A new report by a cybersecurity expert group shows that at least 13 phone companies were targeted by sophisticated hackers.

Cybersecurity group CrowdStrike published a report Tuesday naming LightBasin as a group gathering intelligence.

The developer of one tool used by LightBasin has some knowledge of Chinese language, but CrowdStrike Intelligence noted that it doesn't "assert a nexus between LightBasin and China."

LightBasin has consistently targeted global telecommunications since 2016, according to CrowdStrike.

Since 2019, there is evidence of LightBasin striking at least 13 phone companies by running a basic script on systems between 2:15 a.m. and 2:45 a.m. each day, searching for connections to mobile devices.

"With the clear evidence of a highly sophisticated adversary abusing these systems and the trust between different organizations, focusing on improving the security of these networks is of the utmost importance," Crowdstrike wrote.

It recommended that companies should have access to comprehensive data on threats at all times in order to inform security decisions.

Crowdstrike also said it's unlikely the hackers will stop, and that organizations should expect to be continually targeted.

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