If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult a licensed securities dealer or registered institution in securities, a bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant, or other professional adviser.

If you have sold or transferred all your shares in COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd., you should at once hand this circular, the form of proxy and the reply slip to the purchaser or transferee or to licensed securities dealer or registered institution in securities or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee.

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.

This circular is for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for the securities of COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd.



(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1138)








Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and Independent Shareholders

Capitalised terms used in this cover shall have the same meanings as those defined in this circular.

A letter from the Board is set out on pages 6 to 15 of this circular. A letter from the Independent Board Committee to the Independent Shareholders is set out on pages 16 to 17 of this circular. A letter from Messis Capital Limited, the Independent Financial Adviser, containing its advice to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders is set out on pages 18 to 27 of this circular.

A notice convening the EGM to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 3rd Floor, Ocean Hotel, No. 1171 Dong Da Ming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the People's Republic of China was despatched to the Shareholders on 1 November 2019, which is reproduced on pages EGM-1 to EGM-4 of this circular.

A notice convening the H Shares Class Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 3rd Floor, Ocean Hotel, No. 1171 Dong Da Ming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the People's Republic of China (to be held in the order of the EGM, the A Shares Class Meeting and the H Shares Class Meeting) was despatched to the Shareholders on 1 November 2019, which is reproduced on pages HCM-1 to HCM-3 of this circular.

The respective proxy forms for use at the EGM and the H Shares Class Meetings were despatched on 1 November 2019. Whether or not you are able to attend the above meetings, please complete and return the proxy forms in accordance with the instructions printed thereon as soon as possible and in any event by not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or any adjournment thereof (i) in case of holders of H Shares, to the Company's Hong Kong branch share registrar, Hong Kong Registrars Limited at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (ii) in case of holders of A shares, to the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company at 7th Floor, 670 Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the People's Republic of China. Completion and return of the proxy form will not preclude you from attending and voting in person at the meeting or at any adjourned meetings should you so wish.

25 November 2019

* For identification purposes only




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LETTER FROM THE BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LETTER FROM THE INDEPENDENT BOARD COMMITTEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LETTER FROM THE INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







THE SHAREHOLDERS' GENERAL MEETINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


NOTICE OF H SHARES CLASS MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


- i -


In this circular, unless the context otherwise requires, the expressions below shall have the following meanings:

"2017 Class Meetings"

the class meeting of A Shareholders and the class meeting of H

Shareholders held on 18 December 2017

"2017 EGM"

the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on 18

December 2017

"2017 EGM Circular"

the circular of the Company dated 4 December 2017

"2018 Class Meetings"

the class meeting of A Shareholders and the class meeting of H

Shareholders held on 17 December 2018

"2018 EGM"

the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on 17

December 2018

"2018 EGM Circular"

the circular of the Company dated 30 November 2018

"2019 Class Meetings"

the class meeting of A Shareholders and the class meeting of H

Shareholders held on 26 July 2019

"2019 EGM"

the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on 26 July


"2019 EGM Circular"

the circular of the Company dated 5 July 2019

"A Share(s)"

Renminbi-denominated domestic share(s) in the ordinary share

capital of the Company, with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each,

which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

"A Shareholder(s)"

holder(s) of A Share(s)

"A Shares Class Meeting"

the class meeting of the A Shareholders to be convened to consider

and, if thought fit, approve, among other things, the Extension


"Amendment Resolution"

the resolution proposed at the 2019 EGM and the 2019 Class

Meetings in relation to, amongst other things, the supplement to the

Price Floor Mechanism

"Articles of Association"

the articles of association of the Company

"Benchmark Price"

for illustration purpose only, RMB6.81 being the net asset value per

Share set out in the most recent audited consolidated financial

statements of the Company as at the latest practicable date of the

2017 EGM Circular (i.e. 1 December 2017)

- 1 -



the board of Directors

"Board Authorisation Extension

the proposed resolutions to extend the validity period of the


authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the

Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public

Issuance of A Shares, for a further period of 12 months,

commencing from 18 December 2019, being the date after the

expiry date of the existing validity period, to 17 December 2020


the maximum of 806,406,572 A Shares to be issued pursuant to the

Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares

"Class Meetings"

the A Shares Class Meeting and the H Shares Class Meeting


COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd* (中遠海運能

源運輸股份有限公司), a joint stock limited company established in

the PRC, whose H shares and A shares are listed on Main Board of

the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 1138) and the

Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 600026), respectively

"COSCO Shipping"

China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited* (中國遠洋海運集團

有限公司), a PRC state-owned enterprise and the indirect

controlling shareholder of the Company

"COSCO Shipping Concert Group"

COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it for the

purpose of the Takeovers Code, including CSG and its subsidiaries


China Shipping Group Company Limited* (中國海運集團有限公

) (original name: China Shipping (Group) Company* (中國海運

(集團)總公司)), a PRC state-owned enterprise wholly-owned by

COSCO Shipping and the direct controlling shareholder of the



China Securities Regulatory Commission


director(s) of the Company


the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be convened

to consider and, if thought fit, approve, among other things, (i) the

Proposed Amendments and (ii) the Extension Resolutions


the Executive Director of the Corporate Finance Division of the

SFC or any of its delegate(s)

"Extension Resolutions"

the Share Issuance Extension Resolution and the Board

Authorisation Extension Resolution

- 2 -



the Company and its subsidiaries as at the date of this circular

"H Share(s)"

the overseas listed foreign share(s) in the ordinary share capital of

the Company with a par value of RMB1.00 each, which are listed

on Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

"H Shareholder(s)"

holder(s) of H Share(s)

"H Shares Class Meeting"

the class meeting of the H Shareholders to be convened to consider

and, if thought fit, approve, among other things, the Extension


"Hong Kong"

the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's

Republic of China

"Hong Kong Stock Exchange"

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

"Independent Board Committee"

the independent board committee of the Company comprising Mr.

Ruan Yongping, Mr. Ip Sing Chi, Mr. Rui Meng and Mr. Teo Siong

Seng, being all the independent non-executive Directors, which is

formed to advise the Independent Shareholders on the Extension

Resolutions in accordance with the Listing Rules

"Independent Financial Adviser"

Messis Capital Limited, a corporation licensed to carry out Type 1

(dealing in securities) and Type 6 (advising on corporate finance)

regulated activities under the SFO, which has been appointed by the

Company to advise the Independent Board Committee and the

Independent Shareholders in respect of the Extension Resolutions

"Independent Shareholders"

Shareholders other than (i) COSCO Shipping and parties acting in

concert with it and (ii) all other parties (if any) who are interested

or involved in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and

the Extension Resolutions

"Issue Price"

the issue price of the A Shares underlying the Proposed Non-public

Issuance of A Shares

"Latest Practicable Date"

19 November 2019, being the latest practicable date prior to the

printing of this circular for the purpose of ascertaining certain

information contained in this circular

"Listing Rules"

the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock

Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

- 3 -


"NAV Price Floor"

the net asset value per share (that is the net assets attributable to the

shareholders of the ordinary shares of the Company as at the

relevant financial year end date divided by the Company's total

share capital as at the relevant financial year end date) as set out at

the latest audited consolidated financial statement of the Company,

being one of the two limiting parameters underlying the Price Floor


"New Whitewash Waiver"

a waiver granted by the Executive on 24 July 2019 pursuant to

Note 1 on dispensation from Rule 26 of the Takeovers Code in

respect of the obligation of COSCO Shipping to make a general

offer for all the issued A Shares (and a comparable offer to acquire

all issued H Shares) not already owned by or agreed to be acquired

by the COSCO Shipping Concert Group which may otherwise arise

as a result of the Subscription


the People's Republic of China which, for the purpose of this

circular, excludes Hong Kong, the Macau Special Administrative

Region of the People's Republic of China and the region of Taiwan

"Price Determination Date"

the first day of the period when the A Shares are issued under the

Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares

"Price Floor Mechanism"

the mechanism by which the price floor in respect of the Issue Price

is determined, being the higher of the Share Trading Price Floor

and the NAV Price Floor

"Proposed Amendments"

collectively, the proposed amendments to (i) the Articles of

Association; (ii) the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders'

General Meetings; (iii) the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of

the Board of Directors; and (iv) the Rules and Procedures of

Meetings of the Supervisory Committee

"Proposed Amendments

the announcement of the Company dated 30 October 2019 in


relation to the Proposed Amendments

"Proposed Non-public Issuance of

the proposed non-public issuance of not more than 806,406,572 A

A Shares"

Shares by the Company to not more than 10 specific target

subscribers, including COSCO Shipping which proposes to

participate via the Subscription


Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC

"Rules and Procedures of Meetings

the rules and procedures of meetings of the board of directors of the

of the Board of Directors"


"Rules and Procedures of Meetings

the rules and procedures of meetings of the supervisory committee

of the Supervisory Committee"

of the Company

- 4 -


"Rules and procedures of

the rules and procedures of shareholders' general meetings of the

Shareholders' General Meeting"



the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong


the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Chapter 571 of the Laws of

Hong Kong (as amended, supplemented, or otherwise modified

from time to time)

"Share Issuance Extension

the proposed resolution to extend the validity period of the then


Independent Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed

Non-public Issuance of A Shares, for a further period of 12 months,

commencing from 18 December 2019, being the date after the

expiry date of the existing validity period, to 17 December 2020

"Share Trading Price Floor"

90% of the average trading price of the A Shares during the 20

trading days immediately preceding the Price Determination Date,

being one of the two limiting parameters underlying the Price Floor



A Share(s) and H Share(s)


holder(s) of Share(s)


the proposed subscription of A Shares by COSCO Shipping

pursuant to the Subscription Agreement (as supplemented by the

Supplemental Agreement)

"Subscription Agreement"

the subscription agreement dated 30 October 2017 entered into

between the Company and COSCO Shipping, pursuant to which

COSCO Shipping has conditionally agreed to subscribe for, and the

Company has conditionally agreed to issue, such number of A

Shares for an amount of not more than RMB4.2 billion under the

Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares

"Supplemental Agreement"

the supplemental agreement dated 29 May 2019 entered into

between the Company and COSCO Shipping to incorporate the

changes to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares in

connection with the Amendment Resolution

"Takeovers Code"

the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers

* For identification purposes only.

- 5 -




(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1138)

Executive Directors

Registered address in the PRC

Mr. Liu Hanbo

Room A-1015

Mr. Zhu Maijin

No. 188 Ye Sheng Road

China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Non-executive Directors


Mr. Feng Boming

Republic of China

Mr. Zhang Wei

Ms. Lin Honghua

Place of business in the PRC

670 Dongdaming Road

Independent Non-executive Directors

Hongkou District, Shanghai

Mr. Ruan Yongping

People's Republic of China

Mr. Ip Sing Chi

Mr. Rui Meng

Principal place of business in Hong Kong

Mr. Teo Siong Seng

RMS 3601-3602

36/F West Tower, Shun Tak CTR

168-200 Connaught RD Central

Hong Kong

25 November 2019

To the Shareholders,

Dear Sir or Madam,





  • For identification purposes only

- 6 -



  1. The Proposed Amendments

Reference is made to (i) the Proposed Amendments Announcement and (ii) the overseas regulatory announcement of the Company dated 30 October 2019 in relation to the Proposed Amendments. As disclosed in the Proposed Amendments Announcement, the Board proposed to make certain amendments to

  1. the Articles of Association; (ii) the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' General Meetings; (iii) the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Board of Directors; and (iv) the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Supervisory Committee, in order to, among other things, (i) reflect recent amendments to the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC and Hong Kong; (ii) reflect the establishment of the risk control committee of the Board; and (iii) further improve the corporate governance of the Company.

The full text of the Proposed Amendments, which were prepared in the Chinese language, is set out in Appendix I to Appendix IV to this circular. In the event of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese version of the Proposed Amendments, the Chinese version shall prevail.

The Proposed Amendments are subject to the approval by the Shareholders by way of special resolutions at the EGM and the approval of, and registration or filing with, the relevant PRC governmental authorities.

The purpose of this circular is to provide you with, among other things, further details of the Proposed Amendments.

  1. Recommendation

The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) are of the view that the Proposed Amendments are in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Board recommends all the Shareholders to vote in favour of the special resolutions in relation to the Proposed Amendments as set out in the notice of the EGM.


  1. Introduction

Reference is made to the announcements of the Company dated 31 October 2017, 15 December 2017, 18 December 2017, 27 December 2017, 6 February 2018, 5 March 2018, 9 May 2018, 30 October 2018, 17 December 2018, 29 May 2019, 4 June 2019, 19 June 2019, 5 July 2019, 26 July 2019, 25 October 2019 and 30 October 2019, and the 2017 EGM Circular, 2018 EGM Circular and 2019 EGM Circular in respect of, inter alia, the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

- 7 -


At the 2017 EGM and the 2017 Class Meetings held on 18 December 2017, the then Independent Shareholders approved, among others, the proposed non-public issuance of not more than 806,406,572 A Shares by the Company to not more than 10 specific target subscribers, including COSCO Shipping, under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

At the 2018 EGM and the 2018 Class Meetings held on 17 December 2018, the then Independent Shareholders approved the extension of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2018 to 17 December 2019.

At the 2019 EGM and the 2019 Class Meetings held on 26 July 2019, the then Independent Shareholders approved, among others, the Amendment Resolution.

The purpose of this section of the circular is to provide you with information regarding the Extension Resolutions, in order to seek your approval of the special resolutions in relation to the aforesaid matters to be proposed at the EGM and the H Shares Class Meeting.

  1. Summary of principal terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares

As set out in the 2017 EGM Circular, the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares would be carried out by way of non-public issue of A Shares to not more than 10 specific target subscribers, including COSCO Shipping. The target subscribers other than COSCO Shipping include securities investment fund management companies, securities companies, trust investment companies, finance companies, insurance institutional investors, qualified foreign institutional investors and other qualified investors in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The final list of subscribers (other than COSCO Shipping) will be determined by the Board and its authorised person(s) with the authorisation by the Shareholders at the 2017 EGM and the 2017 Class Meetings and the sponsor (the lead manager) based on the price inquiry results in accordance with the price priority principle and applicable laws and regulations, after obtaining the approval documents issued by the CSRC in respect of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

The maximum number of Shares to be issued under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares would be 806,406,572 A Shares (referred to as the "Cap" below). The Cap will be adjusted if there occurs any ex-right or ex-dividend event (such as distribution of dividend (excluding cash dividend), bonus issue, capitalization of capital reserves, additional issuance or placing of new Shares) between date of the announcement of the Company dated 31 October 2017 and the date of share issuance under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. Subject to the Cap, the Board and its authorised person(s) were granted at the 2017 EGM and 2017 Class Meetings such authority as necessary for determining the final number of A Shares to be issued based on the market conditions and negotiations with the sponsor (the lead manager) with reference to the amount of proceeds to be raised and the actual amount of subscription received.

The issue price shall not be lower than both (i) 90% of the average trading price of the A Shares during the 20 trading days immediately preceding the Price Determination Date, which is calculated by dividing the total turnover of the A Shares by the total trading volume of the A Shares during the 20 trading days immediately preceding the Price Determination Date (that is, the Share Trading Price Floor) and (ii) the net asset value per share as set out at the latest audited consolidated financial statement of the Company

- 8 -


(that is, the NAV Price Floor). The final issue price will be determined by the Board and its authorised person(s) with the authorization by the Shareholders at the 2017 EGM and the 2017 Class Meetings and the sponsor (the lead manager) based on the price inquiry results in accordance with the price priority principle and applicable laws and regulations, after obtaining the approval documents issued by the CSRC in respect of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. All the target subscribers will subscribe for the A Shares under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares at the same issue price in cash. COSCO Shipping will not participate in the price inquiry exercise for the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, and will accept the price inquiry results and subscribe for the A Shares at the same issue price as other target subscribers.

As set out in the 2017 EGM Circular, given the net asset value per Share as set out in the most recent audited consolidated financial statements of 2016 of the Company is RMB6.81, it is expected the minimum issue price would, subject to regulatory approval, be at least RMB6.81 (that is, the Benchmark Price). In the event that the issue price is expected to fall below the Benchmark Price, the Company will re-comply with the necessary approval requirements including, among other things, Independent Shareholders' approval requirements under the Listing Rules and for a new whitewash waiver under the Takeovers Code. The issue price will be correspondingly adjusted (taking into account the decrease in value per share attributable to the Company as a result of distribution by the Company) if there occurs any ex-right or ex-dividend event (such as distribution of dividend, bonus issue, capitalization of capital reserves, additional issuance or placing of new Shares) between the Price Determination Date and the date of share issuance under the Proposed Non- public Issuance of the A Shares.

As set out in the 2019 EGM Circular, in order to take into account also the effect of dividends and other rights events (such as bonus issue, capitalization of capital reserves, additional issuance or placing of new Shares), the Amendment Resolution has been approved in the 2019 EGM to supplement the Price Floor Mechanism such that:

  1. if there exists between (a) the date to which the latest audited consolidated statement of financial positions is made up to, and (b) the date of share issuance under the Proposed Non- public Issuance of the A Shares any ex-right or ex-dividend events (such as distribution of dividend, bonus issue, capitalization of capital reserves, additional issuance or placing of new Shares), the NAV Price Floor shall be adjusted downwards to take into account the effect of such event(s); and
  2. if any such ex-right/ex-dividend event takes place during the 20-trading day reference period underlying the Share Trading Price Floor, such that the Company's shares are quoted cum- right/dividend for part of the period and ex-right/dividend for the other part of the period, downward adjustments to the Share Trading Price Floor taking into account the effect of rights/dividends shall be applied to the trading prices of each cum-dividend trading day throughout the entire 20-trading day period.

