Executive Committee: ConocoPhillips

Positions heldSince
Ryan Lance

Ryan Lance

62 year

Chief Executive Officer 2012-04-29
Christopher Delk

Christopher Delk

55 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2015-06-30
Andrew O’Brien

Andrew O’Brien

50 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
Heather Hrap

Heather Hrap

52 year

Human Resources Officer 2015-09-30
Pragati Mathur

Pragati Mathur

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2021-07-06
Kontessa Haynes-Welsh

Kontessa Haynes-Welsh

50 year

Treasurer 2022-11-06
William Bullock

William Bullock

60 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2020-08-31
Kelly Rose

Kelly Rose

58 year

General Counsel 2018-08-31
Corporate Secretary 2018-08-31
Andrew Lundquist

Andrew Lundquist

64 year

General Counsel 2013-02-05

Composition of the Board of Directors: ConocoPhillips

Ryan Lance

Ryan Lance

62 year

Executive Committee Chair 2012-05-21
Jeffrey Joerres

Jeffrey Joerres

65 year

Audit Committee 2013-01-31
Compensation Committee Chair
Compensation Committee
Governance Committee
Executive Committee
HR Committee
HR Committee Chair
Dennis Arriola

Dennis Arriola

64 year

Audit Committee 2024-03-18
Finance Committee 2024-03-18
Compensation Committee 2022-09-12
HR Committee 2022-09-12
Governance Committee 2023-11-15
Nominating Committee 2023-11-15
Arjun Murti

Arjun Murti

56 year

Executive Committee
Compensation Committee
HR Committee
Audit Committee Chair 2022-05-09
Finance Committee Chair 2022-05-09
Robert Niblock

Robert Niblock

62 year

Executive Committee 2022-05-08
Compensation Committee 2022-05-08
HR Committee 2021-01-04
Audit Committee
Finance Committee 2020-03-17
Sharmila Shahani-Mulligan

Sharmila Shahani-Mulligan

59 year

Audit Committee 2017-06-30
Finance Committee 2017-06-30
Compensation Committee 2017-06-30
HR Committee 2017-06-30
Gay Evans

Gay Evans

69 year

Compensation Committee 2022-02-27
HR Committee
Audit Committee 2022-02-27
David Seaton

David Seaton

63 year

Audit Committee 2019-10-15
Compensation Committee 2019-10-15
HR Committee 2019-09-08
Al Walker

Al Walker

68 year

Executive Committee
Audit Committee 2020-03-02
Finance Committee
Nelda Connors

Nelda Connors

59 year

Audit Committee 2024-09-02
Compensation Committee 2022-10-27
Finance Committee 2024-09-02
William McRaven

William McRaven

69 year

Audit Committee 2018-10-04
Finance Committee 2018-10-04
Tim Leach

Tim Leach

65 year

Director/Board Member 2021-01-14

Former Officers and Directors: ConocoPhillips

Positions held
Harald Johan Norvik
Harald Johan Norvik
Director/Board Member 2005-06-30 2019-05-13
Independent Dir/Board Member 2005-06-30 2019-05-13
Janet Carrig
Janet Carrig
General Counsel 2006-07-31 2018-08-31
Corporate Secretary 2006-07-31 2018-08-31
Dick Auchinleck
Dick Auchinleck
Director/Board Member 2002-08-29 2018-05-14
Independent Dir/Board Member 2002-08-29 2018-05-14
Frances Vallejo
Frances Vallejo
Director of Finance/CFO 2008-09-30 2016-03-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2015-03-31 2016-11-30
Treasurer 2008-09-30 2015-02-28
Luc Messier
Luc Messier
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-01-31 2015-05-31
William E. Wade
William E. Wade
Director/Board Member 2006-02-28 2015-05-11
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-01 2015-05-11
William Kane Reilly
William Kane Reilly
Director/Board Member 2002-08-29 2013-05-13
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-01 2013-05-13
B. M. Cavaney
B. M. Cavaney
Public Communications Contact 2008-10-31 2011-06-05
General Counsel 2008-10-31 -
Carin Knickel
Carin Knickel
Human Resources Officer 2003-09-30 2012-04-30
Corporate Officer/Principal 2000-12-31 2003-09-30
Harold McGraw
Harold McGraw
Director/Board Member 2005-08-31 2012-04-29
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-01 2012-04-29
Victoria J. Tschinkel
Victoria J. Tschinkel
Director/Board Member 2002-08-29 2012-04-29
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-01 2012-04-29
Kenneth Duberstein
Kenneth Duberstein
Director/Board Member 2002-08-29 2012-03-31
Independent Dir/Board Member 2002-08-29 2012-03-31
Rand Berney
Rand Berney
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2002-08-29 2009-04-06
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-04-06 2011-12-31
Eugene Batchelder
Eugene Batchelder
Chief Administrative Officer 2008-12-31 2011-12-31
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2002-08-29 2008-12-31
Willie Chiang
Willie Chiang
Sales & Marketing 1995-12-31 2011-12-31
Bobby Shackouls
Bobby Shackouls
Director/Board Member 2006-02-28 2011-05-10
John Carrig
John Carrig
Chief Operating Officer 2002-08-29 2011-02-28
President 2002-08-29 2011-02-28
Stephen Brand
Stephen Brand
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2007-09-30 2009-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-12-31 2007-09-30
James Gallogly
James Gallogly
Corporate Officer/Principal 2006-03-31 2009-05-13
J. Stapleton Roy
J. Stapleton Roy
Director/Board Member 2002-07-31 2008-05-13
William R. Rhodes
William R. Rhodes
Director/Board Member 2002-07-31 2008-05-13
Norm Augustine
Norm Augustine
Director/Board Member 2002-07-31 2008-05-13
John Lowe
John Lowe
Corporate Officer/Principal 1980-12-31 2007-12-31
Stephen F. Gates
Stephen F. Gates
General Counsel 2003-04-30 2007-12-30
Arden L. Walker
Arden L. Walker
Corporate Officer/Principal 2006-03-31 2007-01-31
Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis
Corporate Officer/Principal 2006-03-31 2006-10-31
David B. Rottino
David B. Rottino
Corporate Officer/Principal 2006-03-31 2006-05-31
Larry D. Horner
Larry D. Horner
Director/Board Member 2001-12-31 2006-05-09
Richard Armitage
Richard Armitage
Director/Board Member 2006-02-28 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2006-02-28 -
John D. Clayton
John D. Clayton
Corporate Officer/Principal 2005-12-31 -
E. Julia Lambeth
E. Julia Lambeth
Corporate Secretary 2001-12-31 2005-12-31
Frank McPherson
Frank McPherson
Director/Board Member - 2005-05-04
David Lyle Boren
David Lyle Boren
Director/Board Member 1996-03-31 2005-02-13
Ahmad Sharaf
Ahmad Sharaf
Corporate Officer/Principal 2001-12-31 -
Harold A. Wright
Harold A. Wright
Corporate Officer/Principal 1990-12-31 2004-12-31
Archie Dunham
Archie Dunham
Chairman 1995-12-31 2004-08-31
F. Jeff Duncan
F. Jeff Duncan
Chairman - 2004-09-29
James E. Copeland
James E. Copeland
Director/Board Member 2004-01-31 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-01 -
Elizabeth F. Williamson
Elizabeth F. Williamson
General Counsel - 2003-12-31
Bill Easter
Bill Easter
General Counsel 2002-07-31 2003-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 1997-12-31 2002-07-31
S. Craig Johnston
S. Craig Johnston
Corporate Officer/Principal 2002-12-31 2003-12-31
J. Bryan Whitworth
J. Bryan Whitworth
Corporate Officer/Principal 2002-08-31 2003-02-28
John C. Mihm
John C. Mihm
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1963-12-31 2002-12-31
Kathryn C. Turner
Kathryn C. Turner
Director/Board Member 2002-08-29 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-01 -
Ruth Harkin
Ruth Harkin
Director/Board Member 2002-08-29 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-01 -
William Stanley
William Stanley
General Counsel 1999-12-31 2001-12-31
Joe McKee
Joe McKee
Director of Finance/CFO 1992-12-31 -
Brian R. Wenzel
Brian R. Wenzel
Corporate Officer/Principal 1990-12-31 -
Greg L. Franklin
Greg L. Franklin
Corporate Officer/Principal 1979-12-31 1982-12-31
David Bond
David Bond
Corporate Officer/Principal 1980-12-31 -
Done F. Kremer
Done F. Kremer
Corporate Officer/Principal 1972-12-31 -
Timothy Taylor
Timothy Taylor
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Mary Hagenson
Mary Hagenson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Peggy Colsman
Peggy Colsman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Thomas Parker
Thomas Parker
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Joseph C. High
Joseph C. High
Human Resources Officer - -
Matthew Selbie
Matthew Selbie
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Steven F. Arbelovsky
Steven F. Arbelovsky
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Keith G. Little
Keith G. Little
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Roberto Aguilera
Roberto Aguilera
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Mark Mallett
Mark Mallett
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Stephen Western
Stephen Western
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Edward R. Jacoby
Edward R. Jacoby
Sales & Marketing - -
Brian J. Dubois
Brian J. Dubois
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Karl James
Karl James
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Patty Bengtson
Patty Bengtson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard W. Wilken
Richard W. Wilken
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Gary E. Goodman
Gary E. Goodman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Allan Hart
Allan Hart
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
James C. Taylor
James C. Taylor
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ian Ronald Baron
Ian Ronald Baron
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Alfred Novak
Alfred Novak
Director/Board Member - -
LaDonna Graves
LaDonna Graves
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Steve L. Scheck
Steve L. Scheck
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ben J. Clayton
Ben J. Clayton
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Keith A. Kliewer
Keith A. Kliewer
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Robert J. Fries
Robert J. Fries
General Counsel - -
Ramesh Sharda
Ramesh Sharda
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Robert G. Campau
Robert G. Campau
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 18
Female 6

Of which Executive Committee

Male 7
Female 2

Of which Directors

Male 9
Female 3


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


StockField.ESG : Environnement
StockField.ESG : Social
StockField.ESG : Gouvernance
StockField.ESG : Polémique
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
StockField.ESG : Conforme à la finance Islamique
Logo ConocoPhillips
ConocoPhillips specializes in exploring and producing hydrocarbons. Net sales break down by family of products as follows: - crude oil (52.9%): 923,000 barrels produced per day in 2023; - natural gas (34.3%): 88.8 million m3 produced per day; - liquefied natural gas (4.6%): 279,000 barrels produced per day; - other (8.2%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (80.3%), Canada (5.4%), Norway (4.3%), United Kingdom (3.5%), Libya (3.1% Malaysia (1.7%) and China (1.7%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Archie Dunham
Archie Dunham


1995-12-31 2004-08-31

F. Jeff Duncan
F. Jeff Duncan


- 2004-09-29

James J. Mulva
James J. Mulva

Chief Executive Officer

2002-08-29 2012-04-29