The truckmaker Daimler Truck suffered a significant drop in sales last year due to the weak economy.

The Dax-listed company sold around 460,000 commercial vehicles worldwide, twelve percent fewer than in the previous year, as the company announced on Tuesday. In Europe and Asia, sales plummeted by a fifth, while sales in the US market were only slightly lower than in the previous year. Daimler has thus just met the lower end of its sales guidance range for 2024.

Electric trucks remained a very small segment, with around 4,000 vehicles sold. However, this was still 17 percent more than in the previous year. This week, Daimler was able to secure a major order from Amazon for 200 fully electric eActros trucks.

(Report by Ilona Wissenbach. Edited by Olaf Brenner. For further inquiries, please contact the editorial team at