The Amendment Resolution also supplemented the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares such that in the event no effective bid is made after the aforesaid price inquiry exercise, the floor price deduced from the Price Floor Mechanism will be determined as the final Issue Price. The Board expected the final Issue Price to be not lower than the Benchmark Price.

- 9 -


COSCO Shipping shall not transfer the A Shares subscribed under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares within 36 months from the date of completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. All other target subscribers shall not transfer the A Shares subscribed under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares within 12 months from the date of completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

In the 2017 EGM Circular, it was stated that the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares would raise gross proceeds of RMB5.4 billion (subject to regulatory approval). The Company has also entered into the Subscription Agreement with COSCO Shipping such that the Company has conditionally agreed to issue to COSCO Shipping such number of A Shares for an amount of not more than RMB4.2 billion under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

It was illustrated in the 2017 EGM Circular that, assuming (i) COSCO Shipping subscribes for A Shares for RMB4.2 billion at the Benchmark Price, (ii) other targeted subscribers apart from COSCO Shipping subscribe for A Shares for an aggregate of RMB1.2 billion at the Benchmark Price, and (iii) there being no other changes to the issued share capital of the Company save for the issuance of A Shares under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, the COSCO Shipping Concert Group's holding of voting rights in respect of all the Shares is expected to increase from approximately 38.56% to approximately 45.00% on a fully diluted basis.

As set out in the 2019 EGM Circular, in the event COSCO Shipping subscribes up to its full commitment of RMB4.2 billion under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the other targeted subscribers in the aggregate subscribe for less than RMB1.2 billion, the shareholding interest in the Company held by the COSCO Shipping Concert Group will exceed 45.00% on a fully diluted basis.

It was illustrated in the 2019 EGM Circular that, assuming (i) COSCO Shipping subscribes for A Shares for RMB4.2 billion at the Benchmark Price, (ii) COSCO Shipping is the sole subscriber and no other target subscriber subscribes under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares such that a total gross proceeds of RMB4.2 billion is raised, and (iii) there being no other changes to the issued share capital of the Company save for the issuance of A Shares under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, the COSCO Shipping Concert Group's holding of voting rights in respect of all the Shares is expected to increase from approximately 38.56% to approximately 46.71% on a fully diluted basis.

Accordingly, while the proceeds to be raised under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares are subject to a maximum of RMB5.4 billion, the actual amount that may be raised is subject to the results of the price inquiry exercise to be conducted pursuant to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, and that the resultant shareholding structure of the Company following completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares shall be adjusted accordingly based on the combination of the level of participation by other investors in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Price Floor Mechanism.

As disclosed in the 2017 EGM Circular, the Board considered that the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares is conducive to the comprehensive and sustainable development of the Company's business and would provide funding for the Company's further development in its maritime transportation business.

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As set out in the 2019 EGM Circular, the intended use of proceeds to be raised from the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares shall remain the same as to that disclosed in the 2017 EGM Circular (that is, the construction of 14 oil tankers and completion of acquisition of two Panamax oil tankers previously entered into).

As at the Latest Practicable Date, the construction of 14 oil tankers were still in progress and the acquisition of two Panamax oil tankers has completed. Certain instalments of the construction payment for the 14 oil tankers have already been made and the acquisition price of the two Panamax oil tankers has been fully paid with the internal resources of the Group. The amount used for the aforementioned payments prior to completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares will be substituted and replenished by the proceeds to be raised from the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares in accordance with the relevant procedures as required by applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Extension Resolutions

Considering that (i) the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non- public Issuance of A Shares which was approved by the then Independent Shareholders at the 2017 EGM, 2017 Class Meetings, 2018 EGM, and 2018 Class Meetings; and (ii) the validity period of the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, which was approved by the then Independent Shareholders at the 2017 EGM, 2017 Class Meetings, 2018 EGM, and 2018 Class Meetings, will expire on 17 December 2019, the Board proposed to convene the EGM and the Class Meetings for the Independent Shareholders to consider

  1. the Share Issuance Extension Resolution and (ii) the Board Authorisation Extension Resolution, in order to extend the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2019 to 17 December 2020 by way of special resolutions.

Save for the extensions of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, and the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2019 to 17 December 2020, there is no other change to the terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares previously disclosed by the Company.

COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it and those Shareholders who are involved in or interested in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares will abstain from voting on the Extension Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM and the Class Meetings.

IV. Reasons for and benefits of the Extension Resolutions

On 25 October 2019, the Issuance Examination Committee of the CSRC (中國證監會發行審核委員 會) has reviewed and approved the Company's application for the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. However, since it takes time for the CSRC to issue the written approval documents to the Company and for the Company to prepare and arrange for the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, it is uncertain whether the Company would be able to complete the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares

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before the expiry of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. As such, the Board is of the view that it is necessary and in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole to approve the Extension Resolutions.

  1. Implications under the Takeovers Code

As at the Latest Practicable Date, COSCO Shipping and its associates hold the voting rights in respect of 1,554,631,593 A Shares and no H Shares, representing approximately 38.56% of the total issued share capital of the Company.

Upon completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and assuming the Subscription is undertaken at the Benchmark Price, it is expected that the COSCO Shipping Concert Group's holding of voting rights in respect of all the Shares will increase to a maximum of approximately 46.71% on a fully diluted basis from its current aggregate holding of approximately 38.56% of all the Shares (and the actual level of shareholding interests in the Company held by the COSCO Shipping Concert Group will depend on the final Issue Price and the level of participation by the other target subscriber(s)). As a result of such acquisition of voting rights in the Company, without the New Whitewash Waiver granted pursuant to the Takeovers Code, COSCO Shipping will incur an obligation to make a mandatory offer under Rule 26 of the Takeovers Code for all the Shares other than those already held or agreed to be acquired by the COSCO Shipping Concert Group.

The Executive granted the New Whitewash Waiver on 24 July 2019, subject to (i) the issue of the new securities and the Amendment Resolution on the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares being approved by a vote of the Independent Shareholders at a general meeting of the Company, to be taken on a poll; and (ii) unless the Executive gives prior consent, no acquisition or disposal of voting rights of the Company being made by COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it between the date of the announcement of the Company on 31 October 2017 and the completion of the Subscription. The aforementioned condition (i) imposed by the Executive has been duly fulfilled as at the Latest Practicable Date.

It is also set out in the New Whitewash Waiver granted by the Executive that COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it should continue to comply fully with Schedule VI to the Takeovers Code. If there is any non-compliance with the Takeovers Code or any material change to the information provided, the Executive should be advised immediately so that the Executive can determine whether the New Whitewash Waiver remains valid.

COSCO Shipping has confirmed that it and parties acting in concert with it have fully complied with and will continue to comply with Schedule VI to the Takeovers Code, in particular, unless the Executive gives prior consent, no acquisition or disposal of voting rights of the Company was and will be made by COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it between the date of the announcement of the Company on 31 October 2017 and the completion of the Subscription.

Save for the extensions of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, and the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares for a further period

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of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2019 to 17 December 2020, there is no other change to the terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares previously disclosed by the Company. Therefore, the passing of the Extension Resolutions will not affect the validity of the New Whitewash Waiver.

VI. Information of the Company and COSCO Shipping

The Company

The Company is a joint stock company established under the laws of the PRC with limited liability, the H shares of which are listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the A shares of which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Group is principally engaged in investment holding, oil shipment along the coast of the PRC and internationally, liquefied natural gas shipment, international chemical transportation and vessel chartering.

COSCO Shipping

COSCO Shipping is a state-owned enterprise and is the indirect controlling shareholder of the Company through China Shipping. COSCO Shipping is principally engaged in international shipping, ancillary business in international maritime transportation, import and export of goods and technologies, international freight agency business, leasing of self-owned vessels, sales of vessels, containers and steel and maritime engineering.

VII. Recommendation

The Independent Board Committee, after considering the advice from the Independent Financial Adviser, is of the view that while the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are not conducted in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group, the terms of the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription Agreement on normal commercial terms and that the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Independent Board Committee recommends the Independent Shareholders to vote in favour of the Extension Resolutions.

The Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors whose view is set out in the section headed "Letter from the Independent Board Committee" in this circular below) are of the view that the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Therefore, the Directors recommend the Independent Shareholders to vote in favour of the Extension Resolutions at the EGM and the H Shares Class Meeting.

Your attention is drawn to (i) the letter from the Independent Board Committee set out on pages 16 to 17 of this circular which contains its recommendation to the Independent Shareholders on the Extension Resolutions, and (ii) the letter from the Independent Financial Adviser set out on pages 18 to 27 of this circular containing its advice to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders as regards the Extension Resolutions and the principal factors considered by it in arriving thereat.

The Independent Shareholders are advised to read the aforesaid letters before deciding as to how to vote on the Extension Resolutions.

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The EGM and H Shares Class Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. (in the order of the EGM, A Shares Class Meeting and H Shares Class Meeting) on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 3rd Floor, Ocean Hotel, No. 1171 Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the PRC.

A notice convening the EGM to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 3rd Floor, Ocean Hotel, No. 1171 Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the PRC was despatched to the Shareholders on 1 November 2019, which is reproduced on pages EGM-1 to EGM-4 of this circular. A notice convening the H Shares Class Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 3rd Floor, Ocean Hotel, No. 1171 Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the PRC (in the order of the EGM, A Shares Class Meeting and H Shares Class Meeting) was despatched to the Shareholders on 1 November 2019, which is reproduced on pages HCM-1 to HCM-3 of this circular. The respective proxy forms and reply slips for use at the EGM and the H Share Class Meeting were despatched on 1 November 2019.

Whether or not you intend to attend the EGM and/or the H Share Class Meeting, you are requested to complete and return the proxy forms (for use at the EGM and/or the H Share Class Meeting) in accordance with the instructions printed thereon as soon as possible to the Company's Hong Kong H share registrar and transfer office, Hong Kong Registrars Limited at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong (in case of H Shareholders) or the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company at 7th Floor, 670 Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the PRC (in case of A Shareholders) but in any event not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the holding of the EGM and/or the H Share Class Meeting (or any adjournment thereof). Completion and return of the proxy form will not preclude you from attending and voting in person at the meeting or at any adjourned meetings should you so wish.

In respect of the Extension Resolutions, COSCO Shipping, being a subscriber under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, has a material interest in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. Therefore, COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it and those Shareholders who are involved in or interested in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares will abstain from voting on the Extension Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM and the Class Meetings.


The H Share register of the Company is closed from Saturday, 16 November 2019 to Tuesday, 17 December 2019 (both days inclusive), during which no transfer of H Shares will be effected. Any holders of H Shares of the Company whose names appear on the Company's register of members on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 are entitled to attend and vote at the EGM and the H Shares Class Meeting after completing the registration procedures for attending the meeting. In order to be entitled to attend and vote at the EGM and the H Shares Class Meeting, all duly completed transfer forms accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company's H share registrar not later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, 15 November 2019.

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The address of the share registrar (for share transfer) for the Company's H Shares is as follows:

Hong Kong Registrars Limited

Shops 1712-1716

17th Floor

Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East


Hong Kong

H Shareholders, who intend to attend the EGM and/or the H Shares Class Meeting, must complete the reply slips for attending the EGM and/or the H Shares Class Meeting and return them to the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company not later than 20 days before the date of the EGM and/or the H Shares Class Meeting, i.e. no later than Wednesday, 27 November 2019.

Details of the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company are as follows:

7th Floor, 670 Dongdaming Road Hongkou District, Shanghai, The People's Republic of China Postal Code: 200080

Tel: 86(21) 6596 6666

Fax: 86(21) 6596 6160

In accordance with the Listing Rules, the resolutions to be put forward at the EGM and the Class Meetings will be voted by way of poll.


Should there be any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of this circular (excluding Appendix I to Appendix IV), the English version shall prevail.


The completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription are subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions. Accordingly, the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription may or may not proceed. Shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares, and are recommended to consult their stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor or other professional adviser if they are in any doubt about their position and as to actions they should take.

By order of the Board

COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd.

Yao Qiaohong

Company Secretary

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(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1138)

25 November 2019

To the Independent Shareholders

Dear Sir or Madam,



We refer to the circular of the Company dated 25 November 2019 (the "Circular"), of which this letter forms part. Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular.

We have been appointed as members of the Independent Board Committee to advise the Independent Shareholders in respect of the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription, details of which are set out in the "Letter from the Board" in the Circular. Messis Capital Limited has been appointed as the Independent Financial Adviser with our approval to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders in this regard.

We wish to draw your attention to the "Letter from the Board" set out on pages 6 to 15 of the Circular and the "Letter from the Independent Financial Adviser" set out on pages 18 to 27 of the Circular and the additional information set out in the appendices of this Circular.

Having taken into account, among other things, the principal factors and reasons considered by, and the advice of, the Independent Financial Adviser as set out in the "Letter from the Independent Financial Adviser" in the Circular, we concur with the view of the Independent Financial Adviser and consider that while the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are not conducted in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group, the terms of the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are on normal commercial terms and that the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.

* For identification purposes only

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Accordingly, we recommend you to vote in favour of the resolutions to be proposed at the EGM and the relevant Class Meeting for approving the Extension Resolutions.

Yours faithfully,

Independent Board Committee

Ruan Yongping

Ip Sing Chi

Rui Meng

Teo Siong Seng

Independent non-executive Directors

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The following is the full text of the letter from Messis Capital Limited, the Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders in respect of the Extension Resolutions, for the purpose of inclusion in this circular.

25 November 2019

To: The Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders of


Dear Sir or Madam,





We refer to our appointment as the Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders in respect of the Extension Resolutions, details of which are set out in the letter from the Board (the "Letter from the Board") contained in the circular of the Company to the Shareholders dated 25 November 2019 (the "Circular"), of which this letter forms part. Capitalised terms used in this letter shall have the same meanings as defined in the Circular unless the context otherwise requires.

Reference is made to the announcements of the Company dated 31 October 2017, 15 December 2017, 18 December 2017, 27 December 2017, 6 February 2018, 5 March 2018, 9 May 2018, 30 October 2018, 17 December 2018, 29 May 2019, 4 June 2019, 19 June 2019, 5 July 2019, 26 July 2019, 25 October 2019 and 30 October 2019, and the 2017 EGM Circular, 2018 EGM Circular and 2019 EGM Circular in respect of, inter alia, the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

At the 2017 EGM and the 2017 Class Meetings held on 18 December 2017, the then Independent Shareholders approved, among others, the proposed non-public issuance of not more than 806,406,572 A Shares by the Company to not more than 10 specific target subscribers, including COSCO Shipping, under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

At the 2018 EGM and the 2018 Class Meetings held on 17 December 2018, the then Independent Shareholders approved the extension of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2018 to 17 December 2019.

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At the 2019 EGM and the 2019 Class Meetings held on 26 July 2019, the then Independent Shareholders approved, among others, the Amendment Resolution.

Considering that (i) the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non- public Issuance of A Shares which was approved by the then Independent Shareholders at the 2017 EGM, 2017 Class Meetings, 2018 EGM, and 2018 Class Meetings; and (ii) the validity period of the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, which was approved by the then Independent Shareholders at the 2017 EGM, 2017 Class Meetings, 2018 EGM and 2018 Class Meetings, will expire on 17 December 2019, the Board proposed to convene the EGM and the Class Meetings for the Independent Shareholders to consider

  1. the Share Issuance Extension Resolution and (ii) the Board Authorisation Extension Resolution, in order to extend the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2019 to 17 December 2020 by way of special resolutions. Save for the extensions of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, and the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2019 to 17 December 2020, there is no other change to the terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares previously disclosed by the Company. Therefore, the passing of the Extension Resolutions will not affect the validity of the New Whitewash Waiver.

As at the Latest Practicable Date, COSCO Shipping and its associates control or are entitled to exercise control over the voting rights in respect of 1,554,631,593 A Shares and no H Shares, representing approximately 38.56% of all the issued Shares in the Company. Accordingly, COSCO Shipping is a controlling Shareholder and therefore a connected person of the Company. The Subscription constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules and is therefore subject to the reporting, announcement and Independent Shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. Accordingly, the Extension Resolutions are also subject to the reporting, announcement and Independent Shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. COSCO Shipping, being a subscriber under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, has a material interest in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. Therefore, COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it and those Shareholders who are involved in or interested in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares will abstain from voting on the resolutions to be proposed at the EGM and the Class Meetings to approve the Extension Resolutions.

Mr. Feng Boming, Mr. Zhang Wei and Ms. Lin Honghua, who are non-executive Directors, hold directorship(s) or act as senior management in COSCO Shipping and/or its subsidiaries other than the Group, and accordingly, Mr. Feng Boming, Mr. Zhang Wei and Ms. Lin Honghua have therefore abstained from voting on the relevant Board resolutions approving the Extension Resolutions. Save as aforementioned, none of the other Directors has a material interest in the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription, and therefore no other Director has abstained from voting on such Board resolutions.

The Independent Board Committee (comprising all independent non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Ruan Yongping, Mr. Ip Sing Chi, Mr. Rui Meng, and Mr. Teo Siong Seng) has been formed in accordance with Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules to advise the Independent Shareholders on the Extension Resolutions.

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We, Messis Capital Limited, have been appointed as the Independent Financial Adviser with the approval of the Independent Board Committee in accordance with the Listing Rules to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders in these regards and to give our opinion for the Independent Board Committee's consideration when making their recommendations to the Independent Shareholders.

