Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Coast Copper Corp.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Coast Copper Corp.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Coast Copper Corp.

British Columbia Bar Association

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Voleo, Inc.

Packaged Software

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Other Metals/Minerals11
Precious Metals10
Financial Conglomerates3
Packaged Software2
Miscellaneous Commercial Services2

Countries of related companies

Logo Coast Copper Corp.
Coast Copper Corp. is a Canada-based copper and gold exploration company. The Company’s exploration focus is the Empire Mine property, located on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC), which covers three historical open pit mines and two past-producing underground mines that yielded iron, copper, gold, and silver. The Empire Mine property consists of over 33 mineral claims and 57 fee simple crown grants covering approximately 15,746 hectares (ha). Its other properties include its 100% owned Sully property located in southeastern BC, Knob Hill NW property located on northern Vancouver Island, its Home Brew property in central BC, and its Scottie West property located in the Golden Triangle of northern BC. Its Sweeney property consists of over 10 mineral claims totaling 1,549 ha. Sweeney property is located approximately 135 kilometers (km) by road, southwest of the town of Houston in the Central Interior of BC and is centrally located in the Huckleberry Mine Camp.
More about the company