Business description: CVR Partners, LP

CVR Partners, LP owns and operates the nitrogen fertilizer business. It produces nitrogen fertilizer products at two manufacturing facilities, one located in Coffeyville, Kansas operated by its subsidiary, Coffeyville Resources Nitrogen Fertilizers, LLC (the Coffeyville Facility) and one located in East Dubuque, Illinois operated by its wholly owned subsidiary, East Dubuque Nitrogen Fertilizers, LLC (EDNF). Both facilities manufacture ammonia and are able to further upgrade such ammonia to other nitrogen fertilizer products, principally urea ammonium nitrate (UAN). Nitrogen fertilizer is used by farmers to improve the yield and quality of their crops, primarily corn and wheat. Its products are sold on a wholesale basis in the United States of America. The Coffeyville Facility manufacturing facility includes a 1,300 ton-per-day ammonia unit, a 3,100 ton-per-day UAN unit and a dual-train gasifier complex having a capacity of 89 million standard cubic feet per day of hydrogen.

Number of employees: 310

Sales by Activity: CVR Partners, LP

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Produces and Distributes Nitrogen Fertilizer Products

404M 350M 533M 836M 681M
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: CVR Partners, LP

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

United States

404M 350M 533M 836M 681M
See all geographic segments

Managers: CVR Partners, LP

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 60 2014-05-04
Director of Finance/CFO 41 2021-08-08
Investor Relations Contact - 2018-12-31
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 50 2021-08-08
General Counsel 49 2018-07-01
See CVR PARTNERS, LP governance

Members of the board: CVR Partners, LP

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 77 2010-12-22
Director/Board Member 82 2010-12-22
Director/Board Member 60 2011-06-19
Director/Board Member 73 2014-04-30
Chairman 67 2017-12-30
Chairman 69 -
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: CVR Partners, LP

Carl Celian Icahn (Investment Company)
38.47 %
4,066,192 38.47 % 309 M $
Ion Asset Management Ltd.
0.8193 %
86,600 0.8193 % 7 M $
Zazove Associates LLC
0.7351 %
77,700 0.7351 % 6 M $
Susquehanna Securities LLC
0.4462 %
47,164 0.4462 % 4 M $
De Lisle Partners LLP
0.4325 %
45,717 0.4325 % 3 M $
List of CVR PARTNERS, LP shareholders

Company details: CVR Partners, LP

CVR Partners LP

2277 Plaza Drive Suite 500

77479, Sugar Land

+281 207 3200
address CVR Partners, LP(UAN)


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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
Average -1.03%+0.06%+16.97%+23.94% 8.03B
Weighted average by Cap. -1.51%-0.46%+9.25%+1.70%
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  1. Stock Market
  2. Equities
  3. UAN Stock
  4. Company CVR Partners, LP