As at the Latest Practicable Date, we did not have any relationships with or interests in the Company and any other parties that could reasonably be regarded as relevant to our independence. Apart from normal professional fees payable to us in connection with this appointment as the Independent Financial Adviser, no arrangement exists whereby we will receive any fees or benefits from the Company or any other parties that could reasonably be regarded as relevant to our independence. During the past two years, we were appointed as an independent financial adviser for the Company on four occasions, details of which are set out in the Company's circular dated (i) 4 December 2017 in relation to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription; (ii) 30 November 2018 in relation to the extension resolutions in relation to the Non- public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months from 18 December 2018 to 17 December 2019; (iii) 30 November 2018 in relation to major and continuing connected transactions; and (iv) 5 July 2019 in relation to the amendment to the terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. During the past two years, we were also appointed as an independent financial adviser for (a) COSCO SHIPPING Development Co., Ltd. (stock code: 2866), a connected person of the Company, for four occasions, details of which are set out in its circulars dated (i) 10 May 2018 in relation to the extension of validity period of resolutions regarding revised proposed non-public issuance of A shares; (ii) 4 September 2018 in relation to continuing connected transaction; (iii) 10 May 2019 in relation to further extension of validity period of resolutions regarding the revised proposed non-public issuance of A Shares; and (iv) 5 August 2019 in relation to a continuing connected transaction; and (b) COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd (stock code 1919), another connected person of the Company for one occasion, details of which are set out in its announcement dated 30 October 2019 in relation to continuing connected transactions. Notwithstanding the above, the previous engagements with the Company and its connected persons would not affect our independence from the Company and we are independent from the Company pursuant to Rule 13.84 of the Listing Rules, in particular that we did not serve as a financial adviser to (i) the Company, (ii) COSCO Shipping or its subsidiaries, and (ii) any core connected person of the Company within 2 years prior to 8 November 2019, being date of making our independence declaration to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to Rule 13.85(1) of the Listing Rules.


In arriving at our recommendations, we have relied on the statements, information and representations contained in the Circular and the information and representations provided to us by the Company, the Directors and the management of the Company. We have assumed that all information, representations and opinions contained or referred to in the Circular and all information and representations which have been provided by the Company, the Directors and the management of the Company for which they are solely and wholly responsible, are true and accurate at the time they were made and will continue to be accurate as at the Latest Practicable Date. We have no reason to doubt the truth, accuracy and completeness of the information and representations provided to us by the management of the Company.

The Circular, for which the Directors collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Listing Rules for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company. The Directors having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that to the best of their

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knowledge and belief the information contained in the Circular is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement therein or the document misleading.

We consider that we have been provided with sufficient information on which to form a reasonable basis for our opinion. We have no reason to suspect that any relevant information has been withheld, nor are we aware of any material facts or circumstances which would render the information provided and representations made to us untrue, inaccurate or misleading. We consider that we have performed all the necessary steps to enable us to reach an informed view and to justify our reliance on the information provided so as to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. We have not, however, carried out any independent verification of the information provided by the Company, the Directors and the management of the Company, nor have we conducted an independent investigation into the business and affairs of the Group and any parties in relation to the Extension Resolutions.

This letter is issued for the information of the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders solely in connection with their consideration of the Extension Resolutions. Except for its inclusion in the Circular, this letter is not to be quoted or referred to, in whole or in part, nor shall this letter be used for any other purposes, without our prior written consent.


In arriving at our opinions and recommendations, we have taken into consideration the following principal factors and reasons:

1. Background and Reasons for the Extension Resolutions

The Company is a joint stock company established under the laws of the PRC with limited liability, the H Shares of which are listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the A Shares of which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Group is principally engaged in investment holding, oil shipment along the coast of the PRC and internationally, international liquefied natural gas shipment, international chemical transportation and vessel chartering.

COSCO Shipping is a state-owned enterprise and is the indirect controlling shareholder of the Company through China Shipping. COSCO Shipping is principally engaged in international shipping, ancillary business in international maritime transportation, import and export of goods and technologies, international freight agency business, leasing of self-owned vessels, sales of vessels, containers and steel and maritime engineering.

At the 2017 EGM and the 2017 Class Meetings held on 18 December 2017, the then Independent Shareholders approved, among others, the proposed non-public issuance of not more than 806,406,572 A Shares by the Company to not more than 10 specific target subscribers, including COSCO Shipping, under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

At the 2018 EGM and the 2018 Class Meetings held on 17 December 2018, the then Independent Shareholders approved the extension of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the authorisation granted to

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the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non- public Issuance of A Shares for a further period of 12 months, i.e. commencing from 18 December 2018 to 17 December 2019.

At the 2019 EGM and the 2019 Class Meetings held on 26 July 2019, the then Independent Shareholders approved, among others, the Amendment Resolution.

Further, it is also set out in the New Whitewash Waiver granted by the Executive that COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it should continue to comply fully with Schedule VI to the Takeovers Code. If there is any non-compliance with the Takeovers Code or any material change to the information provided, the Executive should be advised immediately so that the Executive can determine whether the Whitewash Waiver remains valid. COSCO Shipping has confirmed that it and parties acting in concert with it have fully complied with and will continue to comply with Schedule VI to the Takeovers Code, in particular, unless the Executive gives prior consent, no acquisition or disposal of voting rights of the Company was and will be made by COSCO Shipping and parties acting in concert with it between the date of the announcement of the Company on 31 October 2017 and the completion of the Subscription.

On 25 October 2019, the Issuance Examination Committee of the CSRC (中國證監會發行審 核委員會) has reviewed and approved the Company's application for the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. However, since it takes time for the CSRC to issue the written approval documents to the Company and for the Company to prepare and arrange for the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, it is uncertain whether the Company would be able to complete the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares before the expiry of the validity period of the Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. As such, the Board is of the view that it is necessary and in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole to approve the Extension Resolutions.

Based on the above, we concur with the view of the Directors that it is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders to extend the validity periods of the Shareholders' resolutions regarding the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares passed at the 2017 EGM, 2017 Class Meetings, 2018 EGM and 2018 Class Meetings and authorization granted to the Board and any person authorized by the Board to handle all matters in connection with the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares passed at the 2017 EGM, 2017 Class Meetings, 2018 EGM and 2018 Class Meetings for a further period of 12 months, commencing from 18 December 2019.

2. Benefits of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription

As disclosed in the 2017 EGM Circular, the Board considers that the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares is conducive to the comprehensive and sustainable development of the Company's business and would provide funding for Company's further development in its maritime transportation business.

On 30 October 2017, the Board has approved the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, pursuant to which the Company will issue a maximum of 806,406,572 A Shares (subject to adjustment) to not more than 10 specific target subscribers, including COSCO Shipping, which would

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raise gross proceeds of RMB5.4 billion (inclusive of the subscription for an amount of not more than RMB4.2 billion by COSCO Shipping pursuant to the Subscription Agreement) and that the net proceeds from the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares (after deducting all applicable costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares estimated to be approximately RMB24 million) are expected to be approximately RMB5.38 billion, which are intended to use (i) as to approximately RMB4.99 billion for the construction of 14 oil tankers; and (ii) as to approximately RMB0.41 billion for the completion of acquisition of two Panamax oil tankers previously entered into. As at the Latest Practicable Date, the construction of 14 oil tankers were still in progress and the acquisition of two Panamax oil tankers has completed. Certain instalments of the construction payment for the 14 oil tankers have already been made and the acquisition price of the two Panamax oil tankers has been fully paid with the internal resources of the Group. The amount used for the aforementioned payments prior to completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares will be substituted and replenished by the proceeds to be raised from the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares in accordance with the relevant procedures as required by applicable laws and regulations. To the extent the actual proceeds to be raised from the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares are less than the aggregate amount of the proceeds as per the above allocation, the Company will make up for the shortfall by utilising its internal resources or other means of financing. As disclosed in the 2017 EGM Circular and the 2019 EGM Circular, the long term capital raised from the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares would optimise the Company's capital structure and reduce the Company's consolidated debt-to-asset ratio and the acquisition of the oil tankers can supplement and upgrade its shipping capacity on a timely basis and optimise the age composition of the fleet further to maintain and increase its shipping capacity and reduce its fleeting operating costs.

Alternative financing

According to the interim report of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2019, as at 30 June 2019, the cash and cash equivalents were approximately RMB4.2 billion, which is expected to meet capital needs of regular operating cash flows of the Group. Further, taking into account the high net-debt-to-equity ratio (as calculated by net debt over total equity) of approximately 89% as at 30 June 2019, raising capital from debt financing may lead to increase in the Company's gearing position. In contrast, raising funds by equity financing from issuance of A Shares could improve the leverage position of the Group.

As advised by the Directors, the Company has also considered other means of equity financing such as private placement of H Shares, right issue or open offer. However, given that the issued H Share capital of the Company is significantly lower than the issued A Share capital of the Company, the expected size of fund to be raised will be less than approximately RMB5.4 billion. In addition, there is a significant premium of the price of A Shares trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange over the price of H Shares trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If the Company conducts a fund raising exercise by issuing both new A Shares and new H Shares, assuming a pricing basis of not less than the average trading price of the A Share in the 20 trading days preceding the base day, the issue price will represent a premium over the historical trading prices of H Shares which the H Shareholders are not likely to subscribe the new H Shares.

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The chart below illustrates a comparison between the daily closing prices of the A Share and the daily closing price of the H Share (presented in RMB equivalent based on an exchange rate of RMB1 to HK1.1090) from 29 April 2019 up to the last trading day before the Extension Resolutions Announcement (the "Review Period"):


















H share

A share

Sources: Website of Hong Kong Stock Exchange and 巨潮資訊網 (Cninfo*,, being

a website designated by the CSRC for the purpose of information disclosure)

During the Review Period, the closing prices of the H Share were in the range of HK$3.13 (or approximately RMB2.82) to HK$5.2 (or approximately RMB4.69) as per H Share and the closing prices of the A Share were in the range of RMB5.63 to RMB7.47 as per A Share.

In other words, the closing prices of H shares were lower than those of A Shares during the Review Period. If the Company were to conduct a fund-raising exercise by issuance of new H Shares with a proceed of approximately RMB5.4 billion, assuming that an equivalent pricing basis is adopted to determine the benchmark price for the H Shares issuance, the number of H Shares to be issued will be substantially more than that required for the Revised Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. This would lead to a greater dilution effect on the shareholding of the existing Shareholders and would not be in the interests of the Independent Shareholders.

Based on the above, we concur the views from the Directors that the Proposed Non- public Issuance of A Shares, the Subscription and hence the Extension Resolutions are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.

3. Terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and Subscription

Save for the (i) the extension of the validity period of the then Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, for a further period of 12 months, commencing from 18 December 2019; and (ii) the extension of the validity period of the authorization granted to the Board and any person authorized by the Board to handle all matters

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relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, for a further period of 12 months, commencing from 18 December 2019, all other terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription remain unchanged and in full force and effect.

In particular, as disclosed in the 2017 EGM Circular and the 2019 EGM Circular, the Issue Price shall not be lower than both (i) the Share Trading Price Floor and (ii) the NAV Price Floor. As disclosed in the 2017 EGM Circular, as at the latest practicable date thereof, given that the net asset value per Share as set out in the audited consolidated financial statements of 2016 of the Company is RMB6.81, on such basis, it was expected that the minimum issue price would, subject to regulatory approval, be at least RMB6.81 (that is, the Benchmark Price). According to the annual report of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2018, the Group recorded a net asset value per Share of approximately RMB6.972 per Share (after taking into accounts for the distribution of the final dividend of RMB0.02 per Share), which is higher than the Benchmark Price.

In the event that the Issue Price is expected to fall below the Benchmark Price, the Company will re-comply with the necessary approval requirements including, among other things, Independent Shareholders' approval requirements under the Listing Rules and for a new whitewash waiver under the Takeovers Code. As disclosed in the 2019 EGM Circular and approved by the then Independent Shareholders at the 2019 Class Meetings, If there exists between (a) the date to which the latest audited consolidated statement of financial positions is made up to, and (b) the date of share issuance under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of the A Shares any ex-right or ex-dividend events (such as distribution of dividend, bonus issue, capitalization of capital reserves, additional issuance or placing of new Shares), the NAV Price Floor shall be adjusted downwards to take into account the effect of such event(s); and if any such ex-right/ex-dividend event takes place during the 20-trading day reference period underlying the Share Trading Price Floor, such that the Company's shares are quoted cum-right/dividend for part of the period and ex-right/dividend for the other part of the period, downward adjustments to the Share Trading Price Floor taking into account the effect of rights/ dividends shall be applied to the trading prices of each cum-dividend trading day throughout the entire 20-trading day period.

We noted that the subscription price is determined based on certain PRC regulations (including《關於修改〈上市公司非公開發行股票實施細則〉的決定》 (Decision on Amending Implementing Rules on Non-Public Issuance of Shares by Listed Companies*) published by CSRC on 17 February 2017 and 《發行監管問答 - 關於引導規範上市公司融資行為的監管要求》(the Issuance Regulatory Questions and Answers - Regulatory Requirements regarding Guiding and Regulating Listed Companies' Financing Activities*) published by the CSRC on 17 February 2017 and revised on 9 November 2018 (collectively, the "New PRC Regulations")) and the "Measure for Administration of the Issuance of Securities by Listed Companies" ( 上市公司證券發行管理辦法》) (the "Measures") and acknowledged that the basis of determining the issue price is in compliance with the regulations of the PRC.

The final Issue Price will be determined by the Board and its authorised person(s) with the authorization by the Shareholders at the 2017 EGM and the 2017 Class Meetings and the sponsor (the lead manager) based on the price inquiry results in accordance with the price priority principle and applicable laws and regulations, after obtaining the approval documents issued by the CSRC in respect of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. All the target subscribers will subscribe for

- 25 -


the A Shares under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares at the same issue price in cash. COSCO Shipping will not participate in the price inquiry exercise for the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, and will accept the price inquiry results and subscribe for the A Shares at the same issue price as other target subscribers. In the event no effective bid is made after the aforesaid price inquiry exercise, the floor price deduced from the Price Floor Mechanism will be determined as the final Issue Price.

According to the 2017 EGM Circular, COSCO Shipping shall not transfer the A Shares subscribed under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares within 36 months from the date of the completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. All other target subscribers shall not transfer the A Shares subscribed under the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares within 12 months from the date of the completion of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares. Having considered that the above lock-up periods were determined in accordance with the New PRC Regulations, which stipulates that the lock-up period of shares shall be 36 months for share issued to certain categories of subscribers (including controlling shareholders, actual controllers and strategic investors introduced by the board of the listed issuer), and 12 months for share issued to other types of subscribers, we are of the view that the terms of the Subscription Agreement are on normal commercial terms and are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned.

Given that (i) the subscription price will reflect the then latest market prices of the A Shares;

  1. the basis of the subscription price is in compliance with the New PRC Regulations and the Measures; (iii) all subscribers will subscribe the A Shares at the same subscription price and (iv) save for the Extension Resolutions, all other terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription remain unchanged and in full force and effect, we concur with the Directors that the Extension Resolutions are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned.

Having taking into consideration that (i) there is no change in the proposed use of net proceeds as disclosed in the 2017 EGM Circular, 2018 EGM Circular and 2019 EGM Circular, and such usage is in line with the business strategy of the Group; (ii) the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole; (iii) save for the Extension Resolutions, all other terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares remain unchanged and in full force and effect and hence terms of the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the Subscription are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned; (iv) the Issuance Examination Committee of CSRC (中國證監會發行審核委員會) has reviewed and approved the application for the Non-public Issuance of A Shares and it takes time for the CSRC to issue the written approval documents to the Company and for the Company to prepare and arrange the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares; (v) it is uncertain whether the Company would be able to complete the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares before the expiry of the validity periods of the then Shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares and the authorization granted to the Board and any person authorized by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares, we concur with the Directors' view that the Extension Resolutions are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.

- 26 -



Having taken into account the above-mentioned principal factors and reasons regarding the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription, we are of the view that while the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are not conducted in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group, the terms of the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are on normal commercial terms and that the Extension Resolutions and the Subscription are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.

Accordingly, we recommend the Independent Shareholders, as well as the Independent Board Committee to recommend the Independent Shareholders, to vote in favour of the Extension Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM and the Class Meetings.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of

Messis Capital Limited

Vincent Cheung

Managing Director

Mr. Vincent Cheung is a licensed person registered with the Securities and Futures Commission and regarded as a responsible officer of Messis Capital Limited to carry out type 1 (dealing in securities) and type 6 (advising on corporate finance) regulated activities under the SFO and has over 10 years of experience in corporate finance industry.

* For identification purposes only

- 27 -




The full text of the Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association is set out below.

Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 1 These Articles of Association are formulated

Article 1 These Articles of Association are formulated

pursuant to the Company Law of the People's Republic

pursuant to the Company Law of the People's Republic

of China ("Company Law"), Securities Law of the

of China ("Company Law"), Securities Law of the

People's Republic of China ("Securities Law"), Special

People's Republic of China ("Securities Law"), Special

Regulations on Overseas Offerings and Listing of Shares

Regulations on Overseas Offerings and Listing of Shares

by Joint Stock Limited Companies ("Special

by Joint Stock Limited Companies ("Special

Regulations"), Mandatory Provisions for the Articles of

Regulations"), Mandatory Provisions for the Articles of

Association of Companies to be Listed Overseas

Association of Companies to be Listed Overseas

("Mandatory Provisions"), Standards for the

("Mandatory Provisions"), Standards for the

Governance of Listed Companies (Standards for

Governance of Listed Companies ("Standards for

Governance), Guide to Articles of Association of

Governance"), Guide to Articles of Association of

Listed Companies, the Rules Governing the Listing of

Listed Companies, the Rules Governing the Listing of

Securities on the SEHK and the Letter of Opinions

Stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Rules

regarding the Supplementary Amendment of the Articles

Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock

of Association by Companies Seeking Listing in Hong

Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the Letter of

Kong and other relevant regulations, in order to protect

Opinions regarding the Supplementary Amendment of

the legitimate rights and interests of COSCO SHIPPING

the Articles of Association by Companies Seeking

Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. ("the Company") and

Listing in Hong Kong and other relevant regulations,

shareholders and creditors thereof and to regulate the

in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of

organization and behavior of the Company.

COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd.

("the Company") and shareholders and creditors thereof

and to regulate the organization and behavior of the


- I-1 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 27 The Company may increase its capital by the

Article 27 The Company may increase its capital by the

following means in the light of its business and

following means in the light of its business and

development needs and in accordance with laws,

development needs and in accordance with laws,

regulations and resolutions made at general meetings:

regulations and resolutions made at general meetings


Public offering;



Public offering;


Non-public offering;


Non-public offering;


Issuing bonus shares to existing shareholders;


Issuing bonus shares to existing shareholders;

IV. Converting the common reserve fund into share



Converting the common reserve fund into share


Issuing convertible corporate bonds;



Issuing convertible corporate bonds;

VI. Other means stipulated by laws and administrative

regulations or approved by the China Securities


Other means stipulated by laws and administrative

Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

regulations or approved by the China Securities

Issues of new shares by the Company shall be subject to

Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

approval as specified in these Articles of Association

Issues of new shares by the Company shall be subject to

and shall follow the procedures specified in the relevant

approval as specified in these Articles of Association and

state laws and administrative regulations.

shall follow the procedures specified in the relevant state

After issuing convertible corporate bonds, the Company

laws and administrative regulations.

shall permit the holders thereof to convert them into

After issuing convertible corporate bonds, the Company

shares in the Company shares according to the

shall permit the holders thereof to convert them into

conditions and conversion procedures at the time of

shares in the Company shares according to the conditions

issue. Matters relating to changes in the Company's

and conversion procedures at the time of issue. Matters

equity arising from the conversion of convertible

relating to changes in the Company's equity arising from

corporate bonds shall be handled in accordance with

the conversion of convertible corporate bonds shall be

resolutions passed by the general meeting.

handled in accordance with resolutions passed by the

general meeting.

- I-2 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 31 The Company may, in the following

Article 31 The Company may, in the following

circumstances, buy back its shares pursuant to laws,

circumstances, buy back its shares pursuant to laws,

regulations and these Articles of Association:

regulations, these Articles of Association and relevant

regulations of the securities regulatory authorities in the


Decreasing the registered capital of the Company;

location where the Company's shares are listed:

II. Merging with another company holding shares in


Decreasing the registered capital of the Company;

the Company;


Merging with another company holding shares in

III. Awarding shares to Company staff;

the Company;


Shareholders objecting to resolutions of the


Using shares for employee stock ownership plans

general meeting concerning the merger or

or share incentives;

division of the Company, requiring the Company

to buy their shares;


Shareholders objecting to resolutions of the general

meeting concerning the merger or division of the


Other circumstances stipulated by laws and

Company, requiring the Company to buy their




Using shares for the conversion of the convertible

corporate bonds issued by listed companies;


It is necessary for listed companies to maintain

company value and the interests of shareholders;


Other circumstances stipulated by laws,

administrative regulations, departmental

regulations, and permitted by the securities

regulatory authorities in the location where the

Company's shares are listed.

Save for the circumstances set out above, the Company

shall not purchase or sell any shares in the Company.

- I-3 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 32 The Company may buy back its shares in any

Article 32 The Company may buy back its shares in any

of the following ways:

of the following ways:


Through open transaction in the stock exchange;


Through open transaction in the stock exchange;


Tender offer:


Tender offer:

III. Repurchase through the entering into of an OTC

III. Repurchase through the entering into of an OTC




Any other way approved by CSRC.


Such other means approved by laws, administrative

regulations and relevant competent authorities.

Repurchase of the Company's shares due to the reasons

set out in Clauses (III), (V) or (VI) of Article 31 of these

Articles of Association shall be conducted through public

and centralized trading or other methods permitted by

other laws, administrative regulations, departmental

regulations, regulatory documents, these Articles of

Association and relevant laws and regulations and

regulatory documents of the securities regulatory

authorities in the location where the Company's shares



Repurchase of the Company's shares by way of offer

shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations in

connection tender offers as set out in the Measures for

the Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies

issued by CSRC and The Codes on Takeovers and

Mergers and Share Buy-backs issued by the Securities

and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.

- I-4 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 33 Buyback of the Company's shares for reasons

Article 33 Repurchase of the Company's shares by way

set out in Clauses (I) to (III) of Article 31 of these

of offer shall be conducted in accordance with the

Articles of Association shall be subject to a resolution at

requirements in connection with offer to acquisition as

a general meeting. After the Company has bought back

set out in the Measures for the Administration of the

its shares in accordance with Article 31, such shares

Takeover of Listed Companies issued by CSRC and The

shall be cancelled within 10 days after buyback in the

Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs

circumstance set out in (I), or shall be transferred or

issued by the Securities and Futures Commission of

cancelled within 6 months in the circumstances set out in

Hong Kong. Buyback of the Company's shares for

(II) and (IV).

reasons set out in Clauses (I) to (II) of Article 31 of

these Articles of Association shall be subject to a

Shares bought back by the Company pursuant to Clause

resolution at a general meeting. Repurchase of the

(III) of Article 31 shall not exceed 5% of the total shares

Company's shares in accordance with the reasons set

issued by the Company; the buyback cost shall be

out in Clauses (III), (V) to (VI) of Article 31 of these

covered by the after-tax profit of the Company; and the

Articles of Association may be considered and approved

shares bought back shall be transferred to employees

at Board meetings where over two-thirds of the Directors

within one year.

are present. After the Company has bought back its

shares in accordance with Article 31, such shares shall

be cancelled within 10 days after buyback in the

circumstance set out in Clause (I), or shall be

transferred or cancelled within 6 months in the

circumstances set out in Clauses (II) and (IV).

After the Company repurchased shares pursuant to

Clauses (III), (V) and (VI) of Article 31, the total

number of shares held by the Company shall not exceed

10% of the total issued shares of the Company, and all

such shares shall be transferred or cancelled within three

years after the date of announcement on the repurchase

and changes in share capital.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Article,

if the aforesaid matters in relation to the buy back of

shares of the Company are otherwise prescribed by

applicable laws, administrative regulations, departmental

regulations, regulatory documents, these Articles of

Association and relevant laws and regulations and

regulatory documents of securities regulatory

authorities in the location where the Company's shares

are listed, such provisions shall prevail.

Article 35 Changes in the registered capital of the

Article 35 If the Company has cancelled certain portion

Company arising from cancellation of shares due to

of shares due to buy back of such shares, these shares

acquisition shall be registered with the original company

shall be transferred or cancelled within the period

registration authority.

prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. In

case of cancellation, the Company shall, after the

The total par value of the cancelled shares shall be

cancellation of that portion of shares, apply to the

deducted from the registered capital of the Company.

original company registration authority for registration of

the change in registered capital.

The total par value of the cancelled shares shall be

deducted from the registered capital of the Company.

- I-5 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 46 All H shares for which full payment has been

Article 46 All H shares for which full payment has been

made may be transferred freely (other than

made may be transferred freely (other than circumstances

circumstances not allowed by the HKSE) in accordance

not allowed by the SEHK) in accordance with these

with these Articles of Association without any lien;

Articles of Association without any lien; except under

except under the following conditions, the Board may

the following conditions, the Board may refuse to

refuse to recognize any transfer instrument without

recognize any transfer instrument without providing

providing any reason:

any reason:

  1. All the transfer documents and other relevant I. All the transfer documents and other relevant

documents relating to or affecting ownership of

documents relating to or affecting ownership of

any registered securities shall be registered. In the

any registered securities shall be registered. In the

event that any fees shall be charged for the

event that any fees shall be charged for the

registration, the said cost shall not be higher than

registration, the said cost shall not be higher than

the maximum amount stipulated under the Rules

the maximum amount stipulated under the Rules

Governing the Listing of Securities on SEHK;

Governing the Listing of Securities on SEHK;

  1. The transfer instrument and other relevant II. The transfer instrument and other relevant

documents only involve H shares listed in Hong

documents only involve H shares listed in Hong




Stamp tax has been paid for the transfer instrument


Stamp tax has been paid for the transfer instrument

and other relevant documents;

and other relevant documents;


Relevant shares and evidence reasonably required


Relevant shares and evidence reasonably required

by the Board to prove that the transferor has the

by the Board to prove that the transferor has the

right to transfer the shares have been provided;

right to transfer the shares have been provided;


If the shares are transferred to joint holders, the


If the shares are transferred to joint holders, the

number of joint holders shall not exceed four;

number of joint holders shall not exceed four;


The relevant shares are not subject to lien by any


The relevant shares are not subject to lien by any



- I-6 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

VII. No shares shall be transferred to any minors or

VII. No shares shall be transferred to any minors or

mentally defective persons or any other legally

mentally defective persons or any other legally

incapacitated persons

incapacitated persons

Any shareholder of foreign shares may transfer all or

Any shareholder of foreign shares may transfer all or

part of his shares in the Company via the common

part of his shares in the Company via the common

written transfer document of the place where the foreign

written transfer document of the place where the foreign

shares are listed or via written transfer document in any

shares are listed or via written transfer document in any

other form acceptable to the Board. The standard transfer

other form acceptable to the Board. The standard transfer

form specified by SEHK may be used for the transfer of

form specified by SEHK may be used for the transfer of

H shares. The said transfer document may be signed by

H shares. The said transfer document may be signed by

hand, or signed by hand or printed if the transferor or the

hand, or signed by hand or printed if the transferor or the

transferee is a recognized clearing institution

transferee is a recognized clearing institution

("recognized clearing institution") as defined in the

("recognized clearing institution") as defined in the

Securities and Futures Ordinance, or its proxy.

Securities and Futures Ordinance, or its proxy.

In case the Company refuses to register the share

transfer, it shall, within two months of the formal

submission of the transfer application, issue a notice on

the refusal to register the transfer of the shares to the

transferor and transferee.

The foreign shares listed in Hong Kong shall be

transferred in writing in the common or usual form or

other form of transfer instrument as the Board of

Directors may accept; and the transfer instrument may

only be signed by hand or may be signed by hand or

printing signature if the transferor or the transferee is a

clearing institution or its agent. All transfer instruments

must be kept at the legal address of the Company or

other locations as the Board of Directors may designate

from time to time.

Changes to or corrections of each part of the

shareholders' register shall be carried out in accordance

with the laws of the place where it is located.

- I-7 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 54 Shareholders of company's ordinary stock

Article 54 Shareholders of company's ordinary stock

shall enjoy the following rights to:

shall enjoy the following rights to:


Receive dividends and the division of earnings in


Receive dividends and the division of earnings in

other forms depending on its stock share;

other forms depending on its stock share;


Require, convene, preside over or attend general


Require, convene, preside over or attend general

meetings either in person or by proxy and exercise

meetings either in person or by proxy and exercise

the corresponding voting rights in accordance with

the corresponding voting rights in accordance with

the relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of

the relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of



  1. Supervise, present suggestions on or make III. Supervise, present suggestions on or make

inquiries about the business activities of the

inquiries about the business activities of the



IV. Transfer, give or pledge their shares in accordance

IV. Transfer, give or pledge their shares in accordance

with laws, regulations, and these Articles of

with laws, regulations, and these Articles of



  1. Obtain relevant information in line with the V. Obtain relevant information in line with the

stipulations in these Articles of Association,

stipulations in these Articles of Association,



1. Obtaining these Articles of Association after

1. Obtaining these Articles of Association after

paying the cost;

paying the cost;

2. Consulting free of charge and having the right

2. Consulting free of charge and having the right

to consult and copy relevant information after

to consult and copy relevant information after

paying reasonable expenses:

paying reasonable expenses:


All parts of the register of shareholders;


All parts of the register of shareholders;


Personal data of




Personal data of directors, supervisors and

and senior executives of the Company,

senior executives of the Company,




Present and previous names and


Present and previous names and




Main addresses (domiciles);


Main addresses (domiciles);






F u l l - t i m e

a n d a l l

p a r t - t i m e


F u l l - t i m e a n d a l l p a r t - t i m e

occupations and positions;

occupations and positions;

- I-8 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

(5) Personal status certificate and its

(5) Personal status certificate and its




Report on equity issued by the Company;


Report on equity issued by the Company;


The total face value, amount, ceiling


The total face value, amount, ceiling price

price and bottom price of each category

and bottom price of each category of

of stock repurchased by the Company

stock repurchased by the Company since

since the previous financial year, as well

the previous financial year, as well as the

as the report on the Company's payment

report on the Company's payment of all

of all such expenses;

such expenses;


Stubs of corporate bonds, minutes of


Stubs of corporate bonds, resolutions of

general meetings, resolutions of Board

Board meetings, resolutions




of Supervisory

Supervisory Committee meetings,




and financial

financial reports,



The latest audited financial statements of


The latest audited financial statements of

the Company, and the reports of directors,

the Company, and the reports of

supervisors and auditors;

directors, supervisors and auditors;


Copy of the latest annual return filed with


Copy of the latest annual return filed with

Chinese State Administration for Industry

Chinese State Administration for Industry

and Commerce or other competent

and Commerce or other competent




Special resolutions of the Company; and


Special resolutions of the Company; and


Minutes of shareholders' meetings (only


Minutes of shareholders' meetings (only

available to shareholders).

available to shareholders).


The Company shall place the documents


The Company shall place the documents

referred to in Item (A), Item (C), Item

referred to in Item (A), Item (C), Item

(D), Item (F), Item (G), Item (H) and

(D), Item (F), Item (G), Item (H) and

Item (I) in Hong Kong for the public and

Item (I) in Hong Kong for the public and

shareholders to consult free of charge,

shareholders to consult free of charge,

and for them to make copies of the above

and for them to make copies of the above

documents after charging reasonable fees.

documents after charging reasonable fees.

- I-9 -




Existing articles

To be amended as


By termination or upon





By termination or upon




Company, participate in distribution of the

Company, participate in distribution of the

Company's remaining assets depending on its

Company's remaining assets depending on its

stock share;

stock share;

VII. Object

to resolutions

of the general meeting

VII. Object

to resolutions

of the general meeting

concerning merger or division of the Company,

concerning merger or division of the Company,

requiring the Company to buy their shares;

requiring the Company to buy their shares;

VIII. Other


stipulated by laws,

VIII. Other


stipulated by laws,

administrative regulations, departmental rules or

administrative regulations, departmental rules or

these Articles of Association.

these Articles of Association.

The Company shall not freeze or otherwise damage the

The Company shall not freeze or otherwise damage the

rights attached to any shares directly or indirectly held

rights attached to any shares directly or indirectly held

by any person on the ground that the said person has not

by any person on the ground that the said person has not

disclosed his equity to the Company.

disclosed his equity to the Company.

Article 62 The controlling shareholders and effective

Article 62 The controlling shareholders and effective

controllers of the Company shall not use connected

controllers of the Company shall not use connected

relations to damage the interests of the Company;

relations to damage the interests of the Company;

otherwise they shall make compensation for the loss

otherwise they shall make compensation for the loss

incurred to the Company.

incurred to the Company.

The controlling shareholders and effective controllers of

The controlling shareholders and effective controllers of

the Company shall be honest to the Company and

the Company shall be honest to the Company and

general public shareholders. The controlling shareholders

general public shareholders. The controlling shareholders

shall duly exercise contributors' rights according to law,

shall duly exercise contributors' rights according to law,

shall not damage the legitimate rights and interests of the

shall not damage the legitimate rights and interests of the

Company and general public shareholders by such means

Company and general public shareholders by such means

as profit distribution, asset reorganization, external

as profit distribution, asset reorganization, external


fund appropriations

and loan guarantees


fund appropriations

and loan guarantees

and shall not abuse its controlling status to damage the

and shall not abuse its controlling status to damage the

interests of the Company and general public

interests of the Company and general public



Except for their obligations under the relevant laws,

Except for their obligations under the relevant laws,

regulations or the listing rules at the location where the

regulations or the listing rules at the location where the

Company's shares are listed, the controlling

Company's shares are listed, the controlling

shareholders, in exercising their rights as shareholders,

shareholders, in exercising their rights as shareholders,

shall not make any decision detrimental to all or some

shall not make any decision detrimental to all or some

shareholders in connection with the following issues:

shareholders in connection with the following issues:


Relieving the directors






Relieving the directors





responsibility to behave honestly in the interest of

responsibility to behave honestly in the interest of

the maximal benefit of the Company;

the maximal benefit of the Company;

- I-10 -




Existing articles

To be amended as


Approving acts by the directors or supervisors to


Approving acts by the directors or supervisors to

deprive the Company of its property in any form

deprive the Company of its property in any form

(for their own interest or for the interest of others),

(for their own interest or for the interest of others),

including (but not limited to) any favorable

including (but not limited to) any favorable

opportunity of the Company;

opportunity of the Company;


Approving acts by the directors or supervisors to


Approving acts by the directors or supervisors to

deprive other shareholders of their personal rights

deprive other shareholders of their personal rights

and benefits (for their own interest or the interest


benefits (for their own interest or the interest

of others), including (but not limited to) any right

of others), including (but not limited to) any right

to distribution and right to vote, but excluding

to distribution and right to vote, but excluding

company reorganization as submitted to the

company reorganization as submitted to the

shareholders' meeting for adoption.

shareholders' meeting for adoption.

