June 24, 2022

The Secretary

BSE Limited

P.J. Towers - 25th Floor

Dalal Street

Scrip Code: 500830


The Manager - Listing Department

National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Symbol: COLPAL

Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block - G

Series: EQ

Bandra-Kurla Complex

Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051

Dear Sir(s),

Re: Newspaper Extracts - Public Notice to the Shareholders of the Company

Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed newspaper clips of the notice regarding the 80th Annual General Meeting of the Company. The said notice was published in the following newspapers:

  1. The Financial Express; and
  2. Loksatta.

Kindly take the same on record.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

For Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited


Digitally signed by



Date: 2022.06.24 22:01:05 +05'30'

Surender Sharma

Whole-time Director - Legal &

Company Secretary

Encl: a/a


CIN: L24200MH1937PLC002700

Regd. Office: Colgate Research Centre, Main Street, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400 076

Tel.: (022) 6709 5050, Fax: (022) 2570 5088

Website. www.colgatepalmolive.co.in e-mail ID. investors_grievance@colpal.com


Regd. Off: Colgate Researoh Cent re, Main St reet, f-1iranar11fani Ga1rdens , PaiNai, Mumbai 400 076. 1

CIN: L24200Mf-11937PLC002700

Tel:+91226709 5050; Fax:+9122 2570 5088

Email d:i1westors_girievanoe@co,lpal1 .comWebsite:www.ool1gatepal mo1i1ve.co.in

lnformation regarding the 81 11 Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held

through VCIOAVM

NOTICE is hereby given tllat the 81s 1 Annual General Mee·ng ( &AGM) of the Company willl l:Je held on Thursday, J Lily 28, 2022 at 3.30 p.m. !ST through Video Confereooing (''VC") or Other Audio Visual Means. (OAVM) in compliance with the Circular No. 1412020 dated April 08, 2020, Oircullar No. 17/2020 dated April 13, 2020, Circular No. 201.2020 dated May 05, 202{), Ci,rcll1a,r No. 02/2021 dated January 13, 2021 fo,llowed with Cl,rcula r No.. 212022 dated May5, 2022 is.sued iby the Ministry of CorporateAffairs ('herein.after cdllective1y .referired to as MCA Ciirculairs') a11d SE81 Circular SE s,lf-lO/CFDCMD1CI.R/P/2020/79 dated May 12, 2020, Cireular SI:B IMO/CF D/CMD:2/C11RIP/2021111 dated Janua,ry 15, 2021, followedwiith Ci.roular SEB1HO/CFD/CMD2/CIR/Pl2022/62 dated May 13, 2022 {'hereioofter collectively .referred to as.SEBII Circulars') irn this regard, to t ra111saci the busirness that will! be set forth in the Notioe of the Meetillg.

The Notic e of fhe AGM a orng with theArmua Report for the Fi11ancial Year 2021-22(·Annuall Reporr) will be sent o rnty by e1ectro11ic mode to those Members whose email add.resses are registeredwith theCompany/


Depository i:11 aooordallCe with the aforesaid MCACiroulars and SEBII Oiroulars. The Notioe of t,he AGM and A:nrnua1 Report w111 a so be availab11e on the websit e of the Comparny at www.co1gatepalmolfive..oo.in a!ild welb:sites of Stock Exohal'lges and on NSDL's website i.e. at wv-m.evoting.ns.dl .oom

The Company is providing the facility of remote e-Voti:ng as we1 as e-Votinig during the A:GM to a111 the members to cas:t thteir vote electronica ly 0111 alll the resolutions set out ·i111 the Notioe o f the AGM. The Comparny has erngaged the servioes of National Secur,ities Depository Limited t"NSDL), for proViidlog the e-VoU1ng facility to the Sllareoolders. Facility fore-Voting du,rlng the A:GM willl be made avaiilablle to those Members who atternd the AGM and have not already cast the, ir vote. The Members who have cast their:vot e by 1remote e-VoNn g prior to the A:GM may also at tend/ ,participatein1 the AGM thro1..1Qh VC I OAVM hut Sh·all oot be entlt led to cast their vote again. The details of e-Voting and t1he process of e-Votif11g wiU be provided in the Notice of the AGM.

Members Whose email add resses are already registered with the Com pany/Deposltmy, may fo:llow the



irns:tmciionsfor remote e-Voting as wen a:s a-Voting during1 the A:GM as prollided j,rn the Notice oft e AIGM. Members. Whose email addresses are rriot registered with the Company/Depoaitory may follOl'il the lbelaiN

process for ,registering or updating their emai!laddiresses:

1. Mem'bers holdlrng shares ifl e1ectA:lnicldemat mode, ,please update �ur email adclrt;ss v.1th your De!X), sltory,


rits.. f-lawever , Members may temporarily regis:ter thesame wlth the Company's Reglstrar and Share


Trarnsfe,rAgentLe. Mis. Lirnk lrntime lf'lldia Private L·rmitecl at https:Jllinkintime.co.tn/emaillreg(email_registerJ1tml

on theirwebsi·te MNW.11i.nkintime..oo.iirn in the Investor Services tab it,; providing details such as Name, DP lD,

Clie.111t ID, PAN, mobile number and email addre:ss.

2. Membe:rs holldif11g shares ill physJca! and who have not regi1stered their emaii address may register the same with the Com,pany, 's. Registrar af11d Share T1ransfer Agent Le. Mis. Unk l ntime lrndia Private Limited at https:Jmnkintime.co inlemail reg/emaiUegister.html orn theirbsltewww.linkirnNme.oo.rn 1ir1 the 1·rnves:tor Se.rv,ices tab by providing details1. S:l.1Ch as Name, Fo io Number, CeJtifi,cate flumber, PAN, molbile inumber alilcl emaii address alild also upload the image of s'hare cert,ificate in PDF or JPEG for,mat tupto 1 MB).

Onstlbmission of the above member det ails, a One&liime Password (OTP) will be received :by the member which needs to lbe e rntered in the !ink for verifir-.atforn .

Kiindily lflote, Members Who a,re rriot already er1,rolled in Electronic Clearing Serv,ioe (EG-S)a1re ,reqL1estedto fill in the ECS form whioh is avaiiab1le e.ither on the Company's 'W8bsite or with the Company's Registrar & Share Transfer Agerrt arnd forward the same alongwit h a cancelled cheque leaf to title Company's Registrar


& SJhare Transfer Agent,.1if the shares are held irn physical fo·nm a!ld tothe applicable Depository Participant , if the shares airehelld in demate,ri,alized form.

Thiis notioe is 1iSSL1ed fo,r the informat,iorn arnd 'bernefit of the Members. of the Company lrn oompliia nce with t he




app11icab!e aircula.rs of MCA and SEBI.

For Colgate--P·almollvae {Ind la) LImlted

P1lace: Mumba i


Surelilder Sharma

Date : June 21 , 2022

Whole-timeDirecto:r-Legal & Comparny Secretary



EXPRESS wed· 22 June 2022

READTow.o https: //epaper. financialexpress. com/c/6879806: tj"

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l,ttps: //epaper. loksatta. com/c/68798078


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Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited published this content on 24 June 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 June 2022 09:45:15 UTC.