CrayoNano AS

Innkalling til ordinær generalforsamling

Notice of annual general meeting






Notice is hereby served that the annual general

generalforsamling i CrayoNano AS ("Selskapet")

meeting of CrayoNano AS (the "Company") will

7. juni 2022 kl 16.30 CET.

be held on 7th of June 2022 at 16.30 CET.

Generalforsamlingen avholdes ved digitalt møte

The general meeting will be held by way of a

på Microsoft Teams. Aksjonærer som ønsker å






delta på den ordinære generalforsamlingen bes

Shareholders who wish to attend the ordinary

derfor melde dette til Selskapet v/CFO Jens

general meeting are therefore requested to notify

Kielland ( senest

the Company represented by the CFO Jens

6 juni 2022 kl 12:00. Selskapet vil deretter sende



of this






no later than 6 June 2022 at 12:00 CET.


Subsequently, the Company will circulate

meeting invitations to the attending shareholders.


1. Åpning og valg av møteleder og en 1. Opening and election of a chairperson

person til å medundertegne protokollen

and a person to co-sign the minutes


Godkjennelse av innkallingen og 2.

Approval of the notice and the agenda


3. Godkjenning av årsregnskap og styrets 3. Approval of the annual accounts and

årsberetning for CrayoNano AS for

directors' report of CrayoNano AS for

2021, herunder disponering av årets

2021, including allocation of the result


of the year

Styret foreslår generalforsamlingen treffer

The board of directors propose that the general

følgende vedtak:

meeting passes the following resolution:

"Årsregnskapet og styrets beretning for

"The annual accounts and the directors'

2021 ble godkjent, herunder styrets forslag

report for 2021 were approved, including

til disponering av årets resultat."

the proposal of the Board of Directors for

the allocation of the result of the year."

4. Fastsettelse av honorar til styrets 4. Determination of the remuneration of


the members of the board of directors

Styret foreslår at generalforsamlingen treffer

The board of directors propose that the general

følgende vedtak:

meeting passes the following resolution:

"Styrets medlemmer mottar til sammen

"The members of the board of directors will

NOK 510 000 i honorar for regnskapsåret


in total

NOK 510,000 as

2021. Honoraret fordeles som følger:

remuneration for the fiscal year 2021. The

remuneration will be allocated as follows:

- Leif Rune Rinnan mottar NOK 0

- Leif Rune Rinnan receives NOK 0

- Torkjell Johan Nilsen mottar NOK 120 000







Jan Eyvind Wang mottar NOK 120 000

NOK 120 000


Jan Eyvind Wang receives NOK 120 000






- William Bruce Cortelyou receives

NOK 150 000

- John Raaum mottar NOK 120 000"

NOK 150 000

- John Raaum receives NOK 120 000"


5. Godkjennelse av honorar til Selskapets 5. Approval of the remuneration of the


Company's auditor

Styret foreslår at generalforsamlingen treffer

The board of directors propose that the general

følgende vedtak:

meeting passes the following resolution:

"Honorar til Selskapets revisor for

"The remuneration for the Company's

regnskapsåret 2021 godkjennes etter

auditor is approved in accordance with the




Valg av medlemmer til styret


Election of members to the board of


Styret foreslår at følgende blir valgt som

The board of directors propose that the following

styremedlemmer :

are elected as members of the board of directors:

- Leif Rune Rinnan, styreleder

- Leif Rune Rinnan, Chairman

- Torkjell Johan Nilsen, styremedlem

- Torkjell Johan Nilsen, board member

- Jan Eyvin Wang, styremedlem

- Jan Eyvin Wang, board member

- William Bruce Cortelyou, styremedlem

- William Bruce Cortelyou, board member,


John Raaum, styremedlem

- John Raaum, board member

Jørgen Andre Nilsen, varamedlem

Jørgen Andre Nilsen, deputy board



Forslag om fullmakt til Selskapets styre


Proposal for authorization to the board

til å forhøye Selskapets aksjekapital # 1

of directors to increase the Company's

- til bruk for opsjoner

share capital # 1 - for the purpose of

exercising options

På den ordinære generalforsamlingen i 2021 ble

At the annual general meeting in 2021, it was

det vedtatt å gi styret fullmakt til å øke

resolved to grant the board of directors an

aksjekapitalen med 45 787,00 i forbindelse med

authorisation to increase the share capital by up

opsjonsprogrammet og andre incentivordninger i

to NOK 45,787.00 in connection with the option

selskapet. Fullmakten utløper 7. april 2023.