A controlling shareholder referred to herein shall be a

A controlling shareholder referred to herein shall be a

person meeting any of the following conditions:

person meeting any of the following conditions:


One who holds more than 50% of the total shares


One who holds more than 50% of the total shares

of the Company;

of the Company;


One who holds less than 50% of the total shares


One who holds less than 50% of the total shares

but holds voting rights sufficient to have a material

but holds voting rights sufficient to have a material

impact on resolutions of the Company, including

impact on resolutions of the Company, including

but not limited to:

but not limited to:

(1) When acting alone or jointly with other


When acting alone or jointly with other

parties, the said person can exercise 30% or

parties, the said person can elect a majority

more of the voting rights of the Company, or

of directors;

control the exercise of 30% or more of the

voting rights of the Company;


When acting alone or jointly with other

parties, the said person can exercise 30% or

(2) When acting alone or jointly with other

more of the voting rights of the Company, or

parties, the said person holds 30% or more

control the exercise of 30% or more of the

of the outstanding shares of the Company; or

voting rights of the Company;

(3) One who has de facto control of the Company


When acting alone or jointly with other

in other ways, when acting by him or in

parties, the said person holds 30% or more

concert with others.

of the outstanding shares of the Company; or


One who has de facto control of the Company

in other ways, when acting by him or in

concert with others.

- I-11 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 64 The shareholders' meeting performs the

Article 64 The shareholders' meeting performs the

following functions:

following functions:

  1. Deciding on the business guidelines and I. Deciding on the business guidelines and

investment plans of the Company;

investment plans of the Company;


Electing and changing directors and supervisors II.

Electing and changing directors and supervisors

other than employees' representatives, and

other than employees' representatives, and

deciding on the remuneration of directors and

deciding on the remuneration of directors and



  1. Considering and approving the reports of the III. Considering and approving the reports of the

Board of Directors and the Supervisory

Board of Directors and the Supervisory




Examining and approving the Company's annual


Examining and approving the Company's annual

financial budget scheme and final calculation

financial budget scheme and final calculation




Examining and approving the Company's profit


Examining and approving the Company's profit

distribution schemes and loss compensation

distribution schemes and loss compensation




Deciding on increases/decreases of the registered


Deciding on increases/decreases of the registered

capital of the Company;

capital of the Company;


Deciding on the merger, division, dissolution,


Deciding on the merger, division, dissolution,

liquidation or transformation of the Company;

liquidation or transformation of the Company;

VIII. Deciding on plans for issue of the Company's

VIII. Deciding on plans for issue of the Company's

bonds or other securities and listing;

bonds or other securities and listing;


Deciding on the appointment or dismissal of the


Deciding on the appointment or dismissal of the

Company's accounting firm;

Company's accounting firm;


Revising these Articles of Association;


Revising these Articles of Association;


Considering and approving matters relating to the


Considering and approving matters relating to the

guarantees stipulated in Article 65 hereof;

guarantees stipulated in Article 65 hereof;


Considering and approving the Company's


Considering and approving the Company's

purchase or disposal of major assets within one

purchase or disposal of major assets within one

year with a transaction amount exceeding 30% of

year with a transaction amount exceeding 30% of

the latest audited total assets of the Company;

the latest audited total assets of the Company;

(other than asset disposals between the Company

(other than asset disposals between the Company

and its controlling subsidiaries, and among the

and its controlling subsidiaries, and among the

controlling subsidiaries);

controlling subsidiaries);

- I-12 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

XIII. Considering and approving matters related to

XIII. Considering




related to

changes in the use of proceeds from share

changes in the use of proceeds from share



XIV. Considering and approving equity incentive

XIV. Considering








Considering proposals from shareholders


Considering proposals from shareholders

representing 3% (inclusive) of the voting shares

representing 3% (inclusive) of the voting shares

of the Company;

of the Company;

XVI. Considering other matters which, in accordance

XVI. Considering


matters which, in


with the laws, administrative regulations,

with the laws, administrative regulations,

departmental rules, and listing rules at the

departmental rules, listing rules in the location

location where the Company's shares are listed

where the Company's shares are listed, the Articles

or with the Articles of Association, must be

of Association or other company institutional

approved by a general meeting.

documents considered and approved by the

shareholders' meeting, must be approved by a

general meeting.

Article 68 Under any of the following circumstances,

Article 68 Under any of the following circumstances, the

the board shall convene an extraordinary general meeting

board shall convene an extraordinary general meeting

within two months from the date upon which the

within two months from the date upon which the

circumstance in question occurs:

circumstance in question occurs:


The number of directors falls short of the


The number of directors falls short of the statutory

minimum number required by the Company Law

minimum quorum prescribed by the Company Law

or is less than two-thirds of the number required

or is less than two-thirds of the number required

by these Articles of Association;

by these Articles of Association;


The un-recovered losses of the Company amount


The un-recovered losses of the Company amount

to one third of the total amount of its paid-up

to one third of the total amount of its paid-up share

share capital;


  1. It is required in writing by shareholder(s) III. It is required in writing by shareholder(s)

individually or jointly holding more than 10%

individually or jointly holding more than 10%

equity of the Company;

equity of the Company;


The Board deems to be necessary, or the


The Board deems to be necessary, or the

Supervisory Committee proposes, the convening

Supervisory Committee proposes, the convening

of an extraordinary general meeting;

of an extraordinary general meeting;


It is proposed by the independent directors;


It is proposed by more than half of the independent


Other circumstances stipulated by laws,


regulations or these Articles of Association.


Other circumstances stipulated by laws, regulations

or these Articles of Association.

The number of shares held as mentioned in Clause III

above is calculated on the date of the written request

made by the shareholders.

- I-13 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 69 The venue of general meeting of the

Article 69 The venue of general meeting of the

Company shall be: the domicile of the Company or

Company shall be: the domicile of the Company or

another place notified by the convener of the general

another place notified by the convener of the general



General meetings shall be held on site at the venue. The

General meetings shall be held on site at the venue. The

Company may also provide a network or any other

Company may also provide internet voting for its

means for its shareholders to conveniently participate in

shareholders to conveniently participate in general

general meetings. Shareholders participating in the

meetings. Shareholders participating in the general

general meetings by any of the aforesaid means shall

meetings by any of the aforesaid means shall be

be deemed as having attended said meetings.

deemed as having attended said meetings.

Article 108 All issues under Clauses (I), (II), (III) (IV)

Article 108 All issues under Clauses (I), (II), (III), (IV),

(V) (IX) (XI) (XIII) (XVI) of Article 64 of these Articles

(V), (IX), (XI) (refers to other external guarantees other

of Association on the functions of a general meeting, or

than Clause II of Article 65 of these Articles of

issues other than those that are to be passed by special

Association), (XIII) and (XVI) of Article 64 of these

resolutions pursuant to the relevant laws, regulations, or

Articles of Association on the functions of a general

these Articles of Association, shall be approved by

meeting, or issues other than those that are to be passed

ordinary resolutions at a general meeting.

by special resolutions pursuant to the relevant laws,

regulations, or these Articles of Association, shall be

approved by ordinary resolutions at a general meeting.

Article 109 Clauses (VI), (VII), (VIII), (X), (XII) and

Article 109 Clauses (VI), (VII), (VIII), (X), (XI) (refers

(XIV) listed in Article 62 above regarding the functions

to the external guarantees in Clause II of Article 65 of

performed by the shareholder's meeting, or clauses

these Articles of Association), (XII) and (XIV) listed in

specified in applicable laws, rules or regulations or this

Article 62 above regarding the functions performed by

Articles of Association, or clauses that are confirmed by

the shareholder's meeting, or clauses specified in

a general resolution of the shareholder's meeting to have

applicable laws, rules or regulations or this Articles of

an important influence on the Company and are to be

Association, or clauses that are confirmed by a general

ratified through a special resolution, shall be ratified by

resolution of the shareholder's meeting to have an

a special resolution on the meeting. The above

important influence on the Company and are to be

stipulations regarding a general or special resolution

ratified through a special resolution, shall be ratified by a

shall apply to Article XV, depending on the particulars

special resolution on the meeting. The above stipulations

of the proposal.

regarding a general or special resolution shall apply to

Article XV, depending on the particulars of the proposal.

Article 136 Each board of directors serves the Company

Article 136 Each board of directors serves the Company

for three (3) years. Directors are elected or replaced by

for three years. Directors are elected or replaced by the

the general meeting of shareholders, with its term of

general meeting of shareholders, and may be dismissed

office commencing on the date on which the resolution

by the general meeting of shareholders before the

is passed at the meeting and ending on the expiration of

expiration of their terms of office. Their terms of

the term of office of the Board. Directors may be

office commence on the date on which the resolution

reelected upon the expiration of their terms.

is passed at the meeting and end on the expiration of the

term of office of the Board. Directors may be reelected

Where not otherwise provided by law, the issuer in

upon the expiration of their terms.

general meeting shall have power by ordinary resolution

to remove any director (including a managing or other

Where not otherwise provided by law, the issuer in

executive director) before the expiration of his period of

general meeting shall have power by ordinary resolution

office, but such removal shall be without prejudice to

to remove any director (including a managing or other

any claim for damages under any contract.

executive director) before the expiration of his period of

office, but such removal shall be without prejudice to

any claim for damages under any contract.

- I-14 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

A director whose term of office is to expire shall

A director whose term of office is to expire shall

continue with his/her duties as a director before the

continue with his/her duties as a director before the

newly elected director takes office, observing the

newly elected director takes office, observing the

applicable laws, administrative regulations, rules and

applicable laws, administrative regulations, rules and

regulations, and these Articles of Association.

regulations, and these Articles of Association.

Any person appointed by the directors to fill a casual

The General Manager or other executives can be

vacancy on or as an addition to the board shall hold

appointed as a Director on a concurrent basis.

office only until the next following annual general

Directors holding a concurrent post as General

meeting of the Company, and shall then be eligible for

Manager or other executive shall account for less than


50% of the members of the Board.

The General Manager or other executives can be

Directors need not be shareholders of the Company.

appointed as a Director on a concurrent basis.

Directors holding a concurrent post as General

Manager or other executive shall account for less than

50% of the members of the Board.

Directors need not be shareholders of the Company.

Article 148 The board of directors shall exercise the

Article 148 The board of directors shall exercise the

following powers:

following powers:


Convening the general meeting of shareholders


Convening the general meeting of shareholders

and reporting to the meeting;

and reporting to the meeting;


Implementing the resolutions passed at the


Implementing the resolutions passed at the

general meeting of shareholders;

general meeting of shareholders;


Determining the operational plans and investment


Determining the operational plans and investment

methods of the Company;

methods of the Company;


Within the scope of authority of the general


Within the scope of authority of the general

meeting of shareholders, deciding on such issues

meeting of shareholders, deciding on such issues

as foreign investment, purchase of assets on sale,

as foreign investment, purchase of assets on sale,

mortgage of assets, financing agency, associated

mortgage of assets, financing agency, associated

transactions, etc;

transactions, etc;


Preparing the annual financial budget and the


Preparing the annual financial budget and the

final accounts;

final accounts;


Formulating plans for distribution of profits and


Formulating plans for distribution of profits and

the recovery of losses;

the recovery of losses;


Formulating a plan for the increase or decreases


Formulating a plan for the increase or decreases

of the registered capital;

of the registered capital;


Formulating a plan for the listing and issuance of


Formulating a plan for the listing and issuance of

bonds or other securities;

bonds or other securities;

- I-15 -




Existing articles

To be amended as


Formulating plans for substantial acquisitions,


Formulating plans for substantial acquisitions,

buy-backs, mergers, separation, dissolution or

buy-backs, mergers, separation, dissolution or

change in corporate form;

change in corporate form;


Making decisions on the establishment of the


Making decisions on the establishment of the

Company's internal management system;

Company's internal management system;


Appointing or removing the general manager;


Appointing or removing the general manager;


Appointing or removing the secretary of the


Appointing or removing the secretary of the

board of directors appointed by the chairman;

board of directors appointed by the chairman;


Appointing or removing the deputy general


Appointing or removing the deputy general

manager, the controller and other executives

manager, the controller and other executives

appointed by the general manager, and defining

appointed by the general manager, and defining

the compensation and bonus-penalty package for

the compensation and bonus-penalty package for

such executives;

such executives;


Formulating the basic management system at the


Formulating the basic management system at the




Defining plans for the amendment of these


Defining plans for the amendment of these

Articles of Association;

Articles of Association;


Planning the equity incentive packages at the


Planning the equity incentive packages at the




Controlling information disclosure at the


Controlling information disclosure at the



XVIII. Suggesting the appointment or replacement of the

XVIII. Suggesting the appointment or replacement of the

accounting firm working for the Company

accounting firm working for the Company

general meeting of shareholders;

general meeting of shareholders;


Receiving reports from the general manager and


Receiving reports from the general manager and

reviewing his performance;

reviewing his performance;


Appointing a chairman and vice chairman;


Appointing a chairman and vice chairman;


Reviewing and approving the provision of


Reviewing and approving the provision of

security to foreign parties which, according to

security to foreign parties which, according to

Article 65 above, is not subject to review by the

Article 65 above, is not subject to review by the

general meeting of shareholders;

general meeting of shareholders;


Making decisions on the establishment or


Making decisions on the establishment or

abandonment of a branch;

abandonment of a branch;

XXIII. Making decisions on the specific implementation

XXIII. Making decisions on the specific implementation

plan for such issues as the merger, division and

plan for such issues as the merger, division and

restructuring of branches;

restructuring of branches;

- I-16 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

XXIV. Making decisions on employees' compensation,

XXIV. Making decisions on employees' compensation,

benefits and bonus-penalty policy and package;

benefits and bonus-penalty policy and package;

XXV. Making decisions on the risk management

XXV. Making decisions on the risk management

system, including risk assessment, financial

system, including risk assessment, financial

control, internal audit, legal risk control, and

control, internal audit, legal risk control, and

monitoring of implementation;

monitoring of implementation;

XXVI. Making decisions on the establishment of board

XXVI. Making decisions on the establishment of board

committees and the appointment or removal of

committees and the appointment or removal of

the chairmen of such committees;

the chairmen of such committees;

XXVII. Making decisions on the establishment of

XXVII. Making decisions on the establishment of

securities and pledges on its assets;

securities and pledges on its assets;

XXVIII. Making decisions on the provision of loan

XXVIII. Making decisions on the provision of loan

guarantees for the head office of the Company;

guarantees for the head office of the Company;

XXIX. Determining the annual extra costs and expenses

XXIX. Determining the annual extra costs and expenses

at the Company;

at the Company;

XXX. Other powers or authority specified in applicable

XXX. Promoting the law-based operation and decision-

laws, administrative rules and regulations or

making, reviewing and monitoring the

these Articles of Association and authorized by

Company's policies and practices on compliance

the general meeting of shareholders.

with laws and regulatory requirements, guiding

and supervising the construction plan of

The above powers or functions or any transactions or

corporate rule of law, establishing and

arrangements at the Company shall be reported to the

implementing the general legal adviser system,

general meeting of shareholders for its review according

guiding the study of resolving major issues on

to the listing rules of the exchange where the stock of

construction of corporate rule of law, promoting

the Company are publicly traded.

publicity and education on the corporate rule of

law, so as to provide the conditions and

Resolutions in the preceding Article shall win a simple

protection for the construction of corporate rule

majority of votes of all directors, except for Articles 7,

of law; if legal issues are involved in matters to

8, 9 and 15, which shall require a two-thirds majority or

be studied and considered, the general legal

more of the votes of all the directors, and for Article 21,

adviser shall be notified to attend the meeting

which shall require a two-thirds majority or more of the

and listen to the opinions;

votes of all directors appearing at the meeting.

XXXI. Establishing and reviewing the Company's

policies and practices on corporate governance

and make recommendations to the Board;

XXXII. Reviewing and monitoring the training and

continuing professional development of

Directors and senior management;

- I-17 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

XXXIII. Reviewing the Company's compliance with the

Corporate Governance Code as set out in

Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the

Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of

Hong Kong Limited and disclosure in the

Corporate Governance Report;

XXXVI. Other powers or authority specified in applicable

laws, administrative rules and regulations or

these Articles of Association and authorized by

the general meeting of shareholders.

The above powers or functions or any transactions or

arrangements at the Company shall be reported to the

general meeting of shareholders for its review according

to the listing rules of the exchange where the stock of the

Company are publicly traded.

Resolutions in the preceding Article shall win a simple

majority of votes of all directors, except for Articles 7, 8,

9 and 15, which shall require a two-thirds majority or

more of the votes of all the directors, and for Article 21,

which shall require a two-thirds majority or more of the

votes of all directors appearing at the meeting.

