ETFs positioned on CropEnergies AG

Logo CropEnergies AG
CropEnergies AG is a Germany-based manufacturer of bio-ethanol from cereals and sugar beet. As by-product of bio-ethanol, the Company also produces various food and animal feed products, such as ProtiWanze, a liquid protein animal feed for feeding ruminants and pigs, as well as a high-grade dry stillage protein animal feed produced by drying and in some cases by pelletization. Next to that, the Company also produces neutral alcohol for the beverage, food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, as well as for industrial applications, such as the production of windscreen washer fluid and disinfectants. The Company operates production facilities in Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and France, and has trading offices in Brazil, Chile and the United States.
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Trading Rating
Investor Rating
ESG Refinitiv
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Net sales - Rate of surprise