Apolo Chile SpA and Aerio Chile SPA signed a contract to acquire Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica Transemel S.A. from Compañía General de Electricidad S.A. (SNSE:CGE) for approximately $170 million on July 23, 2019. This acquisition will be financed solely with debt. The transaction is expected to complete in the beginning of October 2019. Santander S.A. Corredores de Bolsa acted as financial advisor to Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica Transemel S.A. Cristóbal Villarino H. of Prieto Abogados acted as legal advisor for REN and Roberto Guerrero D. and Macarena Ravinet L. of Guerrero, Olivos, Novoa y Errazuriz acted as lega; advisors for Compañía General de Electricidad. BTG Pactual Chile SpA acted as a financial advisor to Compañía General de Electricidad S.A. KPMG Auditores Consultores Ltda acted as financial due diligence provider to REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, S.A.