Article 150 Board committees shall be formed to

Article 150 Board committees shall be formed to

provide the board of directors with advice and

provide the board of directors with advice and

suggestions on important issues. A strategy committee,

suggestions on important issues. A strategy committee,

audit committee, compensation and evaluation

audit committee, compensation and evaluation

committee and nomination committee and other

committee, nomination committee, risk control

specialized committees shall be formed at the Company.

committee and other specialized committees shall be

Such board committees shall be under the board of

formed at the Company.

directors, all consisting of members of the board of

Such board committees shall be under the board of

directors. Independent directors shall occupy most seats

directors, all consisting of members of the board of

and act as directors in such committees as the audit

directors. Independent directors shall occupy most seats

committee, compensation and evaluation committee and

and act as directors in such committees as the audit

nomination committee. At least one of the independent

committee, compensation and evaluation committee and

directors at the audit committee shall be a professional in

nomination committee, and independent directors shall

the accounting domain, and at least one director shall be

occupy most seats in risk control committee. At least one

equipped with appropriate professional qualifications in

of the independent directors at the audit committee shall

the listing rules of major exchanges or other equivalent

be a professional in the accounting domain, and at least

expertise in accounting or financial management. When

one director shall be equipped with appropriate

necessary, the board of directors may form other

professional qualifications in the listing rules of major

committees or restructure existing ones. The board of

exchanges or other equivalent expertise in accounting or

directors shall formulate specific rules of procedure for

financial management. When necessary, the board of

such board committees, defining their functions and

directors may form other committees or restructure


existing ones. The board of directors shall formulate

specific rules of procedure for such board committees,

defining their functions and procedures.

- I-18 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Newly added article - the original Article 155 is re-

Article 155 The risk control committee under the board

numbered as Article 156

of directors shall be mainly responsible for:


Considering risk control strategies and major risk

control solutions;


Reviewing the effectiveness of the Company's risk



Considering major decisions and risk assessment

report of major projects;


Guiding and promoting the construction of the rule

of law of the Company, and supervising the law-

based operation of the Company by the managers;


Other risk control matters authorized by the board

of directors.

Note: The subsequent articles are re-numbered


Article 157 The chairman of the Board of Directors shall

Article 158 The chairman of the Board of Directors shall

perform the following functions:

perform the following functions:


Presiding over shareholders' meetings and


Presiding over shareholders' meetings and

convening and presiding over meetings of the

convening and presiding over meetings of the

Board of Directors;

Board of Directors;


Checking and supervising the implementation of


Checking and supervising the implementation of

board resolutions;

board resolutions;


Nominating a candidate for the secretary of the


Nominating a candidate for the secretary of the

board of directors;

board of directors;


Defining the systems necessary for the operation


Defining the systems necessary for the operation of

of the board of directors, and coordinating its

the board of directors, and coordinating its




Receiving regular and non-regular performance


Receiving regular and non-regular performance

reports from executives, providing the board of

reports from executives, providing the board of

directors with steering comments on the

directors with steering comments on the

implementation of board resolutions;

implementation of board resolutions;


Other powers or authorities specified in applicable


Listening to the work report on the rule of law

laws, administrative rules and regulations or these

construction of the Company;

Articles of Association, or authorized by the board

of directors.

- I-19 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Should the chairman be unable to perform his duties, a

VII. Other powers or authorities specified in applicable

designated vice-chairman may perform such duties in his

laws, administrative rules and regulations or these


Articles of Association, or authorized by the board

of directors.

Should the chairman be unable to perform his duties, a

designated vice-chairman may perform such duties in his


Article 159 The Board of Directors shall hold at least

Article 160 The Board of Directors shall hold at least

two regular meetings every year, which shall be

four regular meetings every year, which shall be

convened by the chairman. All the directors and

convened by the chairman. All the directors and

supervisors shall be informed in writing thereof 10

supervisors shall be informed in writing thereof 14

days prior to the convening of the meeting.

days prior to the convening of the meeting.

The Board shall convene a provisional meeting when it

The Board shall convene a provisional meeting when it

is deemed necessary by the chairman, proposed by

is deemed necessary by the chairman, proposed by

shareholders representing more than 10% of the voting

shareholders representing more than 10% of the voting

rights, jointly proposed by more than one-third of the

rights, jointly proposed by more than one-third of the

directors, jointly proposed by more than half of the

directors, jointly proposed by more than half of the

independent directors, proposed by the general manager,

independent directors, proposed by the general manager,

or proposed by the Supervisory Committee, requested by

or proposed by the Supervisory Committee, requested by

securities regulatory authorities or under other

securities regulatory authorities or under other

circumstances stipulated in the Articles of Association.

circumstances stipulated in the Articles of Association.

The Board shall convene a provisional meeting within 10

The Board shall convene a provisional meeting within 10

days after the chairman receives notice of the proposal.

days after the chairman receives notice of the proposal.

Article 160 If the Board convenes a provisional Board

Article 161 If the Board convenes a provisional Board

meeting, the contents of the notice of such meeting may

meeting, the contents of the notice of such meeting may

follow the format stated in Article 246 of these Articles

follow the format stated in Article 247 of these Articles

of Association. The Board shall notify all the directors

of Association. The Board shall notify all the directors

and supervisors within 5 days prior to the convening of

and supervisors within 5 days prior to the convening of

the meeting.

the meeting.

In emergency situations where an extraordinary Board

meeting needs to be convened as soon as possible, notice

of the meeting may be given by telephone or by other

means of verbal communication at any time, but the

convener shall provide an explanation for such action at

the meeting.

- I-20 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 173 The Company shall establish a managerial

Article 174 The Company shall establish a managerial

team. Under the direction of the Board of Directors, it

team. Under the direction of the Board of Directors, it

shall execute the decisions made by the Board and be

shall execute the decisions made by the Board and be

responsible for the routine operation of the Company.

responsible for the routine operation of the Company.

The managerial team shall be under the charge of a

The managerial team shall be under the charge of a

general manager.

general manager.

The managerial team shall consist of one general

The managerial team shall consist of one general

manager who shall be appointed or dismissed by the

manager who shall be appointed or dismissed by the

Board, several deputy general managers, and one


financial supervisor.

The managerial team shall also consist of several deputy

general managers, one financial supervisor, and one

general legal adviser.

Article 175 A controlling shareholder or an effective

Article 176 A controlling shareholder or an effective

controller of the Company who serves in positions other

controller of the Company who serves in administrative

than that of director may not serve as a senior executive

positions other than that of director and supervisor may

of the Company.

not serve as a senior executive of the Company.

Article 176 The general manager of the Company shall

Article 177 The general manager of the Company shall

be accountable to the Board of Directors and shall

be accountable to the Board of Directors and shall

exercise the following powers:

exercise the following powers:


Presiding over the management of the Company's


Presiding over the management of the Company's

production and operation and submitting work

production and operation and submitting work

reports to the Board of Directors;

reports to the Board of Directors;

  1. Implementing resolutions decided upon by the II. Implementing resolutions decided upon by the

Board of Directors;

Board of Directors;

III. Implementing the Company's annual business plan

III. Implementing the Company's annual business plan

and investment schemes;

and investment schemes;

IV. Formulating schemes for the setup of company's

IV. Formulating schemes for the setup of company's

internal management organization;

internal management organization;

  1. Formulating the Company's basic management V. Formulating the Company's basic management




Formulating details of the Company's regulations


Formulating details of the Company's regulations

and rules;

and rules;


Making proposals regarding the appointment or


Making proposals regarding the appointment or

dismissal of deputy general managers and the

dismissal of deputy general managers, the financial

financial supervisor of the Company;

supervisor and general legal adviser of the

VIII. Appointing or dismissing management personnel


other than those who shall be appointed or

VIII. Appointing or dismissing management personnel

dismissed by the Board of Directors;

other than those who shall be appointed or

dismissed by the Board of Directors;

- I-21 -




Existing articles

To be amended as


Drafting proposals regarding the merger, division,


Drafting proposals regarding the merger, division,

and reorganization of the subsidiary of the

and reorganization of the subsidiary of the




Drafting the organizational structure of branches of


Drafting the organizational structure of branches of

the Company;

the Company;


Drafting policies and proposals concerning the


Drafting policies and proposals concerning the

salaries, benefits, and mechanisms of award and

salaries, benefits, and mechanisms of award and

punishment of employees;

punishment of employees;


Being commissioned by the Board of Directors to


Being commissioned by the Board of Directors to

handle business operations of the Company

handle business operations of the Company

pursuant to the laws and regulations and benefits

pursuant to the laws and regulations and benefits

of the Company in the event of force majeure or

of the Company in the event of force majeure or

an emergency in which it is impossible to convene

an emergency in which it is impossible to convene

a Board of Directors meeting. A report shall be

a Board of Directors meeting. A report shall be

given to the Board of Directors after such event

given to the Board of Directors after such event



XIII. Exercising other powers as authorized by the laws,

XIII. Exercising other powers as authorized by the laws,

administrative regulations, department charters, or

administrative regulations, department charters, or

these Articles of Association and the Board of

these Articles of Association and the Board of



The mandate granted by the Board to the general

The mandate granted by the Board to the general

manager can be exercised only after discussion and

manager can be exercised only after discussion and

demonstration by the meeting of the general manager's

demonstration by the meeting of the general manager's



Article 213 The contracts on remuneration matters as

Article 214 The contracts on remuneration matters as

concluded between the Company and its directors and

concluded between the Company and its directors and

supervisors shall specify that when the Company is to be

supervisors shall specify that when the Company is to be

purchased, with prior approval by the shareholder's

purchased, with prior approval by the shareholder's

meeting, the Company's directors and supervisors shall

meeting, the Company's directors and supervisors shall

be entitled to receive compensation or other sums for

be entitled to receive compensation or other sums for

their lost position or retirement.

their lost position or retirement, and such compensation

shall be fair, and shall not impair the legitimate rights

The Company's being purchased as mentioned in the

and interests of the Company nor involve any transfer of

preceding clause refers to one of the following cases:



Anyone makes a purchase offer to all the

The Company's being purchased as mentioned in the


preceding clause refers to one of the following cases:


Anyone makes a purchase offer with a view to


Anyone makes a purchase offer to all the

make the offeror the controlling shareholder,


which is so defined in the Articles of Association.


Anyone makes a purchase offer with a view to

make the offeror the controlling shareholder,

which is so defined in the Articles of Association.

- I-22 -




Existing articles

To be amended as

If the related director or supervisor fails to follow the

If the related director or supervisor fails to follow the

regulation in this article, any sum so received shall be

regulation in this article, any sum so received shall be

owned by those who sell their stock by accepting the

owned by those who sell their stock by accepting the

aforesaid offer, and the director or supervisor shall bear

aforesaid offer, and the director or supervisor shall bear

the expenses occurring from proportionate distribution of

the expenses occurring from proportionate distribution of

such sums, which may not be deducted from such sums.

such sums, which may not be deducted from such sums.

Article 238 The internal audit system and duties of the

Article 239 The internal audit system and duties of the

auditors shall be subject to the approval of the

auditors shall be subject to the approval of the Board.

Board.The auditors shall be accountable to the Board

The Company's supervision and audit department

and report their work to the same.

independently conducts internal audit work under the

guidance of the audit committee under the board of

directors and the leadership of the Company's

management, and accepts the business guidance and

supervisory checks of the audit institution of the superior


Article 271 The term "senior management officer"

Article 272 The term "senior management officer"

referred to herein shall refer to the general manager,

referred to herein shall refer to the general manager,

deputy general manager, financial controller or board

deputy general manager, financial controller, board

secretary. The "general manager" and "deputy general

secretary and general legal adviser. The "general

manager" referred to herein shall just be the "manager"

manager" and "deputy general manager" referred to

and "deputy manager" referred to in the Company Law.

herein shall just be the "manager" and "deputy manager"

referred to in the Company Law.


The above table does not include the amendments to the numbering of, and consequentially the references to, subsequent articles due to the newly added Article 155.

- I-23 -





The full text of the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of the Shareholders' General

Meetings is set out below.

Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 1 These rules are formulated in accordance with

Article 1 These rules are formulated in accordance with

the laws and regulations including the Company Law of

the laws and regulations including the Company Law of

the People's Republic of China (the "Company Law"),

the People's Republic of China (the "Company Law"),

the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China,

the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China,

the Mandatory Provisions in the Articles of Association

the Mandatory Provisions in the Articles of Association

of Companies Listed Overseas, Guidelines on the

of Companies Listed Overseas, Guidelines on the

Articles of Association of Listed Companies (2006

Articles of Association of Listed Companies, Rules for

Revised), Rules for the Shareholders' General Meetings

the Shareholders' General Meetings of Listed

of Listed Companies, the Rules governing the Listing of

Companies, the Rules Governing the Listing of

Securities on The Hong Kong Stock Exchange of Hong

Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

Kong Limited as amended from time to time (the "Hong

Limited as amended from time to time (the "Hong

Kong Listing Rules"), the Share Listing Rules of the

Kong Listing Rules"), the Rules Governing the Listing

Shanghai Stock Exchange (the "Shanghai Listing Rules")

of Stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange (the "Shanghai

and with the Articles of Association of COSCO

Listing Rules") and with the Articles of Association of

SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. (the

COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. (the

"Articles of Association"), in order to protect the

"Articles of Association"), in order to protect the lawful

lawful interests of COSCO SHIPPING Energy

interests of COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation

Transportation Co., Ltd. (the "Company") and its

Co., Ltd. (the "Company") and its shareholders, clearly

shareholders, clearly define the responsibilities and

define the responsibilities and authorities of the general

authorities of the general meeting, ensure the general

meeting, ensure the general meeting to operate in a

meeting to operate in a standardized and efficient

standardized and efficient manner and perform its

manner and perform its functions and powers under the

functions and powers under the laws.


- II-1 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 4 The shareholders' general meeting is the organ

Article 4 The shareholders' general meeting is the organ

of authority of the company, which exercises the

of authority of the company, which exercises the

following powers in accordance with the law:

following powers in accordance with the law:


to decide on the Company's operational policies


to decide on the Company's operational policies

and investment plans;

and investment plans;


to elect or remove Directors and Supervisors who


to elect or remove Directors and Supervisors who

are not representatives of employees and decide

are not representatives of employees and decide

on matters relating to the remuneration of

on matters relating to the remuneration of

Directors and Supervisors;

Directors and Supervisors;


to consider and approve reports of the Board of


to consider and approve reports of the Board of

Directors and the Supervisory Committee;

Directors and the Supervisory Committee;


to consider and approve the Company's proposed


to consider and approve the Company's proposed

annual financial budget and final accounts;

annual financial budget and final accounts;


to consider and approve the Company's


to consider and approve the Company's proposals

proposals for profit distribution plans and

for profit distribution plans and recovery of

recovery of losses;



to decide on any increase or reduction of the


to decide on any increase or reduction of the

Company's registered capital;

Company's registered capital;


to decide on issues such as merger, division,


to decide on issues such as merger, division,

dissolution, liquidation or changing the form of

dissolution, liquidation or changing the form of

the Company and other matters;

the Company and other matters;


to decide on the issue of corporate bonds or other


to decide on the issue of corporate bonds or other

securities and the listing plan;

securities and the listing plan;


to decide on the appointment or dismissal of


to decide on the appointment or dismissal of




to amend the Company's Articles of Association;


to amend the Company's Articles of Association;


to consider and approve guarantees pursuant to


to consider and approve guarantees pursuant to

Article 5;

Article 5;


to consider and approve the Company's purchase


to consider and approve the Company's purchase

or sale of major assets within one year with the

or sale of major assets within one year with the

transaction amount exceeding 30% of the latest

transaction amount exceeding 30% of the latest

audited total assets of the Company (other than

audited total assets of the Company (other than

acts of disposal between the Company and its

acts of disposal between the Company and its

controlling subsidiaries and among controlling

controlling subsidiaries and among controlling

subsidiaries of the Company);

subsidiaries of the Company);

- II-2 -





Existing articles

To be amended as


to consider and approve matters relating to the


to consider and approve matters relating to the

changes in the use of proceeds from share

changes in the use of proceeds from share




to consider and approve the equity incentive


to consider and approve the equity incentive




to consider proposals raised by the shareholders


to consider proposals raised by the shareholders

who represent more than 3% (including 3%) of

who represent more than 3% (including 3%) of

the Company's shareholders with voting rights;

the Company's shareholders with voting rights;




to consider such other matters provided by the


to consider such other matters provided by the

laws, administrative regulations, departmental

laws, administrative regulations, departmental

rules and regulations, the listing rules of the

rules and regulations, the listing rules of the

stock exchange(s) on which the shares of the

stock exchange(s) on which the shares of the

Company are listed or the Articles of Association

Company are listed, the Articles of Association

which shall be decided by the shareholders'

or other institutional documents of the Company

general meeting.

considered and approved by the shareholders'

general meeting which shall be decided by the

shareholders' general meeting.

The matters listed in sub paragraphs (VI), (VII), (VIII),

(X), (XI) (the external guarantees in Clause II of Article

5 of these Rules), (XII) and (XIV), or specified in laws

and regulations or the Articles of Association, or the

matters are confirmed by an ordinary resolution of the

general meeting to have an important influence on the

Company and are to be approved through a special

resolution, shall be approved by a special resolution at

the general meeting. The above stipulations regarding a

general and special resolution shall apply to the matters

listed in sub paragraph (XV), depending on the

particulars of the proposal.

All the matters listed in sub paragraphs (I), (II), (III),

(IV), (V), (IX), (XI) (other external guarantees other than

Clause II in Article 5 of these Rules), (XIII) and (XVI),

or the matters other than those that are to be passed by

special resolutions, shall be approved by ordinary

resolutions at a general meeting.

- II-3 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 6 "External guarantee" as mentioned in the

Article 6 "External guarantee" as mentioned in these

Articles of Association refers to guarantee provided by

Rules refers to guarantee provided by the Company for

the Company for others, including guarantee provided by

others, including guarantee provided by the Company for

the Company for its holdings subsidiaries. "Total

its holdings subsidiaries. "Total external guarantee of the

external guarantee of the Company and its holdings

Company and its holdings subsidiaries" refers to the sum

subsidiaries" refers to the sum of Company's total

of Company's total external guarantee including the

external guarantee including the guarantee provided by

guarantee provided by the Company for its holdings

the Company for its holdings subsidiaries plus the total

subsidiaries plus the total external guarantee provided by

external guarantee provided by the holdings subsidiaries

the holdings subsidiaries of the Company. The Board

of the Company. The Board Office of the Company is

Office of the Company is responsible for the

responsible for the preparations and organisations of

preparations and organisations of general meetings.

general meetings.