program and other incentive schemes in the

Company. The authorisation expires on 7 April


For at styret skal kunne oppfylle Selskapets

In order for the board of directors to fulfil the

forpliktelser i henhold til nåværende og fremtidige

Company's obligations in accordance with

opsjonsprogram, samt andre incentivordninger,

current and future option schemes, and other

foreslår styret at generalforsamlingen forlenger

incentive schemes, the board of directors

fullmakten til å forhøye Selskapets aksjekapital

proposes that the general meeting extends the

på samme vilkår som eksisterende fullmakt.

new authorisation to increase the share capital of

the Company on the same terms as the current


Styret foreslår at generalforsamlingen treffer

The board of directors propose that the general

følgende vedtak:

meeting passes the following resolution:

(i) Styret gis i henhold til aksjeloven § 10-

(i) The board

of directors is authorized

14 (1) fullmakt til å forhøye Selskapets

pursuant to the Companies Act section

aksjekapital med inntil NOK 45 787 (2

10-14 (1) to increase the Company's

289 350 aksjer). Innenfor denne

share capital by up to NOK 45 787 (2

samlede beløpsrammen kan fullmakten

289 350 shares). Subject to this

benyttes flere ganger.


amount limitation, the

authority may be used on more than

one occasion.



Fullmakten kan bare benyttes til å


The authority may only be used to issue

utstede aksjer til deltakere i et

shares to participants in an option

opsjonsprogram eller i forbindelse med

scheme or in relation to other incentive

andre incentivordninger.



Fullmakten gjelder i to år fra avholdelse


The authority shall be valid for a period

av denne generalforsamlingen.

of two years from the date of this

general meeting.






The pre-emptive rights of the

aksjeloven § 10-4 kan fravikes.

shareholders under section 10-4 of the

Companies Act may be set aside.


Fullmakten omfatter kapitalforhøyelse


The authority covers capital increases

mot innskudd i penger og mot innskudd

against contributions in cash and

i andre eiendeler enn penger.

contributions other than in cash. The

Fullmakten omfatter rett til å pådra

authority covers the right to incur

selskapet særlige plikter, jf. aksjeloven

special obligations for the Company,

§ 10-2.

ref. section 10-2 of the Companies Act.


Med virkning fra tidspunktet for


With effect from the time of registration

registering av denne fullmakten i

of this authority with the Norwegian

Foretaksregisteret trekkes alle tidligere

Register of Business Enterprises all

tildelte styrefullmakter til å forhøye

previous authorities to the board of

aksjekapitalen tilbake.

directors to increase the share capital

are revoked.


Forslag om fullmakt til Selskapets styre

8. Proposal for authorization to the board of

til å forhøye Selskapets aksjekapital # 2

directors to increase the Company's share

capital # 2

For å kunne ha fleksibilitet til å gjøre oppkjøp og

For the purpose of creating flexibility for the

til å kunne styrke Selskapet egenkapital foreslår

board in connection with acquisitions and

styret at generalforsamlingen utsteder en fullmakt

potential future financing, the board of directors

til å forhøye Selskapets aksjekapital.

propose that the general meeting grants power of

attorney to increase the share capital of the


Styret foreslår på denne bakgrunn at On this background, the board of directors

generalforsamlingen treffer følgende vedtak: propose that the general meeting passes the following resolution:

