Share class: Danone

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1679,556,493632,496,750 ( 93.07 %) 35,901,246 ( 5.283 %) 93.07 %

Major shareholders: Danone

Artisan Partners LP
6.863 %
46,638,979 6.863 % 3 145 M €
Danone SA
5.283 %
35,901,246 5.283 % 2 421 M €
Groupe Danone SA Employee Stock Ownership Plan
1.636 %
11,115,090 1.636 % 750 M €
Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management)
0.6472 %
4,398,356 0.6472 % 297 M €
OFI Invest Asset Management SA
0.412 %
2,800,013 0.412 % 189 M €
Crédit Mutuel Asset Management SA
0.1981 %
1,346,054 0.1981 % 91 M €
State Street Global Advisors Ltd.
0.167 %
1,134,988 0.167 % 77 M €
Fineco Asset Management DAC
0.151 %
1,026,334 0.151 % 69 M €
FMR Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
0.1407 %
955,848 0.1407 % 64 M €
Sjunde AP-fonden
0.1317 %
894,712 0.1317 % 60 M €
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Hantz Financial Services, Inc.
0.0157 %
106,452 0.0157 % 1 M €
Great Lakes Advisors LLC
0.0155 %
105,426 0.0155 % 1 M €
Yousif Capital Management LLC
0.0132 %
89,645 0.0132 % 1 M €
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.0106 %
72,065 0.0106 % 964 950 €
Sterling Capital Management LLC
0.007355 %
49,983 0.007355 % 669 272 €
The Chicago Trust Co. NA
0.002373 %
16,127 0.002373 % 215 941 €
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.002359 %
16,029 0.002359 % 214 628 €
SVB Wealth LLC
0.001841 %
12,509 0.001841 % 167 496 €
Boston Common Asset Management LLC
0.001768 %
12,015 0.001768 % 160 881 €
Diversified Trust Co.
0.001645 %
11,180 0.001645 % 149 700 €
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191,586 - 13 M €
Jyske Bank A/S (Investment Management)
6,350 - 428 192 €
Pensofinance SA
4,300 - 289 957 €

Breakdown by shareholder type

Danone SA5.28%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

France 8.81%
United States 6.87%
United Kingdom 0.59%
Italy 0.32%
Ireland 0.27%
Germany 0.25%
Sweden 0.24%
Denmark 0.15%
Spain 0.12%
Belgium 0.12%
Norway 0.11%
Switzerland 0.11%
Finland 0.09%
Luxembourg 0.08%
Canada 0.06%
Netherlands 0.05%
Japan 0.04%
Australia 0.03%
South Africa 0.02%
Austria 0.02%
Liechtenstein 0.01%
Hong Kong 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Danone
Danone is one the world leading food-processing groups. Net sales break down by family of products as follows: - dairy products and plant products (51.9%; No. 1 worldwide): fresh fermented milk products, creams, products and drinks of plant origin (based in particular on soya, almond, hazelnut, rice, oats and coconut); - specialized nutrition products (30.8%): baby foods (No. 1 worldwide; foods for infants and young children in addition to breastfeeding) and medical nutrition products (No. 2 in Europe; foods for people suffering from certain pathologies or people weakened by age); - bottled water (17.3%; No. 2 worldwide): natural water, aromatized water or enriched in vitamins (brands Evian, Volvic, Badoit, Aqua, etc.). At the end of 2023, the group had more than 174 production sites throughout the world. Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: France (8.4%), Europe (25.5%), North America (25%), China/Japan/Australia/New Zealand (12.7%), Latin America (10.1%) and other (18.3%).
More about the company