Article 19 Shareholder(s) either individually or

Article 19 Shareholder(s) either individually or

collectively holding 3% or more of the Company's

collectively holding 3% or more of the Company's

shares may submit their provisional proposals in writing

shares may submit their provisional proposals in writing

to the convener ten (10) working days before the

to the convener ten (10) days before the meeting is

meeting is convened. The convener shall issue a

convened. The convener shall issue a supplementary

supplementary notice of the general meeting to

notice of the general meeting to announce the contents of

announce the contents of the proposals. Other than the

the proposals. Other than the circumstances referred to in

circumstances referred to in the preceding paragraph,

the preceding paragraph, after the convenor has issued

after the convenor has issued the announcement for the

the announcement for the general meeting, no changes

general meeting, no changes shall be made to the stated

shall be made to the stated proposals in the notice of the

proposals in the notice of the meeting or the newly

meeting or the newly added proposals. The general

added proposals. The general meeting shall not vote on

meeting shall not vote on or resolve proposals not stated

or resolve proposals not stated in the notice of the

in the notice of the general meeting or proposals which

general meeting or proposals which do not meet the

do not meet the requirements in Article 17 of these

requirements in Article 17 of these Rules.


Article 23 For the matter relating to the election of

Article 23 For the matter relating to the election of

directors and supervisors is proposed to be discussed at

directors and supervisors is proposed to be discussed at

the general meeting, the notice of the meeting shall fully

the general meeting, the notice of the meeting shall fully

disclose the detailed information of the candidates for

disclose the detailed information of the candidates for

directors and supervisors, which should at least include

directors and supervisors, which should at least include

the following:

the following:


Personal information including



Personal information including educational

background, working experience, and any part-

background, working experience, and any part-

time job;

time job;


Whether there is any connected



Whether there is any connected relationship

between them and the Company or its

between them and the Company or its

controlling shareholder(s) and actual controlling

controlling shareholder(s) and actual controlling



- II-4 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

  1. Disclosure of their shareholdings in the (III) Disclosure of their shareholdings in the



(IV) Whether they have been subject to any


Whether they have been subject to any

punishment by China Securities Regulatory

punishment by China Securities Regulatory

Commission or other related authorities or stock

Commission or other related authorities or stock



In addition to the adoption of the accumulative voting

In addition to the adoption of the accumulative voting

system to elect directors and supervisors, each of the

system to elect directors and supervisors, each of the

candidates for directors or supervisors shall be proposed

candidates for directors or supervisors shall be proposed

in a separate proposal.

in a separate proposal.

Where the general meeting intends to discuss the election

of independent non-executive directors, the circular to

shareholders and/or explanatory statement accompanying

the notice of the relevant general meeting should set out:


The process used for identifying the individual

and why the Board believes the individual should

be elected and the reasons why it considers the

individual to be independent;


If the proposed independent non-executive

director will be holding his/her seventh (or

more) listed company directorship, why the

Board believes the individual would still be

able to devote sufficient time to the Board;


The perspectives, skills and experience that the

individual can bring to the Board; and


How the individual contributes to diversity of the


Article 65 Rights conferred on any class of shareholders

Article 65 Rights conferred on any class of shareholders

in the capacity of shareholders ("class rights") may not

in the capacity of shareholders ("class rights") may not

be varied or abrogated unless approved by a special

be varied or abrogated unless approved by a special

resolution of shareholders in general meeting and by

resolution of shareholders in general meeting and by

holders of shares of that class at a separate meeting

holders of shares of that class at a separate meeting

conducted in accordance with Articles 65 to 69 of these

conducted in accordance with Articles 66 to 70 of these

rules. Any change or abolition of any rights of holders of

rules. Any change or abolition of any rights of holders of

class shares resulted from a change of domestic or

class shares resulted from a change of domestic or

overseas laws, regulations and the listing rules of the

overseas laws, regulations and the listing rules of the

stock exchange(s) where the shares of the Company are

stock exchange(s) where the shares of the Company are

listed and as a result of any decisions or orders legally

listed and as a result of any decisions or orders legally

announced by domestic or overseas regulatory

announced by domestic or overseas regulatory authorities

authorities shall not be subject to approvals of

shall not be subject to approvals of shareholders meeting

shareholders meeting or meeting of holders of class

or meeting of holders of class shares.


- II-5 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 67 Shareholders of the affected class, whether or

Article 67 Shareholders of the affected class, whether or

not otherwise entitled to vote at shareholders' general

not otherwise entitled to vote at shareholders' general

meetings, shall nevertheless be entitled to vote at class

meetings, shall nevertheless be entitled to vote at class

meetings in respect of matters concerning sub paragraphs

meetings in respect of matters concerning sub paragraphs

(2) to (8), (11) and (12) of Article 64, but interested

(2) to (8), (11) and (12) of Article 66, but interested

shareholder(s) shall not be entitled to vote at class

shareholder(s) shall not be entitled to vote at class

meetings. The meaning of "interested shareholder(s)" as

meetings. The meaning of "interested shareholder(s)" as

mentioned in the preceding paragraph is:

mentioned in the preceding paragraph is:


in the case of a repurchase of shares by pro rata


in the case of a repurchase of shares by pro rata

offers to all shareholders or public dealing on a

offers to all shareholders or public dealing on a

stock exchange under the Articles of Association

stock exchange under the Articles of Association

of the Company, an "interested shareholder"

of the Company, an "interested shareholder"

refers to a controlling shareholder within the

refers to a controlling shareholder within the

meaning of the Articles of Association of the

meaning of the Articles of Association of the




in the case of a repurchase of the company's own


in the case of a repurchase of the company's own

share by an agreement under the Articles of

share by an agreement under the Articles of

Association of the Company, "an interested

Association of the Company, "an interested

shareholder" refers to the shareholder who is

shareholder" refers to the shareholder who is

related to the agreement;

related to the agreement;


in the case of a restructuring of the Company,


in the case of a restructuring of the Company,

"an interested shareholder" refers to a

"an interested shareholder" refers to a

shareholder within a class who bears less than

shareholder within a class who bears less than a

a proportionate burden imposed on that class

proportionate burden imposed on that class under

under the proposed restructuring or who has an

the proposed restructuring or who has an interest

interest in the proposed restructuring different

in the proposed restructuring different from the

from the interest of shareholders of that class.

interest of shareholders of that class.

Article 77 In the event matters are not dealt with by

Article 77 Any matters not covered in these Rules shall

these Rules or these Rules are in contradiction to the

be subject to relevant national laws and regulations, the

laws and regulations, the listing rules of the Stock

listing rules of the place where the shares of the

Exchange(s) where the shares of the Company are listed

Company are listed and the Articles of Association. If

or the Articles of Association, the applicable laws and

these Rules are inconsistent with the laws and

regulations, the listing rules of the Stock Exchange(s)

regulations promulgated by the State in the future, the

where the shares of the Company are listed and the

listing rules of the place where the shares of the

Articles of Association shall prevail.

Company are listed or the Articles of Association after

being revised by legal procedures, it shall be

implemented in accordance with the provisions of

relevant national laws and regulations, the listing rules

of the place where the shares of the Company are listed

and the Articles of Association, and shall be revised

immediately and submitted to the Board for

consideration and approval.

- II-6 -





The full text of the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Board of

Directors is set out below.

Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 1 In order to regulate the rules of procedure and

Article 1 In order to regulate the rules of procedure and

decision-making of the Board of Directors of COSCO

decision-making of the Board of Directors of COSCO

SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. ("the

SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. ("the

Company"), to make the directors and the Board

Company"), to make the directors and the Board

effectively perform their duties, and to ensure the

effectively perform their duties, and to ensure the


operation and scientific decision-making of


operation and scientific decision-making of

the Board, these Rules are formulated in accordance with

the Board, these Rules are formulated in accordance with

the Company Law of the People's Republic of China

the Company Law of the People's Republic of China

("Company Law"), Securities Law of the People's

("Company Law"), Securities Law of the People's

Republic of China, Mandatory Provisions for the

Republic of China, Mandatory Provisions for the

Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas,

Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas,

Standards for the Governance of Listed Companies,

Standards for the Governance of Listed Companies, the

Stock Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Rules

Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shanghai

Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock

Stock Exchange, the Rules Governing the Listing of

Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Listing Rules of

Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Articles of

Limited, and Articles of Association of COSCO

Association of COSCO SHIPPING Energy

SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. ("Articles

Transportation Co., Ltd. ("Articles of Association").

of Association").

Article 4 Pursuant to Articles of Association, the Board

Article 4 Pursuant to Articles of Association, the Board

shall exercise the following functions and powers:

shall exercise the following functions and powers:


to convene general meetings and report to


to convene general meetings and report to

general meetings;

general meetings;


to execute resolutions of general meetings;


to execute resolutions of general meetings;


to resolve on the business plans and investment


to resolve on the business plans and investment

plans of the Company;

plans of the Company;


to decide on the investment, purchase and


to decide on the investment, purchase and

disposal of assets, asset mortgage, consigned

disposal of assets, asset mortgage, consigned

financial management, connected transactions,

financial management, connected transactions,

etc. within the authority granted by the general

etc. within the authority granted by the general




to prepare the annual financial budgets and


to prepare the annual financial budgets and final

final accounting plans of the Company;

accounting plans of the Company;


to prepare the profit distribution plan and loss


to prepare the profit distribution plan and loss

makeup plan of the Company;

makeup plan of the Company;


to formulate plans for the increase or decrease


to formulate plans for the increase or decrease

of the registered capital of the Company;

of the registered capital of the Company;

- III-1 -





Existing articles

To be amended as


to formulate plans for issuing bonds or other


to formulate plans for issuing bonds or other

securities and listing of the Company;

securities and listing of the Company;


to formulate plans for material acquisitions,


to formulate plans for material acquisitions,

repurchase of shares of the Company, merger,

repurchase of shares of the Company, merger,

division, dissolution or transformation of the

division, dissolution or transformation of the




to resolve on the internal management setup of


to resolve on the internal management setup of

the Company;

the Company;


to appoint or dismiss general manager of the


to appoint or dismiss general manager of the




to appoint or dismiss Board secretary as


to appoint or dismiss Board secretary as

nominated by the chairman of the Board;

nominated by the chairman of the Board;


to appoint or dismiss senior executives


to appoint or dismiss senior executives

including deputy general manager and chief

including deputy general manager and chief

financial officer of the Company as nominated

financial officer of the Company as nominated

by the general manager, and to determine their

by the general manager, and to determine their

remunerations, awards and punishments;

remunerations, awards and punishments;


to set up the basic management system of the


to set up the basic management system of the




to formulate the plan for any amendment to the


to formulate the plan for any amendment to the

Articles of Association;

Articles of Association;


to formulate the equity incentive plan of the


to formulate the equity incentive plan of the




to manage the disclosure of the Company;


to manage the disclosure of the Company;


to propose the appointment or replacement of


to propose the appointment or replacement of

the accountant conducting audit for the

the accountant conducting audit for the

Company to the general meeting;

Company to the general meeting;


to listen to the work report by the general


to listen to the work report by the general

manager of the Company and examine the work

manager of the Company and examine the work

of the general manager;

of the general manager;


to elect the chairman and the vice-chairman of


to elect the chairman and the vice-chairman of

the Company;

the Company;

- III-2 -





Existing articles

To be amended as


to consider and approve external guarantees


to consider and approve external guarantees

given by the Company pursuant to the Articles

given by the Company pursuant to the Articles

of Association not subject to consideration by

of Association not subject to consideration by

the general meeting;

the general meeting;


to decide on the establishment or cancellation


to decide on the establishment or cancellation

of any branches of the Company;

of any branches of the Company;


to decide on such matters as the merger,


to decide on such matters as the merger,

division and reorganization of the subsidiaries

division and reorganization of the subsidiaries

of the Company;

of the Company;


to decide on the salary, benefits, award and


to decide on the salary, benefits, award and

punishment policy and plan;

punishment policy and plan;


to decide on the risk management system of the


to decide on the risk management system of the

Company, including risk appraisal, financial

Company, including risk appraisal, financial

control, internal audit, legal risk control and to

control, internal audit, legal risk control and

monitor its implementation;

to monitor its implementation;


to appoint or replace the directors and


to decide on the establishment of specialized

supervisors who are not representatives of

committees under the Board, to appoint or

employees of the wholly-owned subsidiaries

dismiss the directors of specialized committees

of the Company, to recommend candidates for

under the Board;

directors and supervisors who are not

representatives of employees of the controlling

(XXVII) to decide on the asset pledge or charge created

and shareholding subsidiaries of the Company

by the Company for its own debts;

and to recommend candidates for senior

management personnel of the wholly-owned

(XXVIII) to decide on the provision of guarantees for

and controlling subsidiaries;

loans granted to the headquarters of the

(XXVII) to decide on the establishment of specialized


committees under the Board, to appoint or


to decide on expenses other than the annual

dismiss the directors of specialized committees

budget of the Company;

under the Board;

(XXVIII) to decide on the asset pledge or charge created by the Company for its own debts;

(XXIX) to manage the records of the responsible persons of the functional departments of the headquarters of the Company;

- III-3 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

(XXX) to decide on the provision of guarantees for


to promote the law-based operation and

loans granted to the headquarters of the








policies and practices


compliance with laws and regulatory

(XXXI) to decide on expenses other than the annual

requirements, guide and supervise the

budget of the Company;

construction plan of corporate rule of law,

establish and implement the general legal

(XXXII) to exercise other functions and powers specified

adviser system, guide the study of resolving

in relevant laws, administrative regulations,

major issues on construction of corporate rule

departmental rules and the Articles of

of law, promote publicity and education on the

Association or granted by the general meetings.

corporate rule of law, so as to provide the

conditions and protection for the construction of

In exercising the aforesaid powers and functions, the

corporate rule of law; if legal issues are

Board shall also observe laws and regulations and the

involved in matters to be studied and

listing rules of the stock exchange(s) applicable to

considered, the general legal adviser shall be

domestic and overseas listed comapnies.

notified to attend the meeting and listen to the



to establish and review the Company's policies

and practices on corporate governance and

make recommendations to the Board.

(XXXII) to review










Directors and senior management;

(XXXIII) to review the Company's compliance with the

Corporate Governance Code as set out in

Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the

Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange

of Hong Kong Limited and disclosure in the

Corporate Governance Report;

(XXXIV) to exercise other functions and powers specified

in relevant laws, administrative regulations,

departmental rules and the Articles of

Association or granted by the general meetings.

In exercising the aforesaid powers and functions, the

Board shall also observe laws and regulations and the

listing rules of the stock exchange(s) applicable to

domestic and overseas listed companies.

- III-4 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 6 Pursuant to Articles of Association, the

Article 6 Pursuant to Articles of Association, the

chairman of the Board shall exercise the following

chairman of the Board shall exercise the following

functions and powers:

functions and powers:


to preside over general meetings and to convene


to preside over general meetings and to convene

and preside over Board meetings;

and preside over Board meetings;


to examine and supervise the implementation of


to examine and supervise the implementation of

the resolutions of the Board;

the resolutions of the Board;


to nominate Board secretary;


to nominate Board secretary;


to organize formulation of regulations on the


to organize formulation of regulations on the

operation of the Board, and to coordinate the

operation of the Board, and to coordinate the

operation of the Board;

operation of the Board;


to hear the regular or irregular work reports of


to hear the regular or irregular work reports of

the senior executives of the Company, and give

the senior executives of the Company, and give

opinions guiding execution of the resolutions of

opinions guiding execution of the resolutions of

the Board;

the Board;


to exercise other functions and powers specified


to listen to the work report on the rule of law

in relevant laws, administrative rules,

construction of the Company;

regulations of relevant authorities or Articles

of Association or granted by the general


to exercise other functions and powers specified


in relevant laws, administrative rules,

regulations of relevant authorities or Articles

of Association or granted by the general


Article 12 The board shall have a board office for

Article 12 The board shall have a board office for

handling the daily affairs of the board. The secretary of

handling the daily affairs of the board.

the Board or securities affair representative shall serve

concurrently as the officer in charge of the Board office

and keep the seals of the Board and the Board office.

Article 14 Members of the special committees shall be

Article 14 Members of the special committees shall be

directors as nominated by the chairman and approved by

directors as nominated by the chairman, or more than

the Board, and shall be accountable to the Board.

half of the independent non-executive directors, or one

Conveners of the special committees shall be nominated

third of all of the directors, and shall be elected by and

by the chairman and approved by the Board.

accountable to the Board. The chairman of the special

committees shall be elected by the special committees

and reported to the Board for approval.

- III-5 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 17 Board meetings include regular meetings and

Article 17 Board meetings include regular meetings and

provisional meetings. The Board shall hold at least four

provisional meetings. The Board shall hold at least four

regular meetings every year, usually once every quarter.

regular meetings every year, usually once every quarter.