(i) Styret gis i henhold til aksjeloven § 10-

(i) The board of directors is authorized

14 (1) fullmakt til å forhøye Selskapets

pursuant to the Companies Act section


med inntil

NOK 81


10-14 (1) to increase the Company's

tilsvarende omtrent 15 prosent av

share capital by up to NOK 81 000,




approximately 15 % of the current share

Innenfor denne samlede beløpsrammen

capital of the Company. Subject to this

kan fullmakten benyttes flere ganger.

aggregate amount



authority may be used on more than one


(ii) Fullmakten gjelder i to år fra avholdelse

(ii) The authority shall be valid for a period of

av denne generalforsamlingen.

two years from the date of this general


(iii) Aksjeeiernes



(iii) The





aksjeloven § 10-4 kan fravikes.

shareholders under section 10-4 of the

Companies Act may be set aside.


  1. Fullmakten omfatter kapitalforhøyelse mot innskudd i penger og mot innskudd i andre eiendeler enn penger. Fullmakten omfatter rett til å pådra selskapet særlige plikter, jf. aksjeloven § 10-2."

Aksjonærer har rett til å møte og stemme ved fullmektig. Det må i så tilfelle fremlegges en skriftlig og datert fullmakt. Vedlagte fullmakts- skjema kan benyttes, se vedlegg 1.

  1. The authority covers capital increases against contributions in cash and contributions other than in cash. The authority covers the right to incur special obligations for the Company, ref. section 10-2 of the Companies Act."

Shareholders may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. In this case a written and dated proxy must be provided. The enclosed proxy form may be used, ref. Appendix 1.

In case of any discrepancies between the Norwegian text and the English translation, the Norwegian text shall prevail.

CrayoNano AS

31th May 2022

Signature: ______SIGN_______________

Name in block letters: Rune Rinnan

Styrets leder/Chairman of the Board of Directors




Proxy Form


Attendance slip


dokumenter er tilgjengelig

på The following documents are available at the

Selskapets nettsider,

Company´s website,

  • Årsregnskap, styrets årsberetning og - Annual accounts, annual report and the

revisjonsberetning for 2021

auditor's report for 2021


Vedlegg 1 Fullmaktsskjema/Appendix 1 Proxy From


As the owner of _______ shares in CrayoNano AS I/we hereby appoint

The chairman of the board of directors

________________________ (insert name)

as my/our proxy to represent and vote for my/our shares at the [annual]/[extraordinary] general meeting of CrayoNano AS to be held on 7th of June 2022.

If none of the alternatives above has been ticked the chairman of the board will be considered appointed as proxy. If the chairman of the board has been appointed as proxy, the chairman of the board can appoint another member of the board or the management to represent and vote for the shares covered by the proxy.

If the shareholder so desires and the chairman of the board has been appointed as proxy, the voting instructions below can be filled in and returned to the Company. The shares will then be voted in accordance with the instructions.

Voting instructions:







Approval of notice of meeting and agenda

Approval of the annual accounts and directors' report of

CrayoNano AS for 2020, including allocation of the result of

the year

Determination of the remuneration of the members of the

board of directors

Approval of the remuneration of the Company's auditor

Election of members to the board of directors

Proposal for authorisation to the board of directors to

increase the Company's share capital #1 - for the purpose

of exercising options

Proposal for authorisation to the board of directors to

increase the Company's share capital #2

If voting instructions are given the following applies:

  • If the box "Vote for" has been ticked, the proxy is instructed to vote for the proposal in the notice, with any changes suggested by the board of directors, the chairman of the board or the chairperson of the meeting. In case of changes in the proposals included in the notice, the proxy can at his/her own discretion abstain from voting the shares.
  • If the box "Vote against" has been ticked, this implies that the proxy is instructed to vote against the proposal in the notice, with any changes suggested by the board, the Chairman of the Board or the chairman of the meeting. In case of changes in the proposals included in the notice, the proxy can, at his/her discretion, abstain from voting the shares.


This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


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Crayonano AS published this content on 31 May 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 May 2022 10:09:03 UTC.