Info dd 12.5.2015

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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 0775)


This announcement is made pursuant to Rules 13.51(2)(l) and 13.51B(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules").
The board of directors (the "Board") of CK Life Sciences Int'l., (Holdings) Inc. (the "Company") has been informed by Professor Wong Yue-chim, Richard ("Professor Wong"), an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company, that he was an Independent Non-executive Director of Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange Limited ("HKMEx") and resigned with effect from 23 May 2013, of which liquidators were appointed on 28 August 2014 after the High Court of Hong Kong (the "High Court") granted an Order for Winding Up by the Court (the "Court Order") against HKMEx. It has recently come to the notice of Professor Wong that the Court Order filed with the High Court on 18 July 2014 was dated as 28 April 2014 and was within 12 months after Professor Wong's ceasing to act as director of HKMEx on 23 May 2013.
Based on information available in public domain, HKMEx was a private company limited by shares incorporated in Hong Kong on 7 November 2007 (CR No.1182937). On 26 April 2011, HKMEx was authorised to provide automated trading services for the purposes of operating a commodities futures market in Hong Kong and the authorisation was withdrawn on 17 May 2013. The Company does not have any interests in, and is not in any way related to or connected with HKMEx. Save as disclosed above, the Board has no information on the abovementioned matter and there is no other matter in respect of Professor Wong's change of information that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.
By Order of the Board

CK Life Sciences Int'l., (Holdings) Inc. Eirene Yeung

Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 12 May 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Li Tzar Kuoi, Victor (Chairman), Mr. Kam Hing Lam, Mr. Ip Tak Chuen, Edmond, Mr. Yu Ying Choi, Alan Abel and Dr. Chu Kee Hung; and the Non-executive Directors are Mr. Peter Peace Tulloch, Professor Wong Yue-chim, Richard (Independent Non-executive Director), Mrs. Kwok Eva Lee (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. Colin Stevens Russel (Independent Non-executive Director) and Mr. Kwan Kai Cheong (Independent Non-executive Director).

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