Microsoft Word - List of directors 2015-06-01.doc


中核國際有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2302)

List of Directors and their Roles and Functions

The members of the board of Directors ("Board") of CNNC International Limited are set out below:-
Non-executive Director, Chairman
Mr. Du Yunbin
Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Wang Ying
Non-executive Director
Mr. Xu Shouyi
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. Cheong Ying Chew Henry
Mr. Cui Liguo
Mr. Zhang Lei

There are 3 Board committees. The table below provides membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves.
C Chairman of the relevant Board committees
M Member of the relevant Board committees
Hong Kong, 1st June, 2015

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