Before serving the notice of regular meeting of the

Every regular meeting of the Board will have a majority

Board, the office of the Board shall adequately consult

of directors who are entitled to attend the meeting to

with the directors, and shall accordingly formulate a

attend by person, or participate actively through

preliminary proposal for meeting and submit the same to

electronic communication methods. Therefore, regular

the chairman of the Board for consideration. Before

meetings of the Board shall not include the obtaining of

deciding a proposal, the chairman may, where necessary,

approval from the Board by means of circulation of

seek opinions of the general manager and other senior

written resolutions. Before serving the notice of regular


meeting of the Board, the office of the Board shall

adequately consult with the directors, and shall

accordingly formulate a preliminary proposal for

meeting and submit the same to the chairman of the

Board for consideration. Before deciding a proposal, the

chairman may, where necessary, seek opinions of the

general manager and other senior executives.

Article 35 Where more than half of the attending

Article 35 Where more than half of the attending

directors or more than two independent directors think

directors or more than two independent directors think

they cannot make judgments on relevant issues because

they cannot make judgments on relevant issues because

the relevant proposal is not clear or specific or the

the relevant proposal is not clear or specific or the

meeting documents are inadequate, the presider shall

meeting documents are inadequate, the presider shall

require the meeting to suspend voting on the said

require the meeting to suspend voting on the said

proposal. The director proposing suspension of voting

proposal, and the Board shall duly accept and the

shall provide definite requirements for the conditions to

Company shall disclose the relevant information in a

be met for resubmitting the said proposal for

timely manner. The director proposing suspension of


voting shall provide definite requirements for the

conditions to be met for resubmitting the said proposal

for deliberation.

- III-6 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 45 The Board secretary shall arrange Board

Article 45 The Board secretary shall arrange Board

office staff to record the minutes of the Board meeting.

office staff to record the minutes of the Board meeting.

Minutes shall be signed by all attending directors, Board

Minutes shall be signed by all attending directors, Board

secretary and the person taking the minutes. The minutes

secretary and the person taking the minutes. The minutes

shall include the following information:

shall include the following information:


the serial number, time, venue and form of the


the serial number, time, venue and form of the




sending of the notice of meeting;


sending of the notice of meeting;


convener and presider of the meeting;


convener and presider of the meeting;


the agenda of the meeting;


the agenda of the meeting;


the names of the attending directors and the


the names of the attending directors and the

directors (proxies) attending the meeting on

directors (proxies) attending the meeting on

behalf of others;

behalf of others;


the proposals considered at the meeting, chief


the proposals considered at the meeting, chief

comments and opinions of directors on relevant

comments and opinions of directors on relevant


issues, any doubts or objections raised by the


the voting method and result for each resolution


(the voting result shall set out the numbers of


the voting method and result for each resolution

pros, cons and abstentions and names of

(the voting result shall set out the numbers of


pros, cons and abstentions and names of


other issues that the attending directors think


should be recorded.


other issues that the attending directors think

should be recorded.

Article 46 Where a Board meeting is held onsite, the

Article 46 Where a Board meeting is held onsite, the

Board secretary shall organize Board office staff to serve

Board secretary shall organize Board office staff to serve

the meeting minutes to the attending directors within

the meeting minutes to the attending directors within

three days after conclusion of the meeting. Where a

three days after conclusion of the meeting. Where a

Board meeting is held offsite, the Board secretary shall

Board meeting is held offsite, the Board secretary shall

organize Board office staff to finish sorting out the

organize Board office staff to finish sorting out the

meeting minutes and forming resolutions within three

meeting minutes and forming resolutions within three

days after conclusion of the meeting and send the

days after conclusion of the meeting and send the

minutes and resolutions to the attending directors. The

minutes and resolutions to all the directors. The

directors shall sign the minutes and resolutions after

attending directors shall sign the minutes and

receipt of the same and shall within three days send the

resolutions after receipt of the same and shall within

same to the Board secretary.

three days send the same to the Board secretary.

- III-7 -





Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 47 The attending directors shall sign the minutes,

Article 47 The attending directors shall sign the minutes,

resolutions and summary of the meeting in person or on

resolutions and summary of the meeting in person or on

behalf of the directors appointing them to attend the

behalf of the directors appointing them to attend the

meeting. Where the directors disagree over the minutes,

meeting. Where the directors disagree over the minutes,

resolutions and summary of the meeting, they may attach

resolutions and summary of the meeting, they may attach

written remarks when signing the same.

written remarks when signing the same. The Company

shall send the final draft of the minutes, resolutions and

summary of the meeting to all members of the Board for

record purpose.

Article 54 Matters not covered herein or conflicts

Article 54 Any matters not covered in these Rules shall

between these Rules and laws and regulations, listing

be subject to relevant national laws and regulations, the

rules of the stock exchange with which the Company is

listing rules of the place where the shares of the

listed or Articles of Association shall be governed by the

Company are listed and the Articles of Association. If

applicable laws and regulations, listing rules and Articles

these Rules are inconsistent with the laws and

of Association.

regulations promulgated by the State in the future, the

listing rules of the place where the shares of the

Company are listed or the Articles of Association after

being revised by legal procedures, it shall be

implemented in accordance with the provisions of

relevant national laws and regulations, the listing rules

of the place where the shares of the Company are listed

and the Articles of Association, and shall be revised

immediately and submitted to the Board for

consideration and approval.

- III-8 -





The full text of the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the

Supervisory Committee is set out below.

Existing articles

To be amended as

Article 12 The Supervisory Committee shall exercise the

Article 12 The Supervisory Committee shall exercise the

following functions and powers according to law:

following functions and powers according to law:


to examine the regular reports of the Company


to examine the regular reports of the Company

prepared by the Board and produce written

prepared by the Board and produce written

opinions thereon;

opinions thereon;


to review the financial affairs of the Company;


to review the financial affairs of the Company;


to supervise the work of the directors and


to supervise the work of the directors and senior

senior executives, and propose dismissal of

executives, and propose dismissal of directors

directors and senior executives who have

and senior executives who have violated laws,

violated laws, administrative rules, the Articles

administrative rules, the Articles of Association

of Association or the resolutions of general

or the resolutions of general meetings;



if any act of the directors, general manager, and


if any act of the directors, general manager, and

other senior executives damages the interests of

other senior executives damages the interests of

the Company, to require them to rectify such

the Company, to require them to rectify such

act accordingly;

act accordingly;


to present motions to general meetings;


to present motions to general meetings;


to propose the convening of extraordinary


to propose the convening of extraordinary

general meetings and, in case the Board does

general meetings and, in case the Board does

not perform the obligations to convene and

not perform the obligations to convene and

preside over the general meetings in accordance

preside over the general meetings in accordance

with Company Law, to convene and preside the

with Company Law, to convene and preside the

general meetings;

general meetings;


to propose to convene a provisional Board


to propose to convene a provisional Board




to elect chairman of the Supervisory


to elect chairman of the Supervisory




to initiate legal proceedings against the


to initiate legal proceedings against the

directors or senior management personnel in

directors or senior management personnel in

accordance with Company Law;

accordance with Company Law;


if there are any unusual circumstances in the


if there are any unusual circumstances in the

Company's operations, to conduct investigation,

Company's operations, to conduct investigation,

and, if necessary, to engage an accounting firm,

and, if necessary, to engage an accounting firm,

law firm or other professionals to assist in their

law firm or other professionals to assist in their

work at the costs of the Company;

work at the costs of the Company;


to exercise other functions and powers


to exercise other functions and powers

stipulated by laws, regulations and the Articles

stipulated by laws, regulations and the

of Association.

Articles of Association.

- IV-1 -




(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1138)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an extraordinary general meeting (the "EGM") of COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. (the "Company") will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 (or at any adjournment thereof) at 3rd Floor, Ocean Hotel, No. 1171 Dong Da Ming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the People's Republic of China to consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolutions. Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this notice shall have the same meanings as those defined in the announcements of the Company dated 30 October 2019 in relation to, among other things, the Proposed Amendments and the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares (the "Extension Announcement").


    1. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the proposed amendments to the articles of association of the Company (the "Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association"):
      1. the Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association be and are hereby approved and confirmed; and
      2. any one director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and things (including filing the amended articles of association of the Company with the relevant authorities for approval, endorsement and/or registration as appropriate) and execute and deliver all such documents, deeds or instruments (including affixing the common seal of the Company thereon) and take all such steps as the director in his or her sole opinion and absolute discretion may consider necessary, appropriate or desirable to implement or give effect to the Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association."
    2. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the proposed amendments to the rules and procedures of shareholders' general meetings of the Company (the "Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' General Meetings"):
  • For identification purposes only

- EGM-1 -



    1. the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' General Meetings be and are hereby approved and confirmed; and
    2. any one director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and things (including filing the amended rules and procedures of shareholders' general meetings of the Company with the relevant authorities for approval, endorsement and/or registration as appropriate) and execute and deliver all such documents, deeds or instruments (including affixing the common seal of the Company thereon) and take all such steps as the director in his or her sole opinion and absolute discretion may consider necessary, appropriate or desirable to implement or give effect to the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' General Meetings."
  1. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the proposed amendments to the rules and procedures of meetings of the board of directors of the Company (the "Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Board of Directors"):
    1. the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Board of Directors be and are hereby approved and confirmed; and
    2. any one director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and things (including filing the amended rules and procedures of meetings of the board of directors of the Company with the relevant authorities for approval, endorsement and/or registration as appropriate) and execute and deliver all such documents, deeds or instruments (including affixing the common seal of the Company thereon) and take all such steps as the director in his or her sole opinion and absolute discretion may consider necessary, appropriate or desirable to implement or give effect to the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Board of Directors."
  2. To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the proposed amendments to the rules and procedures of meetings of the supervisory committee of the Company (the "Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Supervisory Committee"):
    1. the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Supervisory Committee be and are hereby approved and confirmed; and
    2. any one director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and things (including filing the amended rules and procedures of meetings of the supervisory committee of the Company with the relevant authorities for approval, endorsement and/ or registration as appropriate) and execute and deliver all such documents, deeds or

- EGM-2 -


instruments (including affixing the common seal of the Company thereon) and take all such steps as the director in his or her sole opinion and absolute discretion may consider necessary, appropriate or desirable to implement or give effect to the Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Meetings of the Supervisory Committee."

  1. To consider and approve the extension of the validity period of the shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.
  2. To consider and approve the extension of the validity period of the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

By order of the Board

COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd.

Yao Qiaohong

Company Secretary

1 November 2019

Shanghai, the People's Republic of China


  1. The H share register of the Company will be closed from Saturday, 16 November 2019 to Tuesday, 17 December 2019 (both days inclusive), during which no transfer of H shares will be effected. Any holders of H shares of the Company, whose names appear on the Company's register of members on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 are entitled to attend and vote at the EGM after completing the registration procedures for attending the meeting. In order to be entitled to attend and vote at the EGM, all duly completed transfer forms accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company's H share registrar not later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, 15 November 2019.
  2. The address of the share registrar (for share transfer) for the Company's H shares is as follows:
    Hong Kong Registrars Limited Shops 1712-1716
    17th Floor Hopewell Centre
    183 Queen's Road East Wanchai
    Hong Kong
  3. Holders of H shares, who intend to attend the EGM, must complete the reply slips for attending the EGM and return them to the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company not later than 20 days before the date of the EGM, i.e. no later than Wednesday, 27 November 2019.

- EGM-3 -


Details of the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company are as follows:

7th Floor, 670 Dongdaming Road Hongkou District, Shanghai

the People's Republic of China

Postal Code: 200080

Tel: 86 (21) 6596 6666

Fax: 86 (21) 6596 6160

  1. Each holder of H shares who has the right to attend and vote at the EGM is entitled to appoint in writing one or more proxies, whether that proxy is a shareholder or not, to attend and vote on his behalf at the EGM.
  2. The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing under the hand of the appointor or his proxy duly authorised in writing or, if the principal is a legal person, under seal or under the hand of the director or proxy duly authorised. Where such instrument is signed by a person authorised by the appointor, the power of attorney authorising signature or other authorisation documents shall be notarised.
  3. For holders of H shares, the form of proxy, and if the form of proxy is signed by a person under a power of attorney or other authority on behalf of the appointor, a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney or other authority, must be delivered to the Company's H share registrar, Hong Kong Registrars Limited at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for holding the EGM (or any adjournment thereof) in order for such documents to be valid.
  4. Each holder of A shares is entitled to appoint in writing one or more proxies, whether a shareholder or not, to attend and vote on its behalf at the EGM. Notes (D) to (E) also apply to holders of A shares, except that the proxy form or other documents of authority must be delivered to the Office of the Board of Directors, the address of which is set out in Note (C) above, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for holding the EGM (or any adjournment thereof) in order for such documents to be valid.
  5. If a proxy attends the EGM on behalf of a shareholder, he should produce his identity card and the instrument signed by the proxy or his legal representative, which specifies the date of its issuance. If the legal representative of a shareholder which shareholder is a legal person attends the EGM, such legal representative should produce his identity card and valid documents evidencing his capacity as such legal representative. If a shareholder which is a legal person appoints a company representative other than its legal representative to attend the EGM, such representative should produce his identity card and an authorisation instrument affixed with the seal of that shareholder (which is a legal person) and duly signed by its legal representative.
  6. The EGM is expected to last for an hour. Shareholders attending the EGM are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses.
  7. As at the date of this notice, the board of directors of the Company comprises Mr. Liu Hanbo and Mr. Zhu Maijin as executive directors, Mr. Feng Boming, Mr. Zhang Wei and Ms. Lin Honghua as non-executive directors, Mr. Ruan Yongping, Mr. Ip Sing Chi, Mr. Rui Meng and Mr. Teo Siong Seng as independent non-executive directors.

- EGM-4 -




(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1138)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the class meeting for holders of H Shares ("H Shares Class Meeting") of COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. (the "Company") will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 3rd Floor, Ocean Hotel, No. 1171 Dong Da Ming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, the People's Republic of China (to be convened in the order of the extraordinary general meeting, class meeting for holders of A shares and H Shares Class Meeting) to consider and, if thought fit, approve the following resolutions. Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 30 October 2019 (the "Announcement") in respect of the extension of validity period of the shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A shares and authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorized by the Board to handle all matters in connection with the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A shares of the Company, which contains details of the transactions referred to in the resolutions below. Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this notice shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement.


  1. To consider and approve the extension of the validity period of the shareholders' resolutions relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.
  2. To consider and approve the extension of the validity period of the authorisation granted to the Board and any person authorised by the Board to handle all matters relating to the Proposed Non-public Issuance of A Shares.

By order of the Board

COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd.

Yao Qiaohong

Company Secretary

1 November 2019

Shanghai, the People's Republic of China

* For identification purposes only

- HCM-1 -



  1. The H share register of the Company will be closed from Saturday, 16 November 2019 to Tuesday, 17 December 2019 (both days inclusive), during which no transfer of H shares will be effected. Any holders of H shares of the Company, whose names appear on the Company's register of members on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 are entitled to attend and vote at the H Shares Class Meeting after completing the registration procedures for attending the meeting. In order to be entitled to attend and vote at the H Shares Class Meeting, all duly completed transfer forms accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company's H share registrar not later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, 15 November 2019.
  2. The address of the share registrar (for share transfer) for the Company's H shares is as follows:
    Hong Kong Registrars Limited Shops 1712-1716
    17th Floor Hopewell Centre
    183 Queen's Road East Wanchai
    Hong Kong
  3. Holders of H shares, who intend to attend the H Shares Class Meeting, must complete the reply slips for attending the H Shares Class Meeting and return them to the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company not later than 20 days before the date of the H Shares Class Meeting, i.e. no later than Wednesday, 27 November 2019.
    Details of the Office of the Board of Directors of the Company are as follows:
    7th Floor, 670 Dongdaming Road Hongkou District, Shanghai
    the People's Republic of China Postal Code: 200080
    Tel: 86 (21) 6596 6666
    Fax: 86 (21) 6596 6160
  4. Each holder of H shares who has the right to attend and vote at the H Shares Class Meeting is entitled to appoint in writing one or more proxies, whether that proxy is a shareholder or not, to attend and vote on his behalf at the H Shares Class Meeting.
  5. The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing under the hand of the appointor or his proxy duly authorised in writing or, if the principal is a legal person, under seal or under the hand of the director or proxy duly authorised. Where such instrument is signed by a person authorised by the appointor, the power of attorney authorising signature or other authorisation documents shall be notarised.
  6. For holders of H shares, the form of proxy, and if the form of proxy is signed by a person under a power of attorney or other authority on behalf of the appointor, a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney or other authority, must be delivered to the Company's H share registrar, Hong Kong Registrars Limited at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for holding the H Share Class Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) in order for such documents to be valid.
  7. If a proxy attends the H Shares Class Meeting on behalf of a shareholder, he should produce his identity card and the instrument signed by the proxy or his legal representative, which specifies the date of its issuance. If the legal representative of a shareholder which shareholder is a legal person attends the H Shares Class Meeting, such legal representative should produce his identity card and valid documents evidencing his capacity as such legal representative. If a shareholder which is a legal person appoints a company representative other than its legal

- HCM-2 -


representative to attend the H Shares Class Meeting, such representative should produce his identity card and an authorisation instrument affixed with the seal of that shareholder (which is a legal person) and duly signed by its legal representative.

  1. The H Shares Class Meeting is expected to last for an hour. Shareholders attending the H Shares Class Meeting are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses.
  2. As at the date of this notice, the board of directors of the Company comprises Mr. Liu Hanbo and Mr. Zhu Maijin as executive directors, Mr. Feng Boming, Mr. Zhang Wei and Ms. Lin Honghua as non-executive directors, Mr. Ruan Yongping, Mr. Ip Sing Chi, Mr. Rui Meng and Mr. Teo Siong Seng as independent non-executive directors.

- HCM-3 -


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COSCO Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. published this content on 22 November 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 22 November 2019 10:16:05 UTC