Codex DNA, Inc. announced the release of its first full-length synthetic genome for the highly infectious Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (B.1.617 lineage). The genome was synthesized and constructed using Codex DNA’s BioXp™ 3250 system, its fully automated synthetic biology benchtop workstation for rapid, accurate, and reproducible writing of DNA and mRNA. The Codex DNA synthetic SARS-CoV-2 genomes can be used by researchers to generate breakthrough therapies and vaccines and to develop new diagnostics to help detect, contain, and slow the spread of highly transmissible variants. Synthetic genomes allow scientists to work safely with the replicated virus without the additional security measures required when working with the actual pathogen and therefore have allowed more laboratories to engage in the battle against the pandemic than would otherwise have been possible.Codex DNA provides fully automated, benchtop synthetic biology solutions for accelerating timelines for vaccine development and biologics drug discovery. The company currently offers a catalogue of 13 SARS-CoV-2 synthetic genomes as well as custom-made SARS-CoV-2 genomes that are used for developing or testing monoclonal antibody treatments, small-molecule therapies, or new vaccines against specific variants. These genomes may also serve as diagnostic controls. In addition, Codex DNA offers a suite of RNA controls and custom DNA synthesis services to address SARS-CoV-2. For customers interested in alternative variants to SARS-CoV-2, Codex DNA provides a wide range of synthetic controls that enable scientists to confidently verify and validate assays without the need for clinical virus samples.