Comet Lithium Corporation announced the results of the Phase 1 Exploration program conducted during the month of June 2024 at the Corporation's Liberty property ("Liberty Property"), located in the Chibougamau region of Québec. Liberty Fieldwork and Results: Dahrouge Geological Consulting ("DGC") was commissioned to conduct fieldwork at the Liberty Property, with Comet's VP of Exploration, Vincent Cardin-Tremblay, accompanying DGC during this exploration program. The fieldwork took place in early June 2024 and involved helicopter reconnaissance and ground traverses, focusing on the southernmost portion of the Liberty Property.

During this exploration program, the three field teams successfully completed all priority traverses, covering a total of 214 kilometres. They sampled 33 outcrops and 94 boulders, and recorded 77 observation points. Seven pegmatite samples (one outcrop and six boulders) returned a K/Rb ratio of = 55.

The pegmatite outcrop with a low K/Rb ratio is a north-south striking dyke. The seven angular boulders with low ratios, found in the southeast corner, contain the appropriate mineral assemblage of tourmaline, muscovite, and apatite. Except for one rounded boulder found on the west side of the Liberty Property, all these prospective samples are from the southeast portion of the property, which is deemed highly prospective. Dykes Identified Numerous outcrops of amphibolitized basalt were identified in the southeastern area of the Liberty Property.

Several tonalitic dykes were observed and sampled, along with numerous blocks of felsic intrusive rock, some of which were pegmatitic. Underneath and adjacent to thick vegetation cover, a north-south striking pegmatite dyke measuring between 50 and 100 centimetres in thickness was observed over a length of 3 metres. The Stardust dyke displayed white pegmatite with 5-10% large muscovite crystals and 1-5% black and green tourmaline.

The sample C00282855 returned a K/Rb ratio of 4.4 and assayed 5,659 ppm Rb, 919 ppm Cs, 274 ppm Ta, and 0.07% Li2O. The dyke was manually excavated, but further tracing was not possible due to the increasing thickness of the overburden in the area. Southeast Corner of the Liberty Property In the southeast corner of the Liberty Property, three angular blocks of white pegmatite containing muscovite, green tourmaline, and traces of blue apatite were observed 10 metres apart (C00282878 and C00282879).

Their respective K/Rb ratios were 5.8 and 7.2, classifying them as differentiated and prospective, with Li2O content of 0.22% and 0.18%. Notably, sample C00282879 returned a high rubidium value of 8,000 ppm Rb. The shape and number of these blocks suggest a proximal origin to the main source.

In the southeasternmost corner of the Liberty Property, two angular blocks of white muscovite pegmatite, located 20 metres apart, were also observed (C00282872 and C00282873). Their respective K/Rb ratios were 3.6 and 4.1, classifying them as differentiated and prospective. These samples returned anomalous lithium levels, with readings of 0.03% Li2O and 0.16% Li2O, respectively.

The shape of these blocks suggests a proximal origin, and they are directly aligned with the Stardust dyke located 420 metres to the north. Southwest of the Liberty Property On the west side of the Liberty Property, near where Winsome Resources Inc. ("Winsome") drilled the Adina East pegmatite, approximately 500 metres west of the border, no outcrops were encountered. The area is dominated by thick glacial cover, with numerous boulders present.

Although felsic blocks were sampled, the majority did not show the desired level of fractionation. Despite the absence of outcrops, certain areas with higher topography along the strike of Adina East remain prospective and warrant further investigation. As noted below, Winsome recently released results from the Adina East area, and several results are amongst their best results based on thickness and grade. Notably, hole AD-24-211 intersected 16.0m at 2.15% Li2O from 82.3m and hole AD-24-227 intercepted 15.3m at 1.35% Li2O from 38.3m.

Comments from Adina East drill results: Winsome Resources Inc. released additional Adina drilling results on August 19, 2024.  Eight reported drill hole results came from the Adina East area, with the closest drill collar located about 500 meters away from the Liberty boundary. Notable reported intercepts from the Adina East area include: 16.0m at 2.15% Li2O from 82.3m (AD-24-211), 15.3m at 1.35% Li2O from 38.3m (AD-24-227), 5.5m at 1.56% Li2O from 57.1m (AD-24-205A). Winsome reported that drilling has both confirmed the presence of high-grade mineralisation to the east and has identified the mineralisation remains open in this direction.

Winsome noted the results from the furthest holes to the east are amongst the best results based on thickness and grade and provided encouragement for further drilling to be completed at